
American Football

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tolbert is like a bowling ball... i like one of your former backs, darren sproles... i've liked him since college, i even got a bears question answered on their website where i suggested that we draft him back in the day... needless to say they questioned his size and if he could translate his skills to the NFL level... i look like a genius looking back on that one...

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Ya the united states of America! Anyways ya Darren was awesome now he is kicking ass in the big easy

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love the big easy... they got themselves in a bit of a problem lately though... a lot of defensive players in the league are defending them though... that bounty thing happens in every locker room...

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Ya I hate what's going on because the rules are getting to strict. And if they continue to get big hits they. Will throw a fit and say they are bounty hunting

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they're trying to cut down on the concussions though, which i kinda of see a point in... when you wear all of that padding, you kind of feel a little invincible, which makes the game exciting because players hit at full speed and tackle with full strength... it's exciting, but it's taking a toll on their long term health...

but yea, i say give them all those modified helmets and let them try to take someone out... if you make tackling a crime, you might as well give them all flags and play flag football..

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he's got a chance to be another peyton manning... but it's hard to predict a collegiate draft pick... there's only so many sure things... i am not so sure he is one of those guys... the last two sure things i spotted in the draft in recent years were both drafted by the detroit lions... calvin johnson and ndamukong suh... i am still not sold on luck yet, but despite losing almost every game last year, the colts still have a nucleus of good players, a lot of peyton's old offense is still there...

i say they go 5-11...

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now im going 2 pay u a litle visit and steal ur copy of cod bo.... seriouslty tho mayb releasing ur irl information on internet isnt so smart???

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change the topic title to "American Football" while you're here... i think it's starting to slowly get back on track...

i see him as a potential great, but i also see RGIII being the next mike vick if he can handle the pressure... and he's coming out of college as a prolific passer, not just a runner... i don't know, i don't see either of them being sure things, i see flaws in their game... the one thing andrew luck has going for him is he has those intangibles, like leadership... he has things you look for in a QB...

EDIT: thanks duffy...

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Thank you duffman

Rg3 should be good the redskind need a QB. They also picked up piere garcon

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i hate dan snyder... i don't think he knows how to run a team... i think it was smart to get RGIII, but he drafted another QB as well... maybe this year he could get his ship back on track, but he's made a lot of bad decisions... rex grossman? a washed up donovan mcnabb? giving albert haynesworth 100 million dollars??? trading champ bailey for another RB?? granted it was clinton portis, but he only had a couple of good years while champ bailey went on to continue dominating secondaries...

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I think he got cousins because he has little faith in rg. He probably thinks he will be a hiper jack rabbit who runs around. Then he will put cousins in if rg3 can't produce

Are we the only Americans here

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if stoic was still hanging out here, he'd be in here... but yea... justanon might be a football fan, i know he's a baseball fan... we're a small contingent though, this board has a lot more people from across the pond and other parts of the world... it's more multicultural, which is why this topic was temporarily high-jacked by them about their version of football... it's the only sport other countries play... i am glad america has stable full of sports to talk about instead of just one...

i think he also fears that RGIII could be injury prone due to all the contact he'll take...but still, grab a capable backup in free agency... there's plenty of clip-board QB's out there... kirk cousins has similar skills to andrew luck... he could be something special in a couple of years, just not holding a clip-board for another fellow rookie... he needs to be sitting behind a veteran like most QB's entering the league should be doing...

andrew luck is just more NFL ready, cousins will be there in a year or two...

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Ya im not sure if Blaine gabbert will be able to help Jacksonville they should have picked up Kirk in the first round

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yea, blaine is a perfect example of a QB that needed to sit behind a veteran for a couple of years to learn the ropes... the jags gave up on garrard and threw the rookie into the fire, and he might not ever recover from it... it happens all too often, fan pressure and veteran QB struggles forces you to play a rookie before they're ready and they fall into a pit they never recover from...i call it the joey harrington effect, only detroit had no options when they drafted him...

jacksonville is in trouble... even my boy chad henne from the university of michigan might not be able to help since he too was thrown into the fire before he was ready in miami... he had better moxie though, he might be able to recover... blaine never knew how to lead, he was drafted because of his size and arm...

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lol, where i work at, the same thing happens... i am in a room with over a dozen people and when football starts, he keeps going and going... it annoys some of the ladies after a while since they want to talk about girly stuff... but there is a couple of female football fans who actually know a thing or two about the sport, so it doesn't get too bad... we actually play in a fantasy football league every year... i play in another one too... i love me some of that too..

i could talk baseball all day too... but there's always something to talk about when it comes to football... like junior seau... speaking of being a chargers fan, that's some sad news there... he was one of the greatest linebackers in the history of the game..

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Ya that's sad stuff. Speaking of linebackers I just watched some Melvin Ingram highlights and he will look good across from Shaun Phillips. Takeo spikes will be our best mlb

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I'm the guy who watches the NFL channel every day of my life and records all of their great shows. Like Americas game

Who is your favorite QB ever mine is Jim McMahon a hilarious dude I read his bio at school its great

Fuck I can't find my teams highlights from this season or our sectional championship game or bucket game. I'm sad

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