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Everything posted by Rayge

  1. Exactly, just google 'GTA V cheats' and they will all come up, a long with the easter eggs+tips.
  2. Rayge


    Fair enough, Shadow was only created in 2001. Currently, Knuckles is no longer the antagonist, but Sonic's friend. Anyway enough about that, don't want to derail another Deadpool topic
  3. Rayge


    Have you never heard of/played Sonic the Hedgehog? Shadow is a more badass version of Sonic
  4. "What is it if a man gains the world And loses his own soul?" “I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.”
  5. Rayge

    XBOX One

    But aren't they basically forcing you to use it by integrating it in the base Xbox One?
  6. Rayge

    XBOX One

    Kinect is such a gimmick. Most gamers don't want motion controlled games, if we did we'd just play sports in real life. I play games to relax, not to exercise. On the other hand, it is probably useful for 250lbs 10 year olds. The Kinect is aimed more for kids and families, probably due to the massive success of the Wii which sold like 100 million units. It's a good money making scheme, but it's not really what the main Xbox customer base asked for.
  7. Rayge

    XBOX One

    You can't 'unplug' the kinect, it has to be on for the Xbox to work. And no one really wants the PS Eye anyway, just like no one wants the kinect, but it's inbuilt so they have to buy it. It's just like adding loads of useless features that nobody wants, that jack up the price.
  8. Rayge

    State of Decay

    I'll definitely buy this game for PC, since I don't have a 360. It sounds like it's really worth it.
  9. Rayge

    XBOX One

    Even if it is true, it's $100 more, still comes with the mandatory kinect, and has slightly worse specs.
  10. Rayge


    I don't give a shit if you need to have a unique pass to play a game online. The reason people borrow games is usually to play the single player, not to play online.
  11. Rayge


    Ubisoft also does it with AC3, since you need your uPlay passport I think. Even if it's present in some games, it doesn't mean it will be present for all games. For the Xbox One NONE of the games will be able to be traded to a friend without going through the official method.
  12. Rayge


    What reason would they have for that? To ruin their reputation in the future deliberately? Doesn't sound like something any company with plans for the future would do.
  13. Rayge

    XBOX One

    Millions of people
  14. Rayge


    They literally addressed every single point that enraged people about the Xbox One, it's hilarious.
  15. Rayge

    XBOX One

    But I guess it didn't get much attention since it was the last post on the page.
  16. For some reason when I try to do the 'current crimes' missions time runs out so fast, I don't even have time to get there before it says I failed to neutralize the targets, and I'm a pretty good driver.
  17. I was playing IV today, and as usual I visited the stripclub. However, instead of going in I provoked the security guard, and ran to the nearest cop. The security guard hit me, causing the cop to instantly shoot him to death even though he didn't have a weapon, which was hilarious.
  18. fuck you and go to hell Fukkk u rednekkk!1!
  19. Rayge

    XBOX One

    I wonder how many sales they anticipated - I doubt they expected the whole internet to hate on the Xbox One as much as they do. However, I guess that's what the internet is for.
  20. Rayge


    What if your Xbox360 breaks? Aren't PS3s usually more reliable?
  21. Rayge


    I usually get bored of FPS games, perhaps because I prefer open world games, such as infamous. And wreaking havoc in public is always fun.