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Posts posted by Brian

  1. I would love to be a cop. I had this weird dream last night that GTA V came out suddenly unexpected, and I had it for some reason. I took off in a squad car (one was the vapid and another was like the old style in San Andreas) and I was on a small Island that you start off on. The protagonist was the old guy and the map was pretty big. There was one big Island at the bottom with the airport at the very top then it lead to smaller Islands off of it. Weird I know.

    Anyway back to the cop thing. If you were able to receive custom outfits, or get a special car or something like that, maybe even if the police are more realistic they'll let you off with 1-2 star crimes.

    In multiplayer I want three things, multiple types of cop cars, outfits for cops or other things like Red Dead Redemption, and the ability to control your lights only (which I guess is both Single and Multi). I ask a lot I know but it would be awesome considering the amount of Role Plays and Clans I've come across in the past 4 years. Almost every game at least 1 person is doing it.

  2. Hoping that a new trailer is out in the coming weeks lets discuss the next trailer.

    What would you like to see in the next trailer? When would you like it to come out, and how long do you think it should be.

    I'd personally like to see more of the city and vehicles in the game, but focusing on the story and revealing the main protagonist would be nice too.

    A focus on the story would be nice, we would get a much better sense on what the game is about and get many questions answered, but I would like to see what kinds of vehicles or place might be in the game, even show some of the "surrounding hillsides and beaches".

    What do you guys think and what would you like to see?

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  3. Just keep going north-east with mine. Preferably starting with the two directly to the east of my northern border.

    What you've actually done is go north west, but fuck it, I don't care.

    So I suppose now i'll take the two to the east that are sandwiched between my territories.

    That's basically Northeast, the only East of you are next to the two top and the bottom boot