Handsome B Wonderful

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Posts posted by Handsome B Wonderful

  1. I'm shocked anyone expected it to be less than 500

    It's not so bad for you guys in Murica, but here in Australia, Microsoft are going to fuck us with no lube, especially now that they are getting rid of microsoft points.. The PS3 cost $1000 when it first came out here, and if I recall correctly, it was US $499 at release over there.

    If the PS4 is going to have the same price, I'm not entering the next gen for a long time.

    • Like 1

  2. ^Good shit. The first song reminds me a bit of Intervals. Speaking of which, Dio/Gtagrl, hopefully you may have heard of them, seeing as they are Canadian and such.

    And speaking of instrumental space-prog bands, here's Halcyon from Straya.

    Sidenote: I don't get all the hate Supercollider is getting. Sure, it's not thrash, but Megadeth haven't been a thrash band in over 20 years. I think it shits on Thirteen. I like the Sabbath influences, the solos are good, and I actually like Dave's lower vocals, plus I'd rather hear his preachy lyrics than his "der demmycrat gubberment took ur jerbs and ur liberties" shit. The production is the best they've had since The System Has Failed Imo. My only complaints are Ellefson's bass isn't prominent enough, and Broderick doesn't have enough long arse fuck off solos. Give that man his time to shine, Mustaine.

    My verdict - 7/10. Not perfect, but a solid heavy metal album. If you're a fan of Youthansia like I am, it's as close to a follow up to that as you're going to get. Just go into it thinking it's in the youth/cryptic/risk/system vein and you won't be disappointed. Go into thinking it's another Rust In Peace and you're going to have a bad time.

    Edit: Dio, and anyone else who's interested, why not travel to the homoerotic funpark that is tumblr and read part 1 of my blog about bad metal albums. Do it, or I'll masterbate in front of a baby. http://darthhandsome.tumblr.com/post/52316442165/stanger

  3. Just tried to buy GTA V's Collector's Edition from EB Games ( our version of Gamestop ), which is the exclusive retailer that sell's it here in Australia.

    The guy behind the counter practically laughed at me when I asked him if any were still available. He said that the only people that had gotten a reserved copy for it, had ordered it last year and then upgraded the same day it was announced to the collector's edition ( plus not everyone that ordered it last year got a copy ).

    So with no alternatives available ( because the Rockstar Warehouse doesn't deliver to OZ ), I had to no option but to get the Special Edition. Oh Well looks like no Khamelion Electric car for Multiplayer...

    EB is run by a bunch of shitheads. I pre-ordered GTA V in August last year. I was told I'd be notified if any special editions became available. Then they rang me on the day the collector's edition was announced and told me there were "only" 4000 collector's editions being given to eb in Australia, and they wouldn't be able to offer me one. I was tired and I couldn't be arsed arguing with them, so I took the special editon. If I find a JB that has it, I'm cancelling my pre-order.

  4. Games also didn't cost millions upon millions of dollars to produce. Todays games are the entertainment equivalent of Hollywood blockbusters, so it makes sense to look for ways to increase profits.

    The amount of profits received from sales guaranteed with pre-orders would be dwarfed by actual sales once the game is released. Unless your game is absolutely guaranteed of reaching projected sales (which GTA V obviously will), I think it would be wiser for publishers to spend whatever money they may spend on these bonuses on advertising their game. Well some of it anyway (See: new Tomb Raider considered a flop because so much money was spent on advertising it). But that's for another topic.

    This is the present and future of console gaming.

    If this is the future of gaming, I'm damned opposed! :P

    I think we can both agree that regardless of our thoughts on the pros and cons of disc-locked content... I mean DLC, R* are offering some pretty good stuff with that Collectors Edition.

  5. I don't think anyone has a problem with pre-order incentives if they have some physical worth. Caps, keyrings, maps etc are all awesome. It's downloadable pre-order exclusive content that should be (and probably is) on the disc that pisses some people off.

    Will you be so supportive of these companies in the future if they decide to continually increase the amount of micro-transactions in their games? What if you had to pay real money everytime you wanted to buy ammo in GTA? They are businesses after all...

    And sense of entitlement? What, because I spent about the first 15 years of my gaming life receiving the FULL game I payed for (and boy did they cost a lot). Last time I checked, the companies weren't charity organizations back then either.

  6. @MrMister: I have a problem with it because it's an unnecessary practice. Offering in-game content only benefits those who have their consoles connected to the internet. It is of no value to those who can't go online for whatever reason, yet they still end up paying the same price for the game.

    Also, I've been burnt too many times pre-ordering games. Just today I got a phonecall from eb games saying "We are just notifying you that Australia's only getting 4000 copies of the Collectors edition. Unfortunately we won't be able to offer it to you (even though I specifically asked for any such edition when I placed my pre-order). We can give you the special edition instead" Gee thanks. I know the damn mofo employees are going to get first dibs on the Collectors editions.

  7. It's fucked that R* is resorting to offering exclusive in-game content for pre-orders. For shame :no:

    Having said that, I've already pre-ordered the game, so I might as well get the collector's edition

    Like they did for LA Noire? And Red Dead Redemption? And Max Payne 3?

