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Tom Clancy's The Division

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I really enjoyed downloading the beta. All 28gb of it only to find out the betas closed. Well thaaank you pal!

Also if it's only online. I'm out. Most of the time I want to play games to get away from people (present company excluded) not keen on wasting time in lobbies waiting for the 7 people worldwide who happen to be online when I am.


Damn buddy, it closed at 12pm GMT Monday 22nd. 




Just so you know, you can complete the entire story section (of the beta anyway) without talking to, co-op'ing, or fighting against a single human player. It's essentially a freeroam game with mission markers all over the map, just like Fallout or GTA. Sure, you may see other players walking around, but they can't attack you. Some sections of the game are harder alone, but it's definitely doable.  The only place you fight against other people in PVP, is the Dark Zone, and there is no loading what-so-ever. You walk in through a fenced guard posted gateway, into a hazmat style plastic sheet room, with decontamination walkways. In here you restock your ammunition and buy/sell things you do/don't need to the vendor, and then through another doorway into the dark zone. It syncs you straight away with other people whilst you're playing. No loading screens or lobbies. There's also NPC's in here, but they aren't as much a threat as the real people.

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The game felt kinda empty though. That's my only concern. Right now I'm really enjoying Rainbow Six: Siege, so not sure how this will play out. I probably will end up getting it. I remember seeing this for the first time, it was the only game that grabbed my attention.


In terms of map size, it's roughly the equivalent of GTA5 downtown area. Only difference is that there are no cars, so you have to run everywhere. Also, The Division provides depth with the subway system.


In the closed beta, there were a lot more rogue agents fighting one another. The open beta was more civilized though.


Map-size comparison:

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Like others here I downloaded (well, half way) the open beta only to find it would be closed before it finished downloading.


From what I've seen of the gameplay so far, plus reading the feedback on The Division's own forums I reckon I'll make my decision to buy or not a year or so from now.  It's going to have teething problems with constant updates to fix bugs and glitches for many months to come before it's playable; 'enjoyable'.

I can't be arsed with the frustration it'll bring like GTAO did for the first year or so.


I'm dying to play the game but I also want to enjoy it.


On another note, I heard 'micro-transactions' are definitely NOT going to be introduced in The Division which is good news.

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Yeah Indy, I'd say that's all fair points.

I had some issues seeing friends when there was more than 4 of us on at once in seperate groups, they existed in a different instance, but that is one of those things that made it even more isolating. I understand there has to be balance, and the isolation is just part of the world. But it would be nice to see a few other squad roaming the "story" land. As for DZ, that's lawless, and harsh, and i kind if liked that. It's something that's going to take skill as well as luck to get really good at.

And Saboteur, i didn't come across a single glitch whilst playing the beta. I know a wall breach technique exists, but it's already a well polished world before releas. The only real teething problems i can see at launch, is connectivity and server issues.because of the game's estimated popularity.

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The Division Year One Plan (including season pass DLC and free DLC details):


It doesn't go into too much details including whether or not there will be a map expansion this year. I'm also wondering if the season pass will only cover this content, and nothing next year. It does sound like they intent to keep this game evolving over the next few years though, so i expect a lot of things to happen to the game in the next couple of years at least. But at what price... 

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Ok i decided to take the gamble and pre-order. Other than Fallout DLC i haven't got much on my cards for the next few months anyway. And the fact ikillyou, otiz, casey and Goosey said they're getting it, then i'll have some iGTA buddies to play it with.

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I've had the game just 3 days and i'd like to say right now, the beta did not do this game justice. It feels big, it is also very crammed with content. Where the map looked empty and felt hollow in beta, there is so many things to do on the main map, it's going to take quite a bit of time to get through it all.


Another thing i want to mention is that you actually start off in Brooklyn and then move to Manhatten after a couple of missions. So they did at least keep to their original trailer after all.

Me & Goosey reppin iGTA.


I've had no shortage of friends to play with either. Unlike Destiny's awkward 3 man fireteams, The Division has 4, so you can have two squads playing in a chat party without spares feeling left out.

I haven't even explored a single bit of the darkzone which is huge now. I think i'll save that for end game.

Times Square looks amazing, and the scale is truly realistic.

I've already found so much loot like guns and gear and even clothing, i already feel unique in the world. But i can still see so much is left to aquire, i'm only at the tip of the iceberg.

I am pleased with how much content i got for my money, and to top it off, i got the season pass for only £20 extra coz i purchased it with the game. And that's cheaper than the Fallout pass was before they put it up to £40.

