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Grand Theft Auto V - Wallpapers

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No, I've seen these on DeviantArt and he just added the logo over the Vice City Wallpapers.


What you did is stealing and plagiarism, you should be ashamed.

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I was impressed with the art, but disappointed with the post. Please respect artists hard work, they put many hours into what they do, not for some random person to rip it off.

If you're going to edit someone's work, do the right thing and credit them, otherwise you'll be left with nothing but a bad reputation.

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Guest I Love U Marney

I was surprised Marney didn't recognize the characters, atleast the first two.

I knew they were bullshit, was just being nice to him to lure him into a false sense of security then I was going to rip his balls off and feed them to him. He could have chose a better R* logo, that one's crap.

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I was impressed with the art, but disappointed with the post. Please respect artists hard work, they put many hours into what they do, not for some random person to rip it off.

If you're going to edit someone's work, do the right thing and credit them, otherwise you'll be left with nothing but a bad reputation.


*Stealthily erases his name from edited versions of Dup's work*

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Yes, photos from brandon are just so smaal so I made them a bit longer with a GTA V logo on it, I didn't say I made them ;)

Brandon has some awesome draws so I just made them a bit more awesome..

No, I've seen these on DeviantArt and he just added the logo over the Vice City Wallpapers.


What you did is stealing and plagiarism, you should be ashamed.

I removed logos, and made the photos longer (1280x1024)

on the other forums his name is there..

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You gave him no credit, you ripped his work. Not only that you used his work without his permission. Of course on the other forums his name is there because that's his page of deviantart you fool. You're rep is irredeemable in my book.

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