    "Resorting to it" isn't the correct term at all. GTA IV special edition had dick, it WAS a waste of money. Having pre-order in game content is a standard video game practice now. In fact, they would be slammed if they didn't include anything.

    Like the didn't do with III, Vice City, San Andreas, and IV

    The industry is doomed if they think including in-game content with pre-orders will have any significant impact on game sales. All it does is make a large amount of people who didn't pre-order jealous for 2 minutes, and those who did pre-order pissed off when the content turns up a couple of months later for free/cheap.

    At least R* are offering physical content with V as well.

  8. Australia has had no problems at all from this. With the Global Financial Crisis affecting everyone but us.

    **moves to Australia**

    Their dollar is worth 2 cents more than ours and everything seems to be at a markup compared to the states. Don't bother.

    Also, the place is filled with giant, man-eating spiders and kangaroos wearing boxing gloves.

    Yeah, but the average wage in Australia is almost twice that of the states. The best plan for him would be to get a job here for a year, knock up a few sheilas, move back to America, buy many consoles, profit.

    Also, you forgot drop bears.

    • Like 3

  9. God that was shit. I keep an open mind about consoles, but that was just poor.

    -No in-game graphics on display, all just cg cutscenes. And they didn't even look impressive.

    -Senor spielbergo involved with a Halo Tv show (wtf that had to do with the console I don't know). Yay...

    - EA Sports doing some sort of fantasy league crap. I almost fell asleep during that bit.

    - The damned thing looks like an early 90's CD player.

    And guys, 5 billion transistors!!! Take that, Sony!

    • Like 1

  10. I'm hoping Deep Silver are less business-minded than THQ, and actually include the majority of the game's content with the actual release, not as DLC, especially considering this game was supposed to be DLC itself. SR3 must hold some sort of record for the amount of DLC for a game. None of which was worth paying for.

    Metro: Last Light from 4A games and new publisher Deep Silver is getting some tough-as-nails DLC in the form of “Ranger mode,” which ups the difficulty and the immersion by removing the HUD and making enemies tougher. It’s coming as a free pre-order incentive, or as a $5 paid bit of DLC later. Why’s it not free? Because the retailers said so, that’s why.

    Deep Silver parent company Koch Media’s global brand manager Huw Beynon told PC gamer that this sort of DLC is becoming “a requirement by retail” and this was the best type of DLC they could throw in so as to not have fans feeling like they’re missing out.

    “Game makers and publishers now live in a world where offering game content as a pre-order exclusive is a requirement by retail, and Ranger Mode seemed like the best choice since it was a mode for hardcore fans who would most likely pre-order the game, or purchase it at launch in any case,” said Beynon. “We rejected requests to make story content or additional missions exclusive. We also rejected requests to make this a timed exclusive.

    The Ranger mode, instead, is intended only for the hardest of the core; the sort that would pre-order anyway. They’ll also be charging the lowest platform-holder mandated amount possible for the DLC when it’s available on digital marketplaces.

    “We do not recommend Ranger Mode for a first playthrough, and this is made very clear both in-game. We expect Metro fans will want to try Ranger Mode for a subsequent playthrough, and we think that for this hardcore player, Ranger Mode offers a richer experience – but only once you’ve clocked the game at least once.

    “We took all the steps we could to ensure that, while still offering retailers a pre-order incentive that met their needs, we did not force players to pre-order, or make them wait to get this content.”

    Metro: Last Light is coming to PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360…this week!

    i guess that answers my question.

    So I'm expecting an even higher level of pre-order bonuses for SR4 than SR3 had. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to charge $5 every time you want to change your character's features.

  11. "Fret not, radio stations featuring hilarious skits and massive hits – a staple of the series – are back too, confirmed later on when co-protagonist Michael takes to the freeway with

    blaring through the windows."

    -Playstation Magazine Preview

    Oh god no.


    I know people are into hardcore rap, death metal and all that on this forum, but there is always so much hate for pop music. I'll never understand it.

    It may not be your cup of tea, but it doesn't mean its not someone else's.

    I welcome all kinds of music. I didn't think I liked death metal until The Lost and Damned, now the stuff has grown on me. I don't listen to it regularly, but I've learned to appreciate it as a genre.

    Dude, I like good pop music. I wouldn't be such a massive fan of Vice City's stations if I didn't. I just immensely dislike anything Black Eyed Peas-related. Bunch of hacks. That Fergie song was only popular because it samples Sheila E's "Glamorous Life". Which Prince wrote.

    I don't think you understood his post. What you think is crappy other people think is great. Rockstar isn't just trying to appeal to you. If you don't like it don't listen to that station. Just be happy we got another song confirmation.

    Also: that song fits the slutty rich young California girl vibe perfectly, like Michaels daughter.

    Of course I understood his post. I wasn't saying the song itself is crappy (I don't mind it), I'm just against the inclusion of BEP, as they (well, William. I refuse to add the ... in) have a history of plagiarizing other people's music.

    I agree though, the song does have a Californian vibe. It will suit driving at night along the coast.

    Edit:Really, Cheez it? At least add something constructive. Or just continue gangbanging me with everyone else because you think I'm a metal elitist who hates QD music. I don't mind. I've got plenty of lube.