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Very strange thing. The guy stopped taking his blood pressure medicine and ended up with encephalitis. They finally got in touch with his personal care doctor and he was able to deduce it, they administered his medicine correctly, and he recovered almost immediately. 

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I've been having knee pain since being rear ended in May. Went for X-Ray's in June, nothing. Still having knee pain every once in a while so I'm going for an MRI on both knees this week. Nothing in particular brings it on (sitting or standing doesn't make it better or worse), and the pain isn't severe but it's there. What could be the cause of it? Someone told me scar tissue could be causing it, which will show on the MRI. 

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i don't know... 


im glad you got the mri though...


i have ave been feeling with severe neck aches that reoccur ever week or so as well as persistent dry eye and the doctors don't do anything. I think you have to visit a few times so they can get there money, but i don't have time to do that... a doctors visit is like three hours of my day... 

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On 9/26/2017 at 11:18 PM, Qdeathstar said:

i don't know... 


im glad you got the mri though...


i have ave been feeling with severe neck aches that reoccur ever week or so as well as persistent dry eye and the doctors don't do anything. I think you have to visit a few times so they can get there money, but i don't have time to do that... a doctors visit is like three hours of my day... 


Maybe look around for a new doctor? Google has reviews for doctors so maybe you could find a better one now?


My MRI took about 30 mins, follow up Thursday. 

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Doing some doctor hunting myself, as I need to find a primary care physician in my new place of residence. I recently participated in a wellness screening through my place of employment where they ran some blood tests.


My (TC) total cholesterol is desirable, but my HDL (good cholesterol) is at 27 mg/dL, which is apparently very low. I read that improving diet and exercise can help raise this number, but I get conflicting results on whether or not it truly helps. I'm not all greens and lean meat, but I don't eat like shit either.  I've been a proponent of the concept that anything is fair game, in moderation. I guess now that I'm pushing 30, that's not really the case anymore. Fuck.

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On 9/24/2017 at 8:38 PM, Brian said:

I've been having knee pain since being rear ended in May. Went for X-Ray's in June, nothing. Still having knee pain every once in a while so I'm going for an MRI on both knees this week. Nothing in particular brings it on (sitting or standing doesn't make it better or worse), and the pain isn't severe but it's there. What could be the cause of it? Someone told me scar tissue could be causing it, which will show on the MRI. 

I don't know how old you are, but Osgood-Schlatter disease is a common cause of knee pain amongst active teenagers.


On 9/27/2017 at 4:18 AM, Qdeathstar said:

i don't know... 


im glad you got the mri though...


i have ave been feeling with severe neck aches that reoccur ever week or so as well as persistent dry eye and the doctors don't do anything. I think you have to visit a few times so they can get there money, but i don't have time to do that... a doctors visit is like three hours of my day... 

Sjogren's syndrome should be excluded.


On 10/13/2017 at 5:13 PM, JustAn808 said:

Doing some doctor hunting myself, as I need to find a primary care physician in my new place of residence. I recently participated in a wellness screening through my place of employment where they ran some blood tests.


My (TC) total cholesterol is desirable, but my HDL (good cholesterol) is at 27 mg/dL, which is apparently very low. I read that improving diet and exercise can help raise this number, but I get conflicting results on whether or not it truly helps. I'm not all greens and lean meat, but I don't eat like shit either.  I've been a proponent of the concept that anything is fair game, in moderation. I guess now that I'm pushing 30, that's not really the case anymore. Fuck.

TC is not very useful. HDL should be high, LDL should be low. Diet and exercise will improve this, alongside reducing your risk of heart disease in general, which is the only reason we care for cholesterol.

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On 11/14/2017 at 4:04 PM, Indy said:

I don't know how old you are, but Osgood-Schlatter disease is a common cause of knee pain amongst active teenagers.


Sjogren's syndrome should be excluded.


TC is not very useful. HDL should be high, LDL should be low. Diet and exercise will improve this, alongside reducing your risk of heart disease in general, which is the only reason we care for cholesterol.


Indy. I looked up Sjogrens. I got a lot of the systems... dry mouth, dry eyes, trouble swallowing, but i don't have the dry vagina, How do you diagnose it? Do i go to the doctor and say i think i have sjogrens or what? thanks.

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On 21/11/2017 at 3:23 AM, Qdeathstar said:


Indy. I looked up Sjogrens. I got a lot of the systems... dry mouth, dry eyes, trouble swallowing, but i don't have the dry vagina, How do you diagnose it? Do i go to the doctor and say i think i have sjogrens or what? thanks.

