
General Gaming Discussion (wholly fuck)

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i can't even right now... i just got out of one of the best mini boss battles ever, and i am still in the infant stages of the game :o...


i'll have to start a horizon zero dawn topic this weekend... jesus fucking christ, this game is intense!! it literally has lived up to every review i read going into it... it's got a decent crafting system, awesome original story, good tight controls (except for jumping :rolleyes:), amazing combat and action, and a certain desperation about it since save points are only at campsites (except for the questline checkpoints)...


for those of you not getting this here in the next few weeks, if this ever drops in price, you'd be a fool to pass on it... quite possibly the best PS4 game i ever played, and i am still so far from even scratching the surface of this game... i literally only have maybe 15-20% of the map open, which doesn't even mean i've been to all those spots...


just impressive is all i got to say... here's a tweet from tuesday, i've got like 40 more to share at some point lol...



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It looks pretty cool. It isn't on PC though :(. PS4 is slowly winning me over as NHL games aren't on PC either. Not to mention my PC is going to die any day now. 


So Bioware wants me to spend $64 dollars for the ME2 DLC...a game I already own on 360 and PC. Remember when Bioware didn't suck (Star Wars: The Old Republic FUCK YOU FUCK FUCK YOU)? I think I'll be pirating it. 

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Caught up with my mate with the VR headset on Friday night. Had a go at resident evil 7. I have to say it was fucking intense. But honestly, I probably wouldn't sit down and play a game in the headset. Yes it's immersive and was truly scary but it also feels restrictive somehow. 

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I've tried the Rift, Vive, PS VR and smartphone devices, and i'm totally sold on the concept, just not the price, or quality, because i know it has massive potential. Obviously the devices drastically differ in quality, but the top tier ones, are just steps away from something brilliant. 


For those of you that haven't tried it, or aren't sold on the concept, i will try to explain why VR isn't a gimmick, and why i think it's the future of gaming.


When you play a game and it completely changes your senses, you know this is the future. In the same way we went from 2D to 3D. That sense of space you get that with VR, but your mind-space also. You know you are rooted here in your own living space, but your mind is somewhere else. That sense alone can be nauseating and displaced, but you kinda like it, and want to see more, and then more. It's addictive.


First of all the games at the moment aren't really that open, so the sense of space is close and claustrophobic, That's probably to do with early hardware limitations, until they unlock it's potential. But with the Horror genre, that's perfect. That's why we see a line-up of scare games right now.


So the thing that breaks the laws of traditional gaming, is the extra dimension of physical movement, mixed with the "true 3D perspective". The physical movement now makes "You" the "player", and not just controlling a player. Even FPS games feel simulated conventionally, like your'e remote controlling a person/robot.


The phrase "True 3D Perspective" is something i use to describe the sensation of being able to psychically stand still, and still be able to move your head around an object, inspecting it from any angle you wish. This sensation alone feels very real. This is because the VR has two screens that act as two cameras from slightly different angles like eyes. That sense of perspective really tricks your mind in believing your surroundings are really surrounding you, whilst you're in a sense, surrounding an object by circling it with your head.


Obviously VR has a long way to go, to iron out it's little issues. Technical things like frame rates, controls and movement. Then aesthetic qualities like freedom/space, graphic quality and resolution fidelity. They will look almost lifelike eventually. And that's why i'd personally let the rich/careless/fans buy up these early models, so that they can fund the future technology. 


Lucky for me, i have some friends with these VR devices, so I've been able to play around and test them in detail. VR isn't just a gimmick, it's the start of a new revolution in gaming.


PS VR is the most affordable, and the quality ins't that much less than the Rift, so if i were to invest early, that would be my choice.


Resident Evil 7 is by far the best game out for any VR device at the moment in my opinion. Very scary/jumpy, and the environments are detailed and graphically beautiful. The resolution of the PS VR could be better though.


Future of VR? I think the next big step for VR is multiplayer Experiences. Imagine games like GTA where you can all stand around talking properly, but you can move your body , face and body language freely. When chatting with friends they actually face you, and feel like they're looking at you and conversing with their body language. And co-op games with VR would also be another amazing way to share game stories with your friends. 

