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Darth Sexy

Son of a bitch 360

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Ok, I was cranking Rock The Casbah when my 360 went all 13 year old girl on me. Pretty sure it's the standard red ring (3 lights), so I was wondering if anyone could point a spastic in the direction of how to fix it. I refuse to buy a new one, and I refuse to pay someone else, so it looks like it's up to me.

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Meh, you should just buy a new one, the slims are sexy.

But, if that fails then what you need to do is open it up, take the fan off, take the x-clamps off and the heat sink off, reattatch the heat sink w/o the xclamps (you can throw those away) and then turn on the xbox360 for 10 minutes or until it shuts itself off. Then, reattach the fan and you should be good to go.

Works for about 2 weeks...then you gotta do it again. so its not really a long term solution.

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All you need to do the RROD warranty is put your serial number on the Xbox site, and that will tell you whether it's in warranty. No proof of purchase needed.

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Fucking hate that. I'd try the RRoD warranty before you crack those Microsoft seals.

I had a friend fix mine, it worked for almost 6 months and started shitting out again. I did the towel trick and took it into Gamestop to trade in for a new system. It worked long enough for them to give me $125 store credit for it.

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