Explain your symptoms, most competent doctors should suspect it based on that. They diagnose based on symptoms and blood tests (anti-SSA/anti-SSB). There's not much you can do if you have it except manage the symptoms. So lubricate your vagina/eyes.

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Just curious, anybody ever tried omega 3 supplements for joint pain? lately my knees have been getting ungood (quite obvious it's due to my immense mass) i've tried walking to help my unshapeness  but my feet issues+weight issues caused me a back issue (train-wreck right?) anyway long story short since other than the weight and joint fuckery my overall health isn't too bad according to physicians so in my eyes the best thing for me would be taking up biking, lead to believe it's good low impact way to help shed some pounds, my diet isn't too shit i just don't move as much as i should. 


TL;DR Do omega 3 supplements help with joint pain so i can ride a bike and get un-fat? 

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Yes, omega-3 can help reduce inflammation in joints, if you have arthritis. Worth a shot to try them and see if it helps in your case.


I wouldn't call biking a low impact activity, though. Don't let that discourage you from doing it, it's great exercise. Swimming is low impact if there's a pool near to you. Frankly, you could lose weight just by walking. Start slow (go around the block, 5-10 minutes) and gradually increase the distance you travel. Once you drop a bit of weight, you'll breathe better, have more energy, joints won't hurt as much, and then you'll be in a better position to add bike rides to your routine. But honestly, just walking is a great way to do it, it's free, you get fresh air and sun, get to know your neighborhood really well, and can turn back and go home anytime.


Good luck Acey - you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel carrying less mass around, go for it!

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Perhaps low impact was the wrong nomenclature, could be i meant high efficiency. But you're definitely right, a year or so ago i took up hiking and dropped 15lbs, made my back a hell of a lot better. I should get back into it, my lifestyle is really staring to wear on me. But yeah i forgot about pools, sadly the only indoor pool around here is in a ymca, of course once i start working that can probably be no issue. My biggest issue has always been keeping at things, maybe having a schedule would help. 

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Supplement wise, fish oil is good, but you should also look into making homemade broths (what many call bone broth). It's pretty easy. Some supermarkets have bones, but any butcher will be able to provide (discuss incase they need a little advance notice). I just made a batch with a mix of beef, lamb, and pork. I brown them up in a pan quickly (some people roast them at 400-425 for 30-40 minutes). Throw them into a pressure cooker with the fond, throw in some vegetables (you may want to add these halfway through), bay leaves, and garlic, then top off with a few quarts of water and let it cook 16-48 hours. I went 24 hours on low, occasionally skimming any scum off the top. 


What happens is this allows a lot of nutrients/proteins in the bones to seep out, namely collagen, which is incredible for many parts of your body, including the digestive system, skin, hair, and joints/bones/tendons. It comes from the cartilage and marrow in the bones. Drink this regularly. Making a lot you can store them in mason jars too and freeze them (leave room at top for expansion) and defrost them as needed. 


When you refrigerate, the fat will rise to the top and separate, making it easy to skim off, and the broth takes on the consistency of jello thanks to all the collagen. Just throw some in a pot and heat it up.


I find myself drinking a cup of it a few times a week out of a coffee mug. I just salt it a little since I don't season it while making it.


I suffer from bursitis in my knees after a car accident and some days my knees can really bother me, overall I've noticed I do feel a bit better, but your best bet as stated is to lose some extra weight, as every pound lost is a 4 pound reduction in pressure on the knees. In turn, the bone broth is healthy and filling too, and can help aid your weight lose by becoming part of your meals or a replacement for snacks. 


Good luck with it man. 




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Thanks buddy, i need all the luck and encouragement i can get. 


Now, with this bone broth is it the bones that you bake to brown or is that meat that you put with them? 

If i was a betting man i'd say this probably would benefit me in a multitude of ways, seems pretty lean which i would think would be a good kickstarter to shedding a few pounds. I'm going to have to try this when i can round up the supplies. The thing that appeals to me is how convenient it seems portability wise. I'm definitely going to give it a go at some point. 


Now off topic, I've been meaning to say your mustang is really coming along and i dig it. Looks like you're having the appropriate amount of fun with it, which let's be real that's about half the reason you buy a mustang GT, cheers buddy. As always i appreciate your input on things like this. 

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18 hours ago, Ace Of Spades said:

Thanks buddy, i need all the luck and encouragement i can get. 


Now, with this bone broth is it the bones that you bake to brown or is that meat that you put with them? 

If i was a betting man i'd say this probably would benefit me in a multitude of ways, seems pretty lean which i would think would be a good kickstarter to shedding a few pounds. I'm going to have to try this when i can round up the supplies. The thing that appeals to me is how convenient it seems portability wise. I'm definitely going to give it a go at some point. 