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I disagree. You can't smoke a bowl while tweeting on twitter and drinking some jack. With VR you are strapped in a cacoon and while your playing it's the only experience you can have. People like to multitask. 


the other her thing is with a video game on the tv, you can just pick up a controller and go. With this, you gotta get the controller, grab the head strap, figure out where the pink dildo is, and make sure everything is charged. That's a lot of work if you think about it.


Finally there is the fact that it doubles the cost of the console. VR as strap on devices isn't taking off any time soon. 

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All valid points QD. Especially the cost. I'm not bothered about multitasking myself. Ask the GTA crew members, we usually grab breaks between sessions so that aint a factor for me. VR headsets take not much longer to put on than a pair of headphones btw. The whole point in VR is that it's full immersion, so it's meant to cacoon you and take you away. 


There will always be TV gaming too. Just like there's still 2D retro style platform games. But VR is the future imo.

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57 minutes ago, Qdeathstar said:

I disagree. You can't smoke a bowl while tweeting on twitter and drinking some jack. With VR you are strapped in a cacoon and while your playing it's the only experience you can have. People like to multitask. 


the other her thing is with a video game on the tv, you can just pick up a controller and go. With this, you gotta get the controller, grab the head strap, figure out where the pink dildo is, and make sure everything is charged. That's a lot of work if you think about it.


Finally there is the fact that it doubles the cost of the console. VR as strap on devices isn't taking off any time soon. 

Remove the Twitter bullshit and I can do those two things at once. Fuck it's how I live. I could probably Tweet too, but who gives a fuck? 

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i think VR's best selling point for me isn't for gaming... imagine taking VR vacations to rome or japan... being able to walk around this awesome historical monuments and cities and stuff... to see things that you probably can't afford to see in real life... i am still on the fence for gaming, but i know that what i mentioned would be a huge selling point for me and the casual person who might be interested in something like that... it could be like the wii all over again, where people who aren't gamers, buying a gaming system... 


just my thought... i would love to give VR a chance, but i don't want to be an early adopter, i'll wait a few years until it proves staying power... remember 3D TVs?? :lol:

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7 hours ago, Darth Sexy said:

Remove the Twitter bullshit and I can do those two things at once. Fuck it's how I live. I could probably Tweet too, but who gives a fuck? 



Yeah, but not while youre waving around a purple-tipped dildo and wearing an alternative reality mask.... 

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On 3/6/2017 at 4:06 AM, CaPn bOnEs said:

i think VR's best selling point for me isn't for gaming... imagine taking VR vacations to rome or japan... being able to walk around this awesome historical monuments and cities and stuff... to see things that you probably can't afford to see in real life... i am still on the fence for gaming, but i know that what i mentioned would be a huge selling point for me and the casual person who might be interested in something like that... it could be like the wii all over again, where people who aren't gamers, buying a gaming system... 


just my thought... i would love to give VR a chance, but i don't want to be an early adopter, i'll wait a few years until it proves staying power... remember 3D TVs?? :lol:

My buddy has a 3D TV. It made it really obvious the sets in Rambo: First Blood were Styrofoam. Kinda killed the mood. 


I can't see the appeal of VR for gaming. If I didn't suffer from motion sickness I can see it for videos like you mentioned bOnEs. 

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As a fellow who despises the world around him, VR appeals to me. But what we have now isn't VR. It's PS Move with a Virtual Boy headset.


I demand the ability to plug a device directly into my head and enter a better world. LSD is currently that device, but an electronic option would be nice.

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Finished Dishonored 2 which I was most disappointed with.  My first play through was with Emily and I found the whole experience infuriating - guards practically everywhere and trying to 'stealth' your way through is very hard.  For some reason playing as Corvo was a damn site better.

It's certainly a 'thinking mans' game in that if you want to stealth your way through then you have to plan every single move slowly and carefully - I just don't have the time or patience for playing a game that slowly.


Anyway, finally jumped onto GTA 3 which I got last year when it was on offer on PS Store with Vice City & San Andreas.  It's been almost 16 years since I last played it but it really feels like I 'never left'!  Vehicle handling, gun aiming etc hasn't 'aged well' but it's still a damn good nostalgia trip.  The Asian taxi drivers still make me laugh "Hey ma cab!" "Get in the back aarrrghhhh!".

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would be totally down for that xbox one x all access package, but i’m not near a microsoft store despite being in a rather larger city/cities... in store only....

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