Ostrich Boy

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Posts posted by Ostrich Boy

  1. 1st car: 1993 ford ranger---- purple, but I loved it. Last year I sold it and picked up a 1971 el camino. It's got a high winding 327 small block (it originally had a shitty 307), with an ancient swap-meet supercharger. Since the addition of the supercharger, Id say it makes around 500+ HP. The cherry bomb glass packs make it the loudest car at my highschool


    Dream Car: any Ford thunderbird from 1958-1966. World's greatest boulevard cruiser!

  2. I lol'd because you excluded the Wii from the options, that'll piss Ostrich and Kuz off. :D

    PS3 for me... and PC.

    My console history goes something like this:

    Commodore 64 (sister's)

    Megadrive (+ 32X)




    For the record, I am not a wii fanboy, I just like to defend the wii u (nintendos next console) because I believe it is not fair for people to hate on a console that hasn't been realeased

    Console I own:




    Nintendo 64



    Dream cast


    Wii (mostly Zelda)

    Every model of gameboy

  3. for all we know it couldn't possibly be comin out on the next consoles unless it releases in late 2013/early 2014+

    You should really not say things that hasn't been proven to be true. I believe GTAV will be coming to PS3 and XBOX360 as well but anything is possible, besides, if GTAV releases on the Wii U (don't start that argument again) before late 2013 you'd be wrong. So chill out. Mmmmkay?

    Going by recent development kit releases and then consumer releases he's right about that schedule, Kits for the Wii U went out a while back, The next xbox's kits haven't been sent out yet (I think), and I haven't heard anything of a PS4.

    Me buying it depends on 3 things

    A. Is it a shit port

    B. How similar is it to GTA IV

    and If its a combination of A+B then factor C comes into play.

    C. Is it cheap in steam sales

    Both development kits have already been sent out earlier this year. I think the PS4 (Orbis) ones hit earlier, like around January while the Xbox (Durango) ones were around March after Microsoft showcased the hardware in London.

    I would love to be proven wrong, but I'm pretty sure neither of those dev kits have been released yet

  4. Anything that is considered or said to be leaked, confirmed, known by someone, etc. is all bullshit. R* is possibly the tightest lipped company when it comes to games, and people need to realize that before they flip over every new thing with leak or something next to it.

    I can confirm that this is true my dad works for Rockstar.

    Dan Houser is my uncle.

    My second cousin's friend's uncle's barber knows a janitor at Rockstar

  5. skipped through the posts... all I can say is that I agree with the devs of this site, not gonna happen

    How much you wanna bet?

    I'll ask this one more time before I get warned; DO YOU WORK FOR NINTENDO?

    Edit: Answer the question ffs!

    No I do not.

    Jesus Mary Joseph Brian, thank you.

    I'm sorry, I must have missed your other posts with the question.

  6. What about people who own wii's and another system? They will want to upgrade theirnintendo console, and if gta cost the same amount as the ps3/Xbox variants, it would make more sense to buy the wii u version.

    Really? I own a Wii and I sure as fuck don't want to upgrade to a Wii U. No it won't make more sense to buy GTA on Wii U. Nintendo's multiplayer sucks balls, also developers hate using the Wii's version of the market place. Stop trying to be a fanproud american and look at the real side.

    Also If your actually 18 and able to play Grand Theft Auto and you want the Wii U version that bad I feel bad for you.

    As for the crappy multiplayer, nintendo is dealing with that. The shitty marketplace, too.

  7. Lazlow says "Games like Max Payne 3 are NOT being made for Wii" - so I highly doubt we'll see GTA V on Wii U.

    Listen @17:13 for that bit.

    Of course they're not developing any games for the wii. The wii's shit processing power wouldnt be able to handle any of rockstar's current gen games. However, the wii u could be a whole different story. This is like lazlow saying that they aren't developing anything for ps2. We know they arent, and it's obvious.

  8. Okay, here's what's going to happen: I'm not deleting spam posts in here anymore. Obviously this does not mean you can spam freely, because, if I see too many spam posts, I'm going to lock this shit topic, and it's finally going to drop down the topic list and fade out of memory like it should have a month ago. Also, the people posting the spam will be warned, so, established members, don't spam the topic just to get it locked.

    Have a pleasant day, proud americans.

    I can live with that