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Holy shit

Right, so I should probably do a proper intro for this.




Newcomer Katherine Langford plays the role of Hannah, a young woman who takes her own life. Two weeks after her tragic death, a classmate named Clay finds a mysterious box on his porch. Inside the box are recordings made by Hannah -- on whom Clay had a crush -- in which she explains the 13 reasons why she chose to commit suicide. If Clay decides to listen to the recordings, he will find out if and how he made the list. This intricate and heart-wrenching tale is told through Clay and Hannah's dual narratives.


Be advised, it depicts suicide and rape very strongly. You may want to read up before watching.


Anybody watched this yet? I was hooked from the first episode.

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Season 2 confirmed


The first season of 13 Reasons Why told the story of Hannah Baker, a high school junior who dies of suicide and leaves behind 13 tapes explaining why she decided to end her life. But now that the Netflix show — the most-tweeted-about series of 2017 — has been renewed for a 13-episode second season, the question becomes: Is Hannah’s story over?

Spoiler: No, it’s not.

EW has the exclusive first details on what to expect in season 2 from showrunner Brian Yorkey. (And for 13 Reasons Why fans interested in this story, be sure to stay tuned to EW later this week!)

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I watched the first two shows... so far not really impressed. I mean, there is no reason to feel sorry for the girl that killed herself. She sounds like a pretentious cunt that the world is better without.


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I've talked to Cy about this before... it's an interesting show, I've also read the book. 


The show really shines light on living in the moment and not regretting what you didn't do or didn't say for someone.


in the book it is very single minded, whereas in the show it develops other character more. 


I think its worth a watch or a read. I do prefer the book but that's usually the case. 

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I'm not quite sure it's about who has the better reason to feel the need kill themselves. Quite frankly since you've only seen a few episodes you don't really know. Even though you are the biggest troll and you'll reply in a similar fashion I will say it's not for us to judge if someone has killed themselves for a reason that satisfies us. We do not know what happens in people's lives nor what plagues them. 


However you're entitled to your opinion. 

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I have no idea what you are trying to say. I'm like six episodes in now, maybe more... the one where she doesn't get a note in the secret note thing from that guy. Still no reason to kill yourself here. She is still a cunt. 



I have a suspicion that people who were popular in school will like this show. It's stereoptypical rubbish. It assumes people who will kill themselves do it for easily identifiable reasons and if we were all just a little nicer no one would ever kill themselves.  The show is silly. It is for us to judge whether a person is justified in killing themsevles. The statement "can't judge" is rediculous. Can judge and should judge. The show is pretentious garbage hurled out of the mind of some popular narcissist designed to elicit false emotion in equally egotistical teenagers under the pretense of empathy. 

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I think perhaps you're thinking about it too much. There are many reasons why people may want or try to kill themselves and this show isn't looking at every reason and every situation. Nor is it a play by play of every single suicide victim.


in regards to the note things for example I'll put it context for those who haven't seen then show. 


In a class the the main character has, they have these bags that you can anonymously put nice notes in about that person. She got a few notes and then they stopped. The notes were not changing her life or making her want to stick around but they were the smallest thing that kept her on the edge of okay. When someone stole her notes it made it not okay anymore. Then she set up a trap and wrote a note in her own bag, knowing it would get stollen. She told this person how she was going through a bad time and that the notes helped. She poured her heart out hoping maybe his empathy would mean he would stop or maybe even help her. Instead she watched as he read her note, and screw it up.... 


this small thing... tiny it seems... can have more of an impact that you realise and all this show wanted to do was to make light of that. 


It obviously won't be for everyone but i just wanted to explain that part of the show. 

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It's not hard to murder someone who's already in the process of overdosing on heroin, nor would it have been hard to make it look like a suicide.


But Alice in Chains was ten times the band Nirvana was, so fuck it.

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