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Posts posted by DuffMan

  1. Testing

    Ok, it doesn't break the tables on these forums, so I don't see the harm. The file size limit is going to remain at 100kb however.

    Regarding the subscription, for some reason IPS has made it so you have to pay extra for the subscriptions add-on. If you upgrade on iGTA then I can promote you on here but we'll probably have to think of another solution for simply upgrading on here.

  2. I wouldn't say that got it exactly right. I actually gave up playing RDR at one point because it took so long to get into it. I appreciate they have to help the learning curve, but they didn't have to put in a tutorial mission for every little feature. I think this was a complaint with SA and GTA IV too. It took SO LONG to get into the actual story and decent missions where you start killing townfolk that the game was downright boring for the first 3/4 hours, though it was probably worse in RDR thanks to the slow-as-fuck travelling in a monotonous landscape. If there's one thing Rockstar doesn't take from RDR, it should be that.

    I thought it was near-perfect, to be honest. And the 'slow-as-fuck travelling in a monotonous landscape' was something I thouroughly enjoyed doing. Even more so online when you were in a posse. Nothing more badass than seeing a group of four or five cowboys approach the town on horseback. It would be awesome if R* had some sort of country/rural area in GTAV where the folk still live like they did in the good ol' days.


    It's fine when you're exploring an area for the first time but when you're on your own (I was never talking about multiplayer so I'm not sure why you switched to talking about online posses) back and forth between Blackwater, Seth's chapel and Nigel West Dickens in Gaptooth Ridge with no way of fast travelling, only to find out you're learning how to pick flowers, it's exceptionally boring. A wild western shooter shouldn't take 5 hours before you actually do some shooting. GTA V better not make the same mistake.

    • Like 1

  3. From what everyone's saying, they want GTA V to be a "Red Dead Car" in the same way that RDR was humourously called "Grand Theft Horse".

    Why wouldn't we? R* hit the nail firmly on the head with the mission structure and variety of missions found in Red Dead. If they can carry that over into GTAV, they'll be guaranteed a sure-fire hit.

    I wouldn't say that got it exactly right. I actually gave up playing RDR at one point because it took so long to get into it. I appreciate they have to help the learning curve, but they didn't have to put in a tutorial mission for every little feature. I think this was a complaint with SA and GTA IV too. It took SO LONG to get into the actual story and decent missions where you start killing townfolk that the game was downright boring for the first 3/4 hours, though it was probably worse in RDR thanks to the slow-as-fuck travelling in a monotonous landscape. If there's one thing Rockstar doesn't take from RDR, it should be that.

    • Like 1

  4. Just not a multiplayer person, I guess. I like co-op, but I reserve that for split screen with people I know, I don't really like to play with strangers. Plus I kind of hold a grudge against multiplayer because I don't use it, and I feel like the single player story for a lot of games would be longer and better if the developers hadn't bothered with multiplayer. Another reason is that I like a lot of story in my games, and there's obviously no story involved in a deathmatch or whatever multiplayer modes it has.

    Hairy muff.

    For anyone who is interested in the MP/beta, here are the requirements for the beta unlocks:



  5. No interest in multiplayer or the beta, but I'm looking forward to this. The internet refuses to tell me what's in the Limited and Epic editions, but I'm guessing I won't find it epic enough to spend an extra $90 (or however much extra the Limited edition is).

    Yeah the contents haven't been announced yet, but I'm only buying two or maybe three games this year so I figured why not. Why no interest in the multiplayer? The beta gameplay looks brilliant.

  6. gears3boxart.jpg_2D00_610x0.jpg

    Release: 20th September 2011

    Pretty good interview about the series so far, and stuff about the GoW3 beta: http://uk.ign.com/videos/2011/03/11/talking-gears-with-cliff-bleszinski-part-1?show=HD

    Couple of beta MP gameplay videos. Month long beta starts next month.

    I pre-ordered the Epic edition today (£100 from GAME). It also comes in a Limited edition, but they haven't announced what is included in either yet. I don't really care, I loved the first two.

    Anyone else looking forward to it?

  7. Great for them who likes it, however I will add all the social networking sites to my hosts file and firewall. Their icons and integration is so widespread that I begin to see it as internet pollution. -_-

    It also makes websites wait during the load process when the crappy scripts has to load from third party servers. <_<

    Yep, I hate those so much. They litter every page of the internet. I use Shellfish to block them in Chrome: http://open-bits.com/shellfish/

    • Like 1

  8. Shit keeps getting worse and worse for Japan. I'd like to see them avoid a meltdown but, realistically, I can't see that happening, given everything that's happened so far. It's going to be years before the country even begins to look like it used to.

    Also, kind of off-topic but on-topic at the same time.

    The March 11, magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan may have shortened the length of each Earth day and shifted its axis. But don't worry—you won't notice the difference.

    Using a United States Geological Survey estimate for how the fault responsible for the earthquake slipped, research scientist Richard Gross of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., applied a complex model to perform a preliminary theoretical calculation of how the Japan earthquake—the fifth largest since 1900—affected Earth's rotation. His calculations indicate that by changing the distribution of Earth's mass, the Japanese earthquake should have caused Earth to rotate a bit faster, shortening the length of the day by about 1.8 microseconds (a microsecond is one millionth of a second).

    The calculations also show the Japan quake should have shifted the position of Earth's figure axis (the axis about which Earth's mass is balanced) by about 17 centimeters (6.5 inches), towards 133 degrees east longitude. Earth's figure axis should not be confused with its north-south axis; they are offset by about 10 meters (about 33 feet). This shift in Earth's figure axis will cause Earth to wobble a bit differently as it rotates, but it will not cause a shift of Earth's axis in space—only external forces such as the gravitational attraction of the sun, moon and planets can do that.


    Crazy shit.

    Similar sort of thing happened in 2004, and last year after the Chilean earthquake. Pretty amazing stuff, but the changes are still insignificant. Days naturally get shorter anyway.

  9. I played a little yesterday to unlock the remaining avatar awards (wanted the yellow Rockstar logo t-shirt). I wish you could play as Undead Marston in the normal singleplayer game, with the mythical horses and other bonuses. Jack just doesn't cut it as a gunslinger for me. Plus having maggots coming out of your eye socket is somehow just more awesome.

  10. So it turns out this was a load of shit. So many academics came out and said no radiation would leak, and now look. Turns out you can't beat mother nature with a bit of concrete.

    We supposedly shouldn't have another Chernobyl with this. Apparently the reactor doesn't contain any combustible graphite like Chernobyl did and should dump everything underground in case of a meltdown. 'Course you read a lot of things on the internet and most of them are bullshit, so we'll see.

  11. I don't normally do this, but since you're a wimminz an' all i'll say what the hell. As long as when the village becomes a booming commercial metropolis they'll build a 50ft statue in my honour and perhaps give me a place to stay on the city outskirts, preferably with a swimming pool and a home cinema.

    Bugger off, I replied first. <_<

    I donated first, plus my reply was longer to type.


    (I don't know how to do accents with this keyboard...)