Now off topic, I've been meaning to say your mustang is really coming along and i dig it. Looks like you're having the appropriate amount of fun with it, which let's be real that's about half the reason you buy a mustang GT, cheers buddy. As always i appreciate your input on things like this. 


The bones don't have much meat on them typically, but whatever comes on them when you get them you can keep while roasting and making the broth. For example some of what I used included lamb neck bones with little meat, beef ox-tail with some meat, and let all of it brown up, as well as a pork hock, where i left all the meat/fat on. It adds a nice depth of flavor, and the fat will separate from the broth like I said so it will stay lower on the calorie side. Hell, when you eat dinner, if you have any leftover steak bones or chicken carcasses bag it and freeze until you're ready to use it up in a batch of broth. It's pretty easy, just be sure to strain it afterward to catch any small bone shards or chunks of meat and vegetable you want out.


Also thank you, means a lot coming from a car guy such as yourself! Let me know if you ever need more advice or whatnot, cheers man.

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Ah okay, i didn't think about freezing leftover bones, now what's the best method to scrape any scunge on top off when it rises? 


And again off topic, if things work out well for me in the next month i may have some big car related news that the forum will be second to hear about ;) cheers.

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1 hour ago, Ace Of Spades said:

Ah okay, i didn't think about freezing leftover bones, now what's the best method to scrape any scunge on top off when it rises? 


And again off topic, if things work out well for me in the next month i may have some big car related news that the forum will be second to hear about ;) cheers.


Just use a serving spoon or slotted spoon 

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Anyone know anything about TRT?


I'm 20 this month and was just prescribed testosterone cyp and anastrozole. I got a blood test done and it showed:


Testosterone, Serum 362 ng/dL (lab range 264-916)

Free Testosterone 12.3 pg/mL

Estradiol 27.9 pg/mL

LH 2.7 miu/mL

FSH 2.9 miu/ML


MY doctor says it will help me in a lot of ways, lose some extra weight, help me gain some muscle mass when I get back to the gym, help my fatigue, increase libido (which has dropped in recent months), and a slew of other things.


I understand while on trt it lowers sperm count, but I have read mixed things about permanent infertility being a risk. Most of what I've seen though said introducing HCG or weening off trt will bring sperm count back up when I do want a kid, and there are plenty of body builders who have used high amounts of steroids who have kids.


My dosages will not be large, I am doing half a cc of test a week, and splitting the anastrozole into 2 doses a week. My doc said that was to make sure the test doesn't convert into estrogen. I’m also being given HCG 45-60 days after starting to being up natural levels. 

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Started TRT yesterday. 1ML of Testosterone Cypionate a week, two 1MG tablets of anastrozole a week, and HCG in 45-60 days from now. Will post the results of my next lab in 5 weeks.



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So it's been a rough past few weeks. I posted here last year that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.


She went through two types of chemo, one giving her kidney failure, surgery, and radiation. She had a tough fight but had beaten it. 


But now it came back. From what she's told me (very little this time around though) it was caught very early. They are just doing chemo. It was in a different spot but still in the breast area, despite double mastectomy. She's made comments a few times about how I should prepare, nonchalantly. 


I don't really have much close family other than my grandparents. I don't know what to expect. She's not doing so well this time around. 


If anyone knows anything about cancer, how it could've came back after all that, what it means regarding survival, etc. I'd appreciate it if it could be explained to understand a little easier than what I've seen online.

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I feel that strongly, Bri, my dad's been fighting a massive tumor on/in his chest wall the past few years. I'm not familiar with breast cancers or their remission, wish I had something to offer you there. But oher than treatment, morale is the biggest thing she needs to maintain. Help her keep her faith in every way you can and be present for her. 

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12 hours ago, GunSmith said:

I feel that strongly, Bri, my dad's been fighting a massive tumor on/in his chest wall the past few years. I'm not familiar with breast cancers or their remission, wish I had something to offer you there. But oher than treatment, morale is the biggest thing she needs to maintain. Help her keep her faith in every way you can and be present for her. 


Sorry to hear about your father. It's tough dealing with the situation we are both in. You ever need anything let me know.

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Going for 7th shot today, started HCG and B12 last week. So far I've dropped 25 pounds. Less lethargic, less depressed, less anxious, I sleep better, libido through the roof, etc. 


Also noticing much more muscle. Overall I look and feel better. Can't wait to see what the next few months hold as it continues to go up. Going for blood test next week to see levels. 

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