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Posts posted by Drew-Barnes

  1. It's not that much of a big deal really, and i'm sure if we could buy houses i'd be complaining that there were too many, it's just that in one of the trailers it showed that we could buy houses (as well as real-estate)......yet we can't.

    The website to buy the houses is there, but it's always down, so maybe there is a way to unlock it? I thought i'd done all the missions until I went on the Kiflom website and unlocked more missions. so maybe it's the same for that property website.

  2. The fact that it was built up so much, they made it out to be a lot better than it actually is.

    It's a really good game, but I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I wasn't expecting it to be more than it was.

    Things I don't like...

    1) Very short story line

    2) No purchasable houses (Pretty sure they said there would be....as well as property)

    3) A lot of wasted spaces on the map that were never used. ie. prison.

    4) Lack of "normal" vehicles (Not everyone likes 20 sports cars at the traffic lights)

    5) Lack of car-mod options (12 shades of orange, but no bullet proof windows?)

    6) No real surprises (pretty much everything was in the trailer)

    7) Finishing the game and still not being able to afford anything.

    All that said, it really is the best GTA so far.

  3. Vehicle Tip. What ever vehicle you were in last will usually spawn near the character after switching back to them. I noticed this when I switched back to Trever and the Submersible was "parked" outside the nightclub he was coming out of.

    This might be why the vehicles are disappearing from garages, as I saved a vehicle in Michael's garage, but when I switched back to him it was gone from the garage and was parked outside his house, as it was the last vehicle he drove.

    I've not tried it yet but I'm guessing this works with all vehicles, so once you have stolen something from the military base, switch characters, and later on when you go back, the vehicle should be parked close by.

  4. So I want to buy the golf course but I barely have 60 million with all three characters combined. Forget all the money glitches, I need to know how to make money. I have invested in AirEmu and destroyed lots of FlyUS planes but I barely get enough. What are the best ways to make money after beating the game?

    Does destroying the FlyUS planes actually raise the shares of AirEmu? I will have to try this.

  5. Anyway here is my last one for today.

    1953 GAZ-69


    I'm 99% sure that's the Hustler from San Andreas, which was a 1934 Ford Model B, I think.

    Edit: Nope, wrong windshield. Still sure it's the Hustler, but not sure what the real-world model is.

    The San Andreas version was definitely a Model B five window coupe.

    The hustler was based on a Ford Five Window Coupe, and a Ford Three Window Coupe.

    It was a small hotrod.

    To me the vehicle in Trailer #2 looks more like a truck, but there is a resemblance to the Hustler though. The positioning of the headlights to the grill look more like the Hustler than the GAZ-69. So maybe it is...

    Ford Three Window Coupe (Hustler from GTA SA)


  6. On the first picture I think that line to the left on the horizon might just be the edge of the seabed map glitching out or something. Just a hunch but I never noticed it on any other shots, it should be visible from the observatory but isn't there.

    Actually I've changed my mind, could be part of a wall around the harbour like L.A. has.

    I just assumed it was weather/cloud effect. but now that you mention it, it looks too solid.