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L.A. Noire

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The new Official Playstation Magazine has a huge article about L.A Noire. I'll be picking my copy up tomorrow so will post any new info, screens, etc. when I get the chance to. Game looks awesome so far.

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Guest Marney1

Every time I masturbate over see that pic, I always think of this one:


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I totally see it.


Never mind the watermark fail, I completely neglected that part.

I also should've made it darker. Also, double posts no longer merge into one post. Weak.

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I still get the feeling this game is going to be less epic than RDR.

The two games are completely different. Red Dead is epic in it's own way and L.A Noire will be epic in it's own way. Comparing the two games is flawed logic because they're games from two different genres. It's like comparing steak to chicken roll. Yes, they're both meat but they're meat on two completely different levels.

(And, yes, I'm well aware I made a comparison between food to games....)

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That's a surprisingly non-realistic crash with the door placement.

Its suicide doors, obviously.

I'm going to rent this game because i have gamefly and i figure this game will take me less than three months to complete.

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See, I wasn't going crazy ^

Also -

L.A. Noire gets the Australian rating of:


You lucky b*****ds!

They lucky? When will you be allowed to buy it? I feel your pain. :P :P


That's a nice picture. The lack of damages means either a low speed crash, or absence of physical laws. I don't hope the latter.

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What does this one remind you of?

Your arse, in other words - huge, white, neatly trimmed shrubbery with a car parked in it.

I'm afraid I don't have a screenshot of your arse, perhaps you'd care to provide one, you can even put a black box over it to maintain your anonymity.

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