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Posts posted by Drew-Barnes

  1. Is there anyway to swap the cars around in the garage to different places? I want them in size order so I can actually see the smaller cars that are currently being hidden by the bigger ones.

    GTA Online, or Single Player Campaign?

    If you are asking about the R* garages on single player, just drive the vehicles out of the garage one at a time.

    Drive them back in, to the order you desire. That sorts them out for me anyway.

    Online, I figured it out though now, I just filled the garage with "place-holder" vehicles, then when I drove in a vehicle to keep, I just choose which car to replace by choosing the car that was in the space where I wanted the new one.

  2. Bike Races: Sanchez - No matter what colour you choose, it will give you the Green Sprunk one

    You can choose different liveries, but you need to hit X or A to confirm your choice.

    Yeah I know, but no matter which you choose, you always get the green "sprunk" livery. Each race I've done were you have to use the Sanchez, all the other players have the same livery too, so I'm guessing its not just me.

    It's not a major problem though, just an annoyance.

  3. I have no idea why some can get on and some can't, it can't be a wifi or an area thing 'cause me and my flat mate share a PS3, are on the same wifi connection and in the same house. He can get on fine every time and has not yet had a problem from day one. However I can very rarely get on.

  4. How do you enter solo mode.

    I am sick of getting busted up by 13 year olds when I'm trying to do stuff.

    Think it's already been asked and answered in here but, you go to the pause menu, go to the online section, go to "play GTA online" and select "Solo session".

    • Like 1

  5. This is probably my first positive post about my online character.

    My character is on the wheel and I am able to play online today, However it does have it's moments of disappearing from the wheel, and from online completely. Longest it was gone was a full day, it's gone and come back numerous times, but always comes back.

  6. I'd say it's fixed. The only times in the last couple days that mine has disappeared is when the message pops up saying that the servers are unavailable, so obviously your not gunna see your character.

    Don't file a missing persons report until they're missing for at least 24 hours.

  7. To the people who say they've lost their character, my friend thought he had lost his but what had actually happened was that he couldn't connect to the cloud server with his character on, in the next morning when there was less people on it was back with everything. Not saying this is always the case, just saying its a possibility. I'm personally nervous with a level 18 character, 92k, 25k garage a pimped Vapid Dominator and Elegy.

    Edit: And apparently continuing without saving, attempting to create a new character or other things like that while your not connected to the cloud server will definitively erase that character. My suggestion: Just wait until your connected again.

    Absolutely spot on, My character disappeared today too, and now he his back.

    If you think your character has been wiped, be patient. and DO NOT CREATE ANOTHER IN THE SAME SLOT. or it will over rite it.

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  8. Has anyone used their personal car in a race yet? How do we do that?

    I choose a Fusilade as my fist car, 'cause it was the fastest thing I could find. But if we're not using it for races then I could have choose something more to my taste, like a Tornado or a Buccaneer, or ideally a BF Surfer, but I figured I wouldn't win much in either of those.