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Everything posted by iRezzolution

  1. - Well somebody certainly has sand in their vagina...Anyway, I'm curious about the "not losing your weapon" thing - What happens when you find a better weapon and you want, then? where does the previous weapon go once you've picked up the new one? Does it stay in your inventory or go into some kind of Weapon Cashe at your Home? if you have a weapon cache that you can pick from a range of your weapons that you collected and possibly customized, why couldn't they have a system like that with Vehicles? like the Garage system in Saints Row..
  2. I'm going to go and check out whether or not the Trains we've seen in the trailers are drivable like they was in SA, if they are, I'm going to check if they're derailable, that'd be pretty fun to see what it looks like with the current gen Physics, once I've done that, I'm going to go jump into Trevor's boots and find a plane to see how the airborn handling compares to that of SA, then jump out and watch it Missle into the first cop I see, or the Blimp! that'd be fun! - Then I'll just HAVE to check out Car Customization and see how that works! I'd say out of everything I've seen/heard, that's what I'm looking foward to the most, personally.
  3. Locking in-game content and charging for it through DLC so only people who can afford to spend £150 on a single game in these economic times is one of the main cause of game piracy, why do companies not realise this? Now I'm worried that R* will go down the 'Bring out half a game at full price and market the rest as DLC' route like Volition did with SR: The Third and probably SR: 4 ...