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Posts posted by gmt

  1. flying too far south this is what you'll find:


    you can get another glitch then when only the black dots ( I suppose they're ment to be lights) are visible


    just bailed out of a jet collecting letter scraps, just to find that my jet sort of was reluctant to crash:


    stuck there for hours now

    • Like 1

  2. driving past a hooker in a bullet and she's all like "I'd looooove to fuck in that car"

    best thing tho yesterday.

    every morning, there spawns a non-robbable security van on bay city ave (at least I'm not able to shoot the doors out and there's no blip on the map either). I decided to follow this guy and see whats what. at a certain point the driver got nervous (not sure because I followed him or not, looked like there was 2 mesas spawing inside each other on a driveway, we both drove by their burned-out wrecks), and started to go pedal to the metal. In the hills, lake vinewood drive, he crashed into a rock and went back and forth like 40 times, then suddenly respawned a good 500yrds down the road. quite a race to catch up to that guy. anyways, the "hunt" went on and eventually he crashed and exploded at a roadsign on mt vinevood drive and gallileo road, leaving me with this:


    I wonder why it can't be robbed the usual way and doesn't show a blip on the map either, if it's yet full of money to take...

  3. I always saw a lot of underlying scumbag with Michael. He wanted to be a family man and all that garbage, but everything Trevor said about him was right. I never felt that he regretted what happened all those years ago. Even when trying to make amends with Trevor and explain himself, he never seemed genuine, he just wanted to keep Trevor from putting a bullet in him, which anyone who understands Trevor knows that it was never going to happen anyway. There are a few major spoiler moments that I won't go into, because describing them would be a lot of typing and I don't feel like using spoiler tags, but Michael just seems like an asshole to me, even when he's trying his hardest to do right by his family. Trevor does a lot of horrible things (by normal standards. I'm cool with it), but he's honest about it. He's a genuine guy, what you see is what you get, alongside an insane level of undying loyalty that's hard to find in this day and age. Anyone who didn't like Trevor wasn't paying close enough attention to his personality. He might punch you in the face, but he would never stab you in the back. I can't think of a single character in GTA history I would rather have at my side when the SWAT team or someone's private army comes to play.


  4. icon11.gif

    someone tried to organize the hawk and little thing and pisswasser. but people stop listening. it keeps going up. and people who didnt get the tip simply see it going up. so they invest. piss is STILL rising. hawk is a bit behind but i sold piss to early. so bought into hawk.

    I reinvested in piss as soon as I saw it was still rising, right after my last post... piss is up 7 dollar since then... quite a jump

    but I'm still sort of disappointed that social club stats from bawsaq don't synchronize with the game properly, still lists shares I sold weeks ago

  5. again, the same payment bug as mentioned above, even tho last week it did work properly.

    is it possible that properties "refuse" to wire their weekly income if you refuse to do their jobs? cuz I know I refused to help out both "non-paying" properties (cab co and pot store), while I did jobs and received money last game-week...

  6. there's always a bunch of sports cars with some vagos or so around spawning down at the ls river at night, pretty far up, btw river park ave and bridge street (just south of the vinewood racetrack)

    speaking of race track, an easy 9F pickup are the street race locations, for me there's always a 9F at least at one of the locations every time I checked this now, but not always at the same so you might check a few to find one

    EDIT: if you happen to get to the streetrace spawn just before 5am and wait til it's 5am, people leave and the cars remain on site, open to take them w/o alarming anyone

  7. I disdisdisdisdislike that silentmode on the phone only blocks story missions and not sidemissions. of what use is this paaleeeaaas?? I can continue the story whenever the fuck I like while sidemissions, especially property management, always pops up and bitches if you don't comply with the request.

    really... this basically renders silentmode useless

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  8. maybe it was just a buggish thing with me that there was just 1 guy because everything/one else talks about 3 guys in these encounters

    anyways, another wtf moment just happened to me:

    coming from the south on great ocean hwy, I try to take the left-turn down to the buyable dock south of paleto bay, I strike an oncoming vehicle which right away spins into the guardrail on it's right and boom, explosion.

  9. You get $150,000 for collecting all 12 hidden packages ( Suitcases of Money ranging anywhere from $8,000 to $25,000 ). Most of these ( excluding one ) are underwater. Here's a map showing you the locations ~

    The $25,000 one is in the South-West corner of the map.

    speaking of these packages, another exploit-thing, maybe already known by pretty much everyone but I list it anyways, spoilertagged for those who don't wanna know exploits of any kind:

    they respawn, I dunno the time cycle, but they definitely respawn when switching characters, so collecting the package and then switch forth and back makes for some really really easy money

  10. Just saw your list misses Downtown Cab Co which gives 2000 per week

    sooo this leads me to a question, did R* change anything about that weekly income thing with the latest updates?

    because, for Franklin, I own Los Santos Customs, Downtown Cab Co and Smoke on the Water aswell as the Towing Lot.

    Now, the Towing Lot doesn't have a weekly base pay, the other 3 are said to have it.

    What happened to me is, I got the mail listing my weekly incomes, but only received income from LSC. No income from DCC and SotW.

    While the mail lists incomes for DCC (2000) and SotW (9300), the money thing on the HUD aswell as the bank account only list the income from LSC.

    Last weeks income tho was complete, 12900 from all 3 properties + 0 from the Impound Lot.

    any ideas?

    also, while we're at it, may somebody explain to me how the Car Scrapyard works?