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2012 London Olympics

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I'm looking forward to watching coverage from the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

What are your favourite Olympic events? Which country, team or athlete are you rooting for?

I'm glad I don't live near any of the venues, and hear that traffic is already a nightmare. Will the Games be interfering with your day-to-day life (for the UK members)?

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Although being an American I support three teams (if either one of these win I'd be happy) the US, Germany, and Sweden. Before this year I never payed attention to the Olympics but I'll get involved this year.

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Oly lifting, Gymnastics, Swimming, 100m... I'll be keeping an eye through everything really, love the Olympics. Will also try to catch a few football games, interested in a few players.

Rooting for? May the best win. And I hope the best is ma nigga Klokov.


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Guest Marney-1

I'm hoping to see Iran and Syria win something but I'm not sure either of them are attending.

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I'm hoping to see Iran and Syria win something but I'm not sure either of them are attending.

Syria is sending 10 athletes, and Iran is sending 53. Both countries are sending male and female athletes (although there's one Syrian athlete that looks transgender...)

I've got a professional interest in watching the opening ceremonies - I always wanted to work on an Olympic opening or closing ceremonies as part of the crew. Friends of mine who worked the Vancouver games had to move there between 6-14 months in advance to be part of the prep and rehearsals (if they didn't live there already). At that point, I'd already retired from showbiz and moved to the opposite end of the country, so it wasn't practical...but they are some of the biggest live stage productions done on the planet, and one of my favourite parts of the Games.

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Guest Marney-1


Since someone pointed out that the logo looks like Lisa Simpson giving head to a hoodie - that's all I see.

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Either that or a retard threw some coloured paper on the ground and they were too nice to say it was awful.

In all seriousness I bet that shitty logo cost millions to produce. :yes:

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Guest Marney-1

Either that or a retard threw some coloured paper on the ground and they were too nice to say it was awful.

In all seriousness I bet that shitty logo cost millions to produce. :yes:

It cost £400,000. I'd have done it for £40,000.

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Yup that pretty much sums it up. It hasn't even started yet and it's already a fuck up. Well, it can only get worse, and I will be laughing when it does.

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Guest Marney-1

Yup that pretty much sums it up. It hasn't even started yet and it's already a fuck up. Well, it can only get worse, and I will be laughing when it does.

Yep, they accidently (on purpose) displayed the South Korean flag before a warm up football match between North Korea and erm, some other team.


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I read that, and the French team didn't know what the Olympic lanes were... oh and this marvelous piece of forward planning.


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Fuck Zuess, it's Odin and Thor

and I don't mean the gay fairy tale one Marvel made ruining the Norse God of Thunder and Humanity and shit


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Fuck, why do we always derail ALL topics?

I thought it was on topic. Kind of.

YES! That's why I mentioned Zeus! Olympia!

It's Massacre's fault.

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