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200,000 liters of oil spilled on aboriginal land in Canada, a few days ago. The assertion that these pipelines will prevent oil spills in the ocean means jack shit, if it's still spilling on land. The difference is that the oil can easily be recovered and cleaned, if it's spilled on land. That's all they give a shit about.


There is no excuse for oil anymore. Renewable energy is cheaper and easier to set up than it's ever been before. We were making excellent strides in the right direction, and Trump is going to ruin that. Last I looked, the White House's page on climate change is fucking gone. RIP progress.

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getting off of oil needs to be the focus of the future, and we were making strides in that department... now it's back to the stone ages for us :rolleyes:... and this fucking wall he wants to put up is a joke, i don't know how he expects mexico to pay for it too... i don't want my tax dollars spent on building it... but it sounds like i have not choice... these executive decisions of his are gonna get him overthrown...


tearing up the TPP and putting mad dog mattis in charge of the military (by far his best move) are the only bright spots so far... the rest have been shit... yea, he's keeping to his campaign promises, but those were shit to begin with... ffs, america... business will be good short term, but the long term effects  on business and trade are going to cripple the next regime, and ones that follow...


a fucking wall... :facepalm: 


and don't get me started on his cabinet... please don't...

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On 1/25/2017 at 4:33 PM, CaPn bOnEs said:

getting off of oil needs to be the focus of the future, and we were making strides in that department... now it's back to the stone ages for us :rolleyes:...

State and local governments can still make progress, at least.


Trump and his lapdogs can bury their heads in the sand all they want, but climate change is a big fucking problem, and fossil fuels have done more harm than good for about thirty years now. It's up to state officials and regular citizens to fix this, now.


Yeah, that wall's never fucking happening, unless he pays for it himself. There isn't a single course of action he could take to make Mexico pay for a wall that he's got no right to build in the first place.

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4 hours ago, Massacre said:

200,000 liters of oil spilled on aboriginal land in Canada, a few days ago. The assertion that these pipelines will prevent oil spills in the ocean means jack shit, if it's still spilling on land. The difference is that the oil can easily be recovered and cleaned, if it's spilled on land. That's all they give a shit about.


There is no excuse for oil anymore. Renewable energy is cheaper and easier to set up than it's ever been before. We were making excellent strides in the right direction, and Trump is going to ruin that. Last I looked, the White House's page on climate change is fucking gone. RIP progress.



what are you talking about. There would be no renewable resources for energy if it weren't for massive subsidies paid for by the government, Renewable energy isn't economical. If it is easier to clean up oil on land than it is in the sea, then there obviously is a difference and shipping through pipelines makes the most sense. Nuclear power sounds a whole lot more appealing than giving wind companies billions of dollars and getting 10% of the power we need or sending millions to subsidize solar power.


Im not arguing that oil is the future, it's not, it's running out.... but renewable energy is far from efficient. If you want to compete on the world stage oil is still a part of the equation.

2 hours ago, Massacre said:

State and local governments can still make progress, at least.


Trump and his lapdogs Cadbury their heads in the sand all they want, but climate change is a big fucking problem, and fossil fuels have done more harm than good for about thirty years now. It's up to state officials and regular citizens to fix this, now.


Yeah, that wall's never fucking happening, unless he pays for it himself. There isn't a single course of action he could take to make Mexico pay for a wall that he's got no right to build in the first place.



Bro, ever heard of a tax on mexican imports? That is making mexico (mexican companies) pay for the wall. It would be easy. Personally, I agree that i doubt the wall will be built, but, you can definately force mexico to pay.


Trump, a republican, who thinks thinks should be left to states instead to the central government, would be fine with states making their own regulations regarding renewable energy.

on a side note, he can make executive orders all he wants, but if congress doesn't fund them they don't mean anything...

personally, i'm indifferent on the wall. I think it will work to keep illegals out. We've had fences for 1000s of years for a reason, because they fucking work... on the other hand, seems like a waste of resources whoever ends up paying for it...


sort of an escalator to nowhere. Yes, it will lift, but who cares?

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Climate Change was my biggest concern, but it has been bumped down to second after that first press update... The dude yelled about totally irrelevant bullshit... Crowd size.



Do you really think a guy who would send the representative of the white house out to yell about who's crowd was bigger should be commander in chief? Is he going to declare war when another leader calls him a name?


Watch this and tell me that you honestly think this is acceptable.  The guy just stomps his foot and whines. The words sound like they are directly from trumps mouth.

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Be careful Jizzy, he will torture you. I mean he isn't wrong, it does work. You electrocute my balls for long enough and I'm sure I'll say whatever you want to hear, whether it is true or not. 


