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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Update: I think I got this now... Pretty sure these buildings are the same (Crescent Billiard Hall) for the reasons shown (support pole and railing style): So that means the streetcar station is probably the small building next to the streetcar loop: Something I was thinking previously but needed a link. Now I have one. I will note that there is no X on the robbery map at this location so maybe this is a completely different heist. And as for the previously mentioned Fontana Theatre I may have found the inspiration for that right where we were already looking. There is a structure very similar to it next to the billiards hall just like in-game: ^On the left https://www.google.com/maps/@29.9526961,-90.0694841,3a,75y,301.53h,125.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swch1MQmADknR0fBiAGamqA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 The place in real life is 119 St Charles Ave. Formerly "The Pearl Restaurant and Oyster Bar". The in-game structure does not have balconies, though. And while trying to find more historical photos of the place, I found this drawing that shows the building in question was a lot shorter way back when (unknown date, but the columned building was detroyed by fire in 1894): ^Billiard hall on the right. edit: wiki has a photo of the same circa 1885-1894: It had more floors in 1910, though (far right barely in view):
  2. 1 point
    ---Some things are better left forgotten--- TUE OCTOBER 2 - 3PM (PDT) / 6PM (EDT) / 7PM (ADT) / 11PM (BST) *Daylight Savings ends on Oct 28 in the UK and on Nov 4 in Canada/USA* --- Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, crew-created jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc... Join when you can, stay as long as you like, and please post your pics and videos here for all to enjoy! Crew nights are always more hilarious from multiple viewpoints, so show and tell your side of the story! If you created a new job, post a link here so the playlist DJs can bookmark it, or in the PSN iGTA group chat. Photos are occasionally featured at @iGrandTheftAuto. Please tag your crew content with #igta! --- Theme: When was the last time you personally visited you hangar? or that 6-car garage you own in Paleto Bay? Could you name all the boats you have available? This week - all classes count, so air out the vehicles you've never driven further than into a garage, the ones you bought and forgot, the ones so new, it hasn't even been modded yet! We'll do a garage crawl and peruse the views! For clothing: If you have a saved / glitched combo outfit that you never wear or 'forgot' you had, bust it out. --- * Join the iGTA forums to be eligible for an invitation to the Social Club Crew. * Add crew staff on the Playstation Network to get invited to GTAO lobbies. PSN Names are underneath our forum avatars, along with Social Club, Twitter, etc. * Join anytime, the earlier the better. We start in a crew lobby, join via friends list or party chat. If you can't get in, ask for an invite, sometimes we end up in an invite-only after jobs. We round everyone up and send out fresh invites after each playlist. * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately. * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. You're not in a public lobby, so save it for when you are. * NO DIRTY RACING! A number of our jobs have specific rules, so pay attention, read the description, and listen to the creator's instructions. * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS, SNACKS or GOING OFF-RADAR during competitive playlists. For GTA races, use pickups only (rockets, boost), no thrown explosives or drivebys. * Don't ruin photo or video setups. No getting a 4-star wanted level when someone's staging a shot. Just don't. --- Upcoming Events: October 9 - Sci Fi October 16 - Crew Blue October 23 - Cowboys ---RDR2 releases Fri Oct 26--- October 30 - Halloween ---Fallout 76 releases Fri Nov 14--- (Events Subject to Change depending on crew input or when Rockstar releases new DLC) Themes: Vehicle-based Altitude | Apocalypse | Brand Expo | BMX | Classic/Vintage | Crotch Rockets | Drift | Forgot-I-Had-This | Hot Rods | Hotring Circuit | Junker | Lowriders | MC | Military | Monster Truck | Motocross | Muscle | Off-Road | Rally | Stunt | Supercars | Truckers | Tuners | Utility | Watercraft Thread-based 80's | Animals: Altitude/Dapper/Dirty/Party/MC | Beach Bums | Bums | Business | Clowns | Cowboys | Crew Blue | Emergency Services | FIB | GTA Characters | Gangs | Hell | Hippy | Imposter | Ninjas | Pimps & Hoes | Pirates | Punk | Rockabilly | Rock & Roll | Safari | Scuba | Steampunk | Toga | Underpants Party | Vinewood | Warriors | Waterworld | Wrestling | Zombies Calendar-based New Year's | Valentine's Day | St. Patrick's Day | Cinco de Mayo | Memorial Day | Freedom | Labor Day | Halloween | Festive Surprise | Olympics Share other theme ideas below
  3. 1 point
    Just a quick note that the ESRB does not have a rating for the game on their site (yet). The PEGI site fucks up whenever I try to search and their twitter account hasn't posted anything since March 10th. For comparison GTA V was rated by the ESRB a month and a half before release. https://www.igta5.com/gta-v-rated-mature We're well inside a month now. Rockstar's site says ESRB Mature so it's weird the ESRB site does not have it. I saw a lot of "has Red Dead Redemption 2 gone gold?" comments in the reddit comments. Looking back at GTA V, the game was announced as going gold on August 23rd or 24th. 24 days or around 3.5 weeks before release on September 17th. https://www.igta5.com/grand-theft-auto-v-has-gone-gold
  4. 1 point
    More ads... I hear rumors of people playing the game early. Potentially straight from the press into their pocket kind of rumors. Apparently the person in these images have been tracked down to a PSN group, and it's been verified (Of course, it could be completely fake, i can't find the source). https://old.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/9k5fed/apparently_the_early_access_isnt_fake_god_im_a/
  5. 1 point
    yea it's one of those rumors spreading around the internet thanks to those other fan sites... i think it's a fake, because there's really no point in multiple discs anymore... and even it were 2 discs, the box wouldn't have to be any bigger than a normal box... bad photoshopping, no doubt about it... also, if it were that thick, we would of been told about that version having a music disc, making of video, and something else... i have a james bond collection and one of the boxes that is that thick has like 5 discs in it lol...
  6. 1 point
    I investigated the area circled above and couldn't find anything to match this rock pattern shown. I agree the white lizard pic is around the same area, I have a feeling that that picture was taken closer to areas highlighted. I reckon the white lizard pic has been taken from the Mexican side of the border, on the little knob, to the left and under the first green highlighted range. I will have a roam and check this out. I reckon if the background ranges are a true match, then the red lizard pic is probably taken in Mexico, closer than these ones. Off to Mexico I go... oh, and fuck cougars Let me know if there are any other areas you want checked. Sorry, I can't get a decent picture of it but this is my best guess for the white lizard pic... it looks better on screen... I just could not get clear weather either which makes it worse.