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I'm past the halfway point, and I have to say this game is the definition of average. Every goddamn mission is the same. Travel from A-B, Deploy ghost at B. Fight waves of enemies at B. Fight slightly bigger "boss". End mission. Wait 50 minutes to load to the tower/next mission.

Strikes are about the same. Waves of enemies, and then a freaking bullet-sponge boss that takes forever to defeat. Multiplayer is ok, but only if you've leveled up a bit. The environments are good looking, but don't really encourage free-roam when all you can do is go around shooting more stuff. How about some mini-games or some hidden vendors? Once I'm done leveling up my warlock, I'm done, unless some drastic improvements are made. I see no reason in creating another class or race.

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It's what I sort of feared from a MMOFPS game, not enough mechanics to make it interesting.

- "Slow" UI due to the lack of mouse/keyboard.

- Lack of abilities due to the small number of available keybinds, which in turn results in content with very little challenges besides movement based playstyle.

- No chat function, MMOs need a chatbox somehow, fuck typing on a console though.

- Shortage of abilities makes classes far too similar, the talent trees looked nice, but there isn't enough in there for me to see a clear difference between a warlock and a hunter.

There is a reason why MMO games fail on consoles, developers are extremely limited due to the controls. Imagine playing a game like WoW on a console.

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MMO's can work on Consoles. Final Fantasy Realm Reborn is a perfect example. The gameplay is exact as the PC version, which is a very strong MMORPG like WoW.

It's just down to how the dev teams create them, unfortunately for Destiny it's just a bit lacking in the MMO department. I know there is plenty of updates to come, but the game was clearly branded as something it really wasn't before it came out.

I was really happy with the beta, the game has potential, but then the final product just felt too short, and underwhelming.

It is still fun, and i have many hours left to put into it, but i wont be wasting my time collecting bounties in the crucible, which essentially emulates Call of Duty.

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The first piece of free content is live. It's called the Vault of Glass. It's a raid, but has a twist. First of all it is meant to be pretty difficult, and secondly it's not just a raid, it's a gauntlet, a mysterious puzzle raid. You have upto a week to complete it before your progress is wiped and you have to start again... Sounds interesting. I hope there is more content like this on the way.

"Destiny is a platform that will grow and evolve and we will continue to work closely with our partners at Bungie to bring a long line of new experiences and content to life in the game," said Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg. 

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Ever since the update, the Crucible has turned into the biggest lag-fest I've ever played. Nearly every match, I can literally shoot someone for 5-10 seconds in the back, and they just turn around and one-shot me, regardless of their level or weapon. It's ridiculous.

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I've had no issues yet. I'm on a pathetic 4mbs connection too...

I'm loving the post level 20 leveling and challanges that come with it. It's almost like a different game when you start playing for loot and marks and faction reputation. I'm glad i didn't just stop playing at 20 like many people seem to be doing. It's only the start of the game in my opinion, not the end. And from here on they can just keep patching in equipment drops that will raise your level infinitely, along with challenging raids accompanied.

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If it's like any decent MMO, the real game starts once you reach the level cap. The general public just needs to be educated on the genre.

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Yup. People just don't get the game yet for some reason.

This is probably the most accurate review (if you can call it that) i've come across so far, if anyone here is still on the fence.


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Main tip i can give you, is to expect doing a lot of the same quests over and over again, for better gear for your character. Then when you get above level 25, the real challenging things begin.

Also, if you get any armour with +Light on them before you hit level 20, keep them and equip them as soon as you can. Light continues your leveling system past 20.

When you get to level 26, give me a shout and i'll try and complete the Raid with you and 4 others.

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This game is amazing. They're trying to build a lasting experience, and I think it'll work. You cannot play this game alone, it's awful as a single player experience. But with even a single friend the entire experience changes to something truly worth having.

I think this second review from the telegraph is a better reflection.


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It is a multiplayer game. And I beleive they will keep adding content. Maybe at a high price, but they will keep it growing. I'm all for it.

I added you on PSN Indy, let me know if you want a hand with a daily heroic challenge or something.

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I'm loving the random events, got swarmed on one yesterday and was about to die, before 4 other guardians showed up to give me a hand. Much appreciated!

I'm a sucker for loot and drops, which is why I love Diablo. And this game is great in that sense, every fight is for better equipment. I did my first raid yesterday, the one on Earth. It was long and difficult, but I really enjoyed it.

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I just hit level 27 thanks to a long struggle to get some legendary gauntlets. I also hve an exotic bounty on the go, so hopefully i'll get some nice exotic weapon from that.

I've attempted the Raid 3 times with group of 6 level 26 and above. And haven't made it past the first boss yet. I understand what to do, i just think it's very fucking hard unless you have a team or level 27 and above.

You get legendary items at every checkpoint of the raid. I got some high defense and high light greeves. A valiant effort, but not good enough.

i'll try again soon.

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Focus on the Vanguard or Crucible Rank for now (do as many bounties as you can). Get to rank 2, 3, then buy yourself some Legendary Armour. Save your Strange Coins and Motes of Light for the Secret Shop which appears in a random location in the Tower every Friday, and then buy yourself an Exotic or two. Each armour has light, and when you level it up, it will gain more light, which contributes towards your level.

Your main goal for now is to work towards getting yourself high enough to do the Vault of Glass. When you complete certain parts of the Vault, you get "Raid Gear", which is essentially unique Legendary gear, which gives you more light than normal Legendary gear.

Legendary gear uses mostly Ascendant Shards or Ascendant Energy to level it up. So you will need to complete the Daily Heroic, Weekly Heroic, the Weekly Nightfall, and find Public Events in any of the patrols on any planet.

Now that you're level 20, I can help you get through some of the challenging level caps. But I would advice you try to do the Heroics and Nightfall on the hardest difficulty, as soon as you get the chance, so you can get the maximum rewards each day and each week.

If you have any other questions about Destiny, give me a shout.

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NP man. I just finished the Vault of Glass with my second character at level 26 with some mates. Got a couple of good raid gear along the way.

Now my goal is to get both characters to level 29/30 and do the Vault on Hard.

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