Gonna be some interesting times. 


bOnEs: What is your opinion of his cabinet? Yeah, I'm a jerk. 

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3 hours ago, Jizzy said:


Watch this and tell me that you honestly think this is acceptable.  The guy just stomps his foot and whines. The words sound like they are directly from trumps mouth.

He's an egomaniacal aspiring dictator. Why wouldn't he surround himself with sycophants to parrot his words, rather than competent people? Guy's like a less egg-shaped Kim Jong Un.

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i kind of like sean spicer :lol:... press secretaries have one of the hardest jobs, but some of them bring a bit of humor and personality... i think this guy's got it, but we'll see... knowing that he has to be the voice of trump, he knows he'll be saying some ridiculous stuff... i love his fued with dippin' dots, lmao...


a lot of his picks for cabinet spots, either don't have any experience in the field, or are completely the opposite of what is needed... the man appointed to the EPA does not give a shit about the environment... betsy devos has ZERO experience as an educator, just watch videos of her getting grilled by the senate committee... i could keep going...


like i said, his best decision was secretary of defense, james mattis... there isn't anyone else more qualified than him... he's gonna have his hands full with how trump plans to run this ship, but he brings humility and respect to probably one of the most important cabinet positions... hell, he's liked so much that congress waived a rule that stated you had to be retired X number of years, which he wasn't, just to get him appointed... and the senate voted nearly unanimous, which goes to show you how much respect both parties have for him... and he's well respected by his peers in all branches of the military... like i said, easily the best move he'll ever make in the 4 years he has to ruin run our country...

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1 hour ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

i kind of like sean spicer :lol:... press secretaries have one of the hardest jobs, but some of them bring a bit of humor and personality... i think this guy's got it, but we'll see... knowing that he has to be the voice of trump, he knows he'll be saying some ridiculous stuff... i love his fued with dippin' dots, lmao...


a lot of his picks for cabinet spots, either don't have any experience in the field, or are completely the opposite of what is needed... the man appointed to the EPA does not give a shit about the environment... betsy devos has ZERO experience as an educator, just watch videos of her getting grilled by the senate committee... i could keep going...


like i said, his best decision was secretary of defense, james mattis... there isn't anyone else more qualified than him... he's gonna have his hands full with how trump plans to run this ship, but he brings humility and respect to probably one of the most important cabinet positions... hell, he's liked so much that congress waived a rule that stated you had to be retired X number of years, which he wasn't, just to get him appointed... and the senate voted nearly unanimous, which goes to show you how much respect both parties have for him... and he's well respected by his peers in all branches of the military... like i said, easily the best move he'll ever make in the 4 years he has to ruin run our country...

I feel bad. I was just talking shit. I can't disagree with anything you've said, I just didn't expect you to respond seriously. I will make one statement where I am being serious, and one alone. Trump is a fucking creep and his competition was no better. It is sad that politics (world wide) has gotten to this. Now, back to being a jerk. 


PUT UP THIS WALL! - Lindsay Bluth Funke

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2 minutes ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

it's the politics topic, of course we're gonna be a bit serious in here :lol:... but yea, one of the worst cabinets ever assembled IMO... what is ben carson, the head of the urban housing?? lol wtf? :lol:...

I struggle being serious. If I took things seriously I would have splattered my brains on a wall by now. 


I assumed Ben Carson was in charge of religious genocide. His work as a neurosurgeon is worthy of respect. His views on everything else are insane. 

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I agree the environment is in trouble, but to me the leftist ideas of allowing immigrants and refugees by the thousands upon thousands would fuck us up even more. There were more immediate threats to us than climate change. The left does not care about us, they just use the ideas of progressivism to get more votes to stay in power. Republicans were a mess too. Trump isn't either of these though. He's running this country like a business. That's what we needed. He's done more for us already in this week alone. Hillary was in bed with big oil too, nothing would've been done to help us, our country would've been off far worse with her in power.


Aside from the pipelines (which again, there are millions running through our country already, and which also go around reservations) what else has he done that's so bad?


What about sewage pipelines? Should we stop using those since leaks cause high nitrogen levels in water bodies? Look it up, it kills thousands of fish each year in massive wash ups.


