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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    This looks like the best dlc to date, for me, as a creator addict. There looks like so much potential, i hope they up the prop limit to like 150 if possible. Let's hope they are available in the content creator though... All those new vehicles look great too! Looks like we'll be doing some real nitro circus' on stunt nights from now on! Also, does anyone else remember SA-MP?
  2. I'll be there, but not as long as i usually am, i have to be in London early in the morning.
  3. ^Looks like Scotland and Ireland want out of GB and back in the EU, so this is what our flag should be, England & Wales.
  4. I know it's a week off still, but i made a BMX park in a warehouse. Homage to Tony Hawk 1's level Warehouse. With Ramps, halfs, bowls, grind rails and more. BMX Warehouse And i made BMX Downtown a week ago.
  5. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Either way lets get some cool snaps...
  6. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I think we'll have to get North to set up the fireworks display this year.
  7. Can we add motocross to the theme night list. I know we do offroad night often, but i want to focus on just motocross, making some detailed tracks/corses. Maybe after Cunning Stunts comes out though, in case we get some new leathers/helmets and stunt bikes.
  8. I got quite a few snaps this week now that I've switched to screenshots. Forgive me for not annotating each image, i don't got time fo' dat. We warmed up with a crew party at the office... ...Talked business, then partied hard. Hot Donna teasing Kelso with the Finger Sister Sister Love at first sight (Ghostman, BigNacho) BMX Creepin Ace Creepin Who wants to give the Tranny Mouth to Mouth... The girls dressed pretty provocatively last night... So here's a Crotch cam to show off their...outfits... (DuP Creepin) The Freak at the car meet Some Job shots The playlist after party at mine. gtagrl in deep thought...either that or she ate a bad shroom and her whole world just transformed. Everyone found my secret TV remote horde... That's it from me.
  9. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Well, i'm loving the 811, it's fast as hell. A little squirrelly on the breaks but not so bad it's unhandlable. I don't have any problems cornering. I even made it a custom plate... "MrFister". And i think it may be usabke as a stunt car as it isn't too close to the ground. Probably not as good as the T20 is at gluing to walls though.
  10. DuPz0r


    Damn you may have to contact Sony then. Get them to give you the correct version free of charge.
  11. Oh i meant do the adversary between 12 crew mates, but if you want to go head to head with randoms too, i'm cool with that too if I'm still awake by the time we dwindle.
  12. Can we do the power play playlist at some point? It's a 12 player Adversary. I played with randoms and enjoyed it so i think it'll be fun with us lot. Gonna finally buy my 811 tonight too!
  13. I have a Galaxy S7 phone and the camera isn't anywhere near on par with a real camera. It's high-res, and takes good point and shoot snaps, but in personal experience, any kind of zoom just makes it grainy and then pixelated in digital zoom. The autofocus is terrible too, it has a hard time finding the right focal plane especially when it's close. But Samsung make Galaxy standalone cameras too? That sounds interesting. Looking in to it. I'll update you when i finally decide. Thanks agaim for your input.
  14. Oh wow, that felt like a whole season condensed into an episode.
  15. DuPz0r


    Did you check the download page to see if you can chose another region now that you've paid for it?
  16. @Mercy Cortez Same thing happened to me. You need to activate status updates in your settings.
  17. I'm not gonna have time to sit and make a couple of playlists this week, someone else is gonna have to make em. Or we could chuck something together on the night.
  18. My bad, busy weekend, totally forgot to make time. Here's my snapmatics: Pretty limited because i took far less clips than i thought... . So here's my screenshots which i just copied over to my PC. I think i'll start doing this more because it's so much easier and less limiting! As i said, i wish i got more clips. There were tons of cool jobs i missed out on, and shenanigans.
  19. Thanks for your suggestions. Some good things to look at there. I was personally looking at the Canon EOS M10 before i posted this thread, but i think i might look in to see what Sony have to offer after seeing your comments. Also, i want it for outdoor environments, from close up vegetation, architectural and wide landscape shots. Thanks again.
  20. Oh of course, i could have named a hundered different techniques to kill him that would have been as satisfying. But it was good enough for me.
  21. Without a doubt the most satisfying death on the show so far. Normally there's a sense of shock because it's someone that doesn't deserve it, but not this time!
  22. Awesome snaps everyone. And damn Nemo you got a ton of quality shots as usual! DiO's dramatic death is fucking great, well framed.
  23. I'm in need of a digital camera that can produce clean sharp images and has a reasonable optical zoom. The resolution isn't really my concern, i just want a decent ISO/shutter/apature range to play around with. The catch is that i can't really afford a quality DSLR, so i'm looking more towards a mirrorless hybrid. So a compact with a decent size sensor & lens. Removable lenses if possible. My budget is about £250- £300 (Whatever that is in dollars). I know there is a couple of avid photographers on these forums, so i ask, can anyone recommend me a good camera in this price range? Edit/ That's my budget not including lenses and memory cards, i can buy those at a later date.
  24. My four best snaps so far. I'll try to remember to post the rest at some point this week.