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that's cool, i'm glad to see you guys are enjoying your time B)... thats awesome that there's a lot more to do and the map is much bigger than you originally thought... i've seen a number of unique looking characters already on twitter, so the customizing seems to be there...


but alas, this ship has sailed for me... and the fact that i'm not starting at the begining of launch means, i'll start to fall behind if join up later... not only level wise, but progress wise... do the enemies get progressively harder the high your level? i'd be worthless if that were the case for me to tag along... is there a story path to take, or are you just dropped in the map somewhere??

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Depending on how much story-related content there is, and whether or not it can be done alone (not on a Brit schedule anymore, and I barely know the fellow Americans who have this), this might end up being good enough to keep me busy until Fallout DLC.

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There is a story path which will guide you around the map in a counter clockwise motion. But most of the story lies in intel you collect from mobile phones, documents, echoes, etc, on the streets in apartments, hospitals, police stations, offices. Which come in the form of video footage, calls, and written documentation.

Missions certainly can be done alone, but you may get to a point where enemies become a little tough, flanking you a lot, so you'd have to put time into crafting or buying decent armour and weapons.

The missions seem to scale somewhere between character levels. So if you're level5 snd the other person is 15 it'll more than likely make enemies level 10. But it varies from mission to mission. It also depends on who is team leader too.

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Don't know whether to buy it. I'm enjoying what little time I do have to play PS4 with Rainbow Siege. This would definitely be too big of a distraction. I have exams until end of April, then i'm travelling in May. So I won't even pick it up until June! I guess I'll wait and see if it still has hype and doesn't just deflate like Destiny. 

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Yeah that's true. Destiny tanked because the universe felt small and they took too long to drop DLC's. Once everyone capped at the top level, got all the best gear from raids and all that, there was nothing to do but rinse and repeat.

The Division has a similar leveling and loot system so it is comparable. Lets hope they release the first DLC once they feel everyone has reached the top of both co-op and DZ. Because i know i probably wont play it until the next DLC once i reach the top.

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I"ve managed to unlock all the safehouses in each district with the help of a couple of friends so i can get around the map easier and resupply.

I also experienced the dark zone for the first time since beta, and it was a way better experience. People seem to be more reluctant to go rogue, so it was a way more passive and co-operative experience. Seems like people are less willing to part with their DZ levels by dying in the real game.

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It's difficult to say, it depends on how you play. If you rushed it by yourself at normal difficulty for story missions, side side missions, and encounters. Probably around 60+ hours. If you prefer to play in teams, going through hard mode, with difficult AI, collecting all collectables, and looting for clothing and rare loot, then probably more like 100+ hours.

It really does depend on how you utilise your time. I've spend countless hours roaming the streets, taking in the sights, collecting collectibles and clothes, and i've played for at least 50 hours already and im level 22.

And dont forget the DZ is an entirely seperate leveling system, which caps at 50 i believe.

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I got to level 30 pretty quickly. But i say the game only really begins at 30. Challenging yourself to hard daily and weekly runs and running the harder DZ zones are what keeps me playing. I've racked up some decent gear and got a couple of High End loot, but there's still tons of better equipment to get.

I will say that the missions can get a little repetitive once you've done them as much as i have. But i'm still enjoying the game.

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Is there a way to actually display my mask? What's the point of wearing a gas mask if it's invisible?

Also, what's the point of an online game if I can't connect to the servers? Seriously, Ubisoft should be able to deal with shit like this.

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Masks only equip in hazardous regions on the map. The dark zone is the main hazardous zone. But there's areas in the story region which are too.

You having server issues? I've not had a single issue since release. Maybe they had a maintenance period last night to fiz some of the latest glitches and exploits.

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Was lucky enough to get this the other for easter! Stayed up till about 2 or 30ish a.m. just doing missions and collecting loot.haventspent much that much time in the dark zone,probably will do that if I hop with any of y'all.

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The Division's first free DLC drops April 12

Which included it's first incursion (raid) aling with other extras.

There are a bunch of other small but important changes, too:

Gear sets are being hidden throughout the game, via loot and blueprints, and equipping a certain number of pieces will get you a unique talent. (Individual gear set pieces will not have talents.)

Players will be able to trade items with one another, but only within the group that generated the drops, and with a two-hour time limit. In the dark zone, players must head to a gate in order to trade items.

A new daily mission system, assignments, are meant as “bite-sized” experiences, such as killing 10 cleaner enemies.

The dark zone is getting hourly supply drops, where high-level gear will drop somewhere in the area, and only the first group there can have it. It’ll be surrounded by high-level enemies, though.

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I tried to do a mission in a mall yesterday morning, and there was no floor. I fell through and kept respawning until I finally gave up and left the game.


I have nothing further to say, right now.

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