"When it comes to accidents, injuries, and fatalities, pipelines are the safest mode of transporting oil and gas.[3] After four exhaustive environmental reviews, the Department of State determined that Keystone XL poses minimal environmental risk to soil, wetlands, water resources, vegetation, fish, and wildlife.[4] One of the most particular concerns of environmentalists has been the point where the pipeline crosses the Ogallala Aquifer in Nebraska, despite the fact that thousands of miles of pipeline already cross the aquifer. Both the State Department and external geologists conclude that the aquifer is at extremely minimal risk of contamination because of the slope of the aquifer and the geologic makeup of the soil.[5]"


And with Obama in power, our oil output as increased my millions of barrels per day, but our major source was oil rigs and the gulf. Obama didn't seem to mind that...


The wall will be great, along with the hiring of 5,000 more border patrol agents and more detention facilities. Illegal immigration costs us for healthcare, education, jobs, taxes, etc. They are breaking the law, and should be sent home. Come here legally or stay out. It isn't hard. Canada and Mexico both have harsher immigration laws than us, no one bats an eye.





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i don't care about the dakota pipeline thing as much as others... the thing was nearly completed before it was halted... i just want us to continue to invest in other resources, ones that don't pollute the planet, no more fucking oil... plus the elders told the government it was fine...


you know where all that money will go after we kicked the illegals out? towards maintaining the wall and paying for all that security and shit... know what's gonna happen hare after that? fruit prices and stuff will go up astronomically... they do jobs others wont do, which means there will be a lot of opening for jobs no one wants to do... americans are lazy, mexicans get shit done... we do have a problem with immigration, but tougher immigration laws and more border security would go a long ways, not building a $15b wall that will cost an astronomical amount of money to maintain and patrol...


trump just wants to build a legacy... like obamacare, he wants his name attached to something, the trump wall...  we wants to put the construction companies he hires for his towers to work on a project that'll make them even more rich... like i said, we need a better solution than a wall...


EDIT: actually come to think of it, wouldn't that be the army core of engineers that would build it??

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I think the cost of maintaining a wall would be less than the cost of housing illegal immigrants in a jail sail for x number of years due to tougher immigration laws, not to mention the costs associated with enforcement....


As far as the outrageous sound bytes, personally, i think the D man knows how the game works and puts the sound bytes out on purpose because he knows the Media will eat them up... i think it's some next level stratagem. Personally i think the cabinet picks are fine, but, who knows. Putting people in charge of organizations that they aren't cozy with isn't necessarily a bad thing.



Its a amazing to me people are ready to jump to conclusions and accost him before he has even gotten a chance to do anything. He is a successful business man. He is smart, he knows what he is doing. Give him a chance, He is living up to almost all of his campaign promises so far, which is rare.

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i'm with you there, Q... i want him to be successful, it benefits all of us if he is... i appreciate his emphasis on trying to make all of us rich and prosperous, that's the american dream... and he's clearly thinking outside of the box... he is not listening to lobbyist, he is not catering to one side or the other, he seems to genuinely want to make the rest of the world finally pay up for all the help we've given them over the years...


it sort of reminds me of why i liked ron paul, another guy who was sick of where we tax payers were forced to spend our money... the one thing i knew we'd all benefit from a trump presidency is his business deals and negotiations with other countries... he's going to be fair and firm and shrewd... i like that... however, it feels really radical at times, especially with this wall... i get it, you want the illegals out... you want the criminals gone, you want the american jobs to come back... but you're also cutting funding to things like planned parenthood to fund it... this wall is going to in the long run cost a ton of money to maintain and patrol... yes, other countries have stricter immigration laws than we do, but they didn't build a fucking wall to accomplish that :lol:...


putting someone in charge of education like devos is going to set education back another dozen years :( 



she doesn't have a fucking clue what she is doing :lol: ... she's from a rich family here in michigan, they practically own grand rapids... she's just someone who's family made trumps pockets fatter during his campaign, nothing more... and rick perry in charge of energy is just stupid... i want progress, and yes, putting people in charge of places they're not comfortable with can incite change... but when you appoint idiots to those roles, it does the opposite... the EPA, education and energy depts, are very important to the people of this country, and he's put 3 morons in charge of them...


like i said, i like a couple of his picks, but there's some really sour apples on that board... and yea, we're only a few days in... but fucking christ mang, this dude is making executive decisions left and right! in a month we're all gonna be looking spaced and puzzled at where we are, whether good or bad, because it's like ripping a bandaid off...

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I'm prepared to give Trump a chance but the wall is fucking stupid. They'll just build tunnels Gaza style or, you know, buy a ladder. Also I'm led to believe most illegals fly in and over stay their visa. The wall won't help that. US$15 billion is also an underestimate, I fear. 

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Fences aren't built because they don't work. Of all the reasons to not build a wall, the 'it won't work' argument is one of the stupidest. Sure, it won't keep every illegal out, but at least they won't be able to just walk right across it.



