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I still need to finish exploring the Vegas areas. I've scoured every inch of the actual wasteland, but the urban areas have so many doors and manholes that don't really stand out, its a safe bet I've missed about half the Vegas area.

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yup, i'll get it when i get home in a few minutes... not gonna play, but at least the download will be complete... plus i can also look at the trophies that come with old world blues :D...

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i've never been in the north vegas sewer system... and there's a handful of mojave locations i haven't been to as well...


Holy Quacamole. Can't even visualize that.

The tribe that you need to eradicate, the rare weapons....

Sure there is not all that much down there but it's the

equivalent of the Metro in Fallout 3.

There are more than a few merc stories, notes, weapons there.

Now I know why you guys don't know where the corn house is.

That's like my home away from home, an abandoned bootleggers

house where maize grows inside and re-spawns quickly.

It's basically north of NLV and the west side.

Actually the west side missions are pretty cool, and the .44 hand loader perk.

Without Miguel's Pawn Shop, you can't get the rare .308 that fires a whole

clip at a time.....that's from the arms dealer inside the back area of McCarrand.

The Raiders are actually at the end of the sewers near McCarrand.

Past them, a secret area of ghouls, and past that another rare weapon.

I guess I have all the rare weapons. The Raiders re-spawn for easy caps and karma.

I spend most of my time at the Thorn, or around Vault 3 killing Raiders.

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I would go straight to Fallout 3, if your computer can run it.

My computer can't run it, but I'll maybe have access to a better computer. Fallout 2 got very positive reception, so it sounded like a good place to begin. But maybe these games are so big and time consuming that I should skip FO2 and go for FO3. :unsure:

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It's just that the jump from Fallout 2 to Fallout 3 is like the jump from GTA 2 to GTA III, you'd be extremely disappointed if you went in expecting anything even remotely like what we discuss in this topic. Fallout 1 & 2 are both good games, they just can't touch 3 and New Vegas.

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Fallout 1 and 2 only have a handful of connections to Fallout 3's story, but they have a ton of connections to New Vegas. But really, unless you're into top-down games with turn-based combat, you should skip Fallout 1 and 2 and just read the articles over at The Vault to catch up on the Fallout story.

However, if you don't have access to a computer that can run Fallout 3, then by all means, go ahead and get Fallout 2.

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pause the video and the power fist says "saturn" on it with a logo that looks like the planet... lol, and the space pirate looks sweet :D...

the K9000 looks like a "gun" weapon, but i could of swore i saw a screen that showed it shooting energy beams, which leads me to believe what i was thinking all along... that it's a fully customizable machine gun-style weapon...

morbius(sp?) must be the thinking head that went haywire and booby-trapped the place... i liked his quote, "and my uhh, bigger, more atomic versions of these things!!" all while looking at a GIGANTIC radscorpion!!

and so let me get this straight, they not only take your brain, but they also take your skin?? how the fuck are you going to be put back together?! i wonder if there's gonna be physical differences in your character upon completion of this add-on... scar across the forehead, mutilated skin?? remember christine from dead money, remember those scars? me thinks they took her brain at some point as well...

"SAVE US ALL!!! in the name of science!!... ...please??" :lol:...

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Sounds like they dissect you completely, then try to reassemble you, but lose your brain. How the fuck you're supposed to do anything without your brain, I don't know. Maybe they copied your consciousness into an AI and implanted it into your head temporarily.

I can't wait to use my dumb courier for this DLC, having an intelligence rating of 1 makes for some interesting dialogue.

Derp. :blink:

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Sounds like they dissect you completely, then try to reassemble you, but lose your brain. How the fuck you're supposed to do anything without your brain, I don't know. Maybe they copied your consciousness into an AI and implanted it into your head temporarily.

I can't wait to use my dumb courier for this DLC, having an intelligence rating of 1 makes for some interesting dialogue.

Derp. :blink:

get disassembled and reassembled and loosing your brain is oddly familiar... point lookout

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Just downloaded the game update this evening. Here's a few things I noticed...

For all the things it supposedly fixes, the update installed in only 2 minutes.

I had no lock up issues before, but after updating, game locked up 3 times in 20 minutes.

Between Goodsprings Source and Primm. Definitely, not a good sign. Quite annoying.

Traveling around North Las Vegas and Westside, no change, still smooth for me.

The minigun noise has been fixed, and it won't sound off when not firing.

So that's cool.

Although re-loading afterwards was in cinematic mode for me.

Being around Cazadores in the Mojave, The Thorn, and Zion Valley, I still

hear their noise, which was supposed to get fixed.

No change in Zion Valley other than that, still smooth operation for me.

Using scoped weapons no longer appear as 'arms over head' in crouched/stealth mode.

I always use the fully modded sniper rifle and it was one of first changes I noticed.

The dead hooker in Gomorrah is still alive, talking, and the death message still comes up.

L0L - Inspect the Body. Tortured for several hours then murdered.

So that is a no change, was that way before the update.

There is a companion dismissal terminal by the elevator at Lucky 38.

Upon first entering, I heard the Securitrons making a drinking from a bottle sound.

Same for Penthouse Level, drinking sound.

Also, still not fixed, the strip/freeside noises when fast traveling out of there.

It's weird to hear all that crap out in the middle of nowhere like Goodsprings Source.

EDIT: Also saw the companion dismissal terminal at Gun Runners, and that's both terminals now accounted for.

Now making new armor from not repaired armor, will no longer result in 100% condition.

Before, I could make any of the gecko-backed metal or leather, and in any condition, the result would be 100% perfect.

Just made some of the Gecko-Backed Leather Armor, Reinforced, it was at like only 75%.

EDIT: I also went back to Hoover Dam, where the NCR Commander

is waiting to hear that President Kimball is safe. Of course,

this leads in to the final battle. I enabled the quest, and

told her the president is safe. Then she told me to report to

the other guy in the Dam, and there was the prompt.

No, I am not ready yet, or Yes, let's do this.

When I declined, and left, there was a new save file on the game.

SYS SAVE was the name of it.

I believe this is what they were talking about in the update.

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I haven't heard anything about it, and Synch or bOnEs would have said something if they'd heard about it. Plus, Bethesda is still working on Skyrim, no way they could have done enough work on it to be worth announcing, not even by August. Just sounds like speculation.

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