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Posts posted by ViceMan

  1. Pretty eyes! I see your buddy is agreeing with me and about to give you a seal of approval on your cheek haha.

    LOL! The way you just "randomly" happened to remember that link is so funny. :lol: I think we've not had cuter spam here before. :P

    You Casanova you, always trying to chat the women up on here aren't you. :D

    Me at a 'Lern to spoke proper englund' rally.

    Is that a classic Scouse 'stache I see there?

    • Like 1

  2. I used to use African kids as target practice, hard as fuck to hit when they're running though. Don't worry, they were only rubber bullets - I'm not that evil either.

    Plus there's really not that much of them there to hit in the first place.

    Oh and Massy don't deny your benevolent side, i've seen you taking clothes and food down to the homeless shelter you big softie.

  3. Also, I didn't count them but at a Rainman glance it looks about a hundred.

    Round about exactly 100.

    Could be red herrings to throw us off the scent.

    But interesting nevertheless to see the discussion on that forum, their members are obviously a lot more devoted to digging up shite than we are. We are too preoccupied spamming the asylum.

    I'm willing to accept that if R* won't tell me something, I don't need to know it yet. No reason to dig anything up.

    True, but mindless speculation is often fun, it whiles away the wee hours.

  4. I remember reading about the original Grand Theft Auto in a magazine and then being really excited about it waiting for the next issue that had a demo of it on the free disc. Those were the days, who still buys game magazines anyway, the internet has killed the art of the printed word on paper.

  5. they don't have to compete with saints row, saints row has to compete with them... quite frankly i don't want the next GTA to be anything like saints row... let them have their gangsta simulator, we already had ours with san andreas...

    i had thought that los santos would be the next location but that would be LA overkill for R*... midnight club LA and LA noire... so, now i am going to throw out there san fierro and las venturas... vegas is sort of a hot topic in games these days with dead rising 2, duke nukem forever and fallout new vegas but, that other game, "this is vegas" got canned and to be honest, there's a ton of stuff to play with when it comes to an open-world vegas...

    same could be said for the pot-loving san fierro... maybe even give the game a flashback to the 60-70's era san fierro... i don't think it has to be based on the present, it just worked for liberty city... retro worked for both vice city and san andreas... as well as red dead redemption and i am pretty sure LA noire will be a success too... who's to say it wouldn't work??

    and i am in agreement with GTA having to stay stateside... grand theft auto is chock full of american parody, propaganda and laws... it's embedded in the rich history of the GTA universe... it would just seem a little off to be located somewhere outside the united states...


  6. Kind of a toss-up between Thompson and Pachter as to who's most deserving of death by firing squad. And by "firing squad" I mean thirty guys firing flaming arrows into them.

    I think Pachter should be first to face the firing squad, after all he's the one who gets people's hopes up with his expert opinions while the other dipshit just makes people laugh.


    Quick, we can sue JT for that, saying he condones the hot coffee mod and helped create it. It's all a conspiracy dammit.