Most illegals do do not fly in. They are poor. Flying is expensive...


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Want to see how well a wall works to protect? Ask Israel. The head of the education department was picked likely because Trump wants to get rid of it altogether. He feels education should be a state issue. 


And with planned parenthood, don't eat up what the left is telling you. They're completely self sufficient

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On 25/01/2017 at 9:14 PM, Massacre said:

200,000 liters of oil spilled on aboriginal land in Canada, a few days ago. The assertion that these pipelines will prevent oil spills in the ocean means jack shit, if it's still spilling on land. The difference is that the oil can easily be recovered and cleaned, if it's spilled on land. That's all they give a shit about.


There is no excuse for oil anymore. Renewable energy is cheaper and easier to set up than it's ever been before. We were making excellent strides in the right direction, and Trump is going to ruin that. Last I looked, the White House's page on climate change is fucking gone. RIP progress.


200000 liters is next to nothing. It wouldn't even fill a swimming pool. The Saskatchewan leak wouldn't affect a water supply like a leak in the proposed one at standing rock would. I think it's time for renewables and nuclear to take the lead, but let's be clear in that not all oil spills are equal.


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so he introduces an immigration ban from muslim countries... all the countries he has issued a ban to, haven't attacked US citizens... the ones he didn't? well, his company still has interests there, even those ones that harbor terrorism... what a fucking joke, man...


he won't make it to the end of the year... then he fires the attorney general, who was upholding the consitution, but because she opposed him... he is pissing on everything this country built its foundation from... but yes, go on, blindly follow him...

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Typically, a AG who cant follow the president's orders resigned. I mean, what choice did he really have but to fire her. If your not going to listen to your commander you get fired. Its no secret.


The countries he chose to implement in the travel ban I agree are sort of huh? Shady... But i think those countries are where ISIS is strongest, so it sort of makes sense..... Although, how hard would it be for someone to get into UAB (where most of the 9/11 terrorists were from) and then get here. Not very hard i'd guess. 


He probably wanted to ban all muslims but that would have been politically impossible. Now at least you have more time to vet immigrants from countries who are still allowed to travel to the US (since there will be less load on the system).


I don't think any choice would have been ideal. You see how it is in europe with their open-door policy. Every few months a terrorist is shooting up a city or running down people walking on the street.  I will say this though, Obama did a good job of keeping america safe as far as terrorism goes and most of his raids were successful.  Im pretty sure THIS move (right or wrong) will make ISIS want to attack us even more. The harder you try to stop them the harder they try to attack. We'll see.


Also not a fan of the planned parenthood defunding. Women should get the care they need where ever they want to get it. ON that, im sure he caved to the demands of republicans or his VP because i don't think he particularly cares about the issue. Thots.

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well he is in charge, so he can fire whoever he wants... he even made a TV show out of that... but he sacked someone who was trying to uphold the law of our land... it looks bad... it looks weak IMO...


but thank you, QD... you are in the middle with me... i can be reasonable, i know both sides have good ideas... but while i like some things trump does do (like today with his order to lower prescription drug costs (and healthcare obviously), going against every major president elects backers) he takes two steps back with trying to incite a middle eastern war... he's only been in charge for over a week and has caused so much worldwide uproar that it feels like he's been in office for a couple months now... he's like a band-aid on this country... he ripped it off and we're stuck here for months trying to figure out if it will heal itself or scab up and never be the same :(... 


i want him to succeed, but these are those moments when i start going back a dozen years into my political nature and want to question what is really going on... is this another elaborate conspiracy to push the world into a different direction?? is trump the puppet the world needed to push forward a new world order structure, will it come to the gulf war 2? these things used to keep me up at night... but not in recent years under obama... just like clinton, it was smooth sailing... but sadly, it kind of does now feel grim knowing that we left the fate of the greatest power in the world to an idiot who probably has dementia since he never remembers all the bad things he said during the election :lol:...


he wasn't my choice, but when you go up against hillary, your odds look a lot better... people tell me that burnie would of never won, he can't compete... but look at the voices he carries... and then look at trump, who no one thought had a chance... imagine bernie going up against trump... a battle of socialism and totalitarianism... a battle for the ages!!!

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Ya know. It really makes me mad that people are so pissed about illegal immigrants. They are breaking the law and we are made to feel sorry for them? If you want to be in the US then do it legally or don't bother. I am fine with taking in special needs cases and helping out but what about us? What about working class America? The ones who don't depend on government aid yet still somehow can't afford healthcare because of Obama's horrible system. It really makes me mad. No one supports middle class American. They are all for the rich or all for the poor. 

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