CaPn bOnEs

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Posts posted by CaPn bOnEs

  1. use the LA noire wikia for the 5-star mission guides... i was using something else but i noticed that the wikia has detailed walkthroughs now as well... you'll have to get all questions right (most of the time) and find all the clues... also it's worth mentioning, make your partner drive since car destruction and damage counts against your final score...

  2. just a reminder... when you keep seeing the same cars over and over, just reload the free-roam and a new set of cars should spawn... i didn't find that out until i was down to the final 3 cars... i reloaded and all three ended up appearing...

    also, PLATINUM TROPHY!! now all i am waiting on is the playstation store to come back so i can play the DLC cases...

    and i found a unique car as well, there's not a single one on the road like it :P...


    what a deal!! $2300!!

  3. yea they are... i only have 3 cars left to find for 100% and i've already wasted a couple of hours trying to find them :angry:... maybe i'll finish up 5-starring arson and hope to run into them playing those missions...

    but i am close to platinum, i can feel it's presence... ohh wait, that's just massacre stalking in the bushes...

    EDIT: what the fuck?! i found the last 3 within 10 minutes of each other!! lol... 100%'d dis bitch, and i recon i could get that platinum this afternoon since i only have a few left to get, plus i have already 5-starred 90% of the cases :D...

  4. so it appears that the voice of the burned man, keith szarabajka, is also the same voice of hershel biggs, your partner at the arson desk in LA noire... he's got a distinct raspy voice, sounds like the perfect choice for the burned man...

    just read the NMA review... damn you hackers!! i want to play this NOW!! :angry:...

  5. open the map and press i think R1 or L1, it will highlight the street crimes on your map, then set a marker for the destination... the red ones are yet to be done... and some of desks have night time crimes as well so you'll have to wait out the night cycle...

  6. crawlakill.jpg

    the first ever NASCAR sponsor, CRAWLAKILL INSECT SPRAY... i made a $100/win, it was nice... actually, this is part of a bench that stuck to the car just right... it fell off as soon as i took the picture :(...

    collected all the film reels, some were hidden in clever spots, some were hidden in obvious spots that pissed me off when i finally found it... also discovered all landmarks, and only have arson left to 5-star... also only need to find about a dozen cars...

    i almost have this beast finished :D... but i'll have to work on a couple of trophies that aren't part of the 100% process as well...

  7. yea, i think the add-on cases will be a part of the desks you've already played... and if i am not mistaken, the upcoming DLC will involve new desks, which probably fit somewhere in between traffic and homicide.. after all, there is this "6 months later" screen in between those desks... one was "robbery" but i forgot what the other one was...

    my synopsis on the ending and a mini-review;

    i too was disappointed when cole died... kinda closes the door on a sequel involving these characters... perhaps they move on to NY Noire or something because this game has received heaps of praise... but once i took control of kelso, i knew it was going to be a repeat of RDR... i was just trying to figure out how it would happen... an unfortunate flood in the sewer system washes cole away... however, i am sure they never found the body so who's to say he really died??

    i had no problem with the balance of action and investigating... if anything, i didn't think there were enough clues and evidence to purge through... the truth/doubt/lie trio worked extremely well, and was very challenging at times... cole would belt out lines at the wrong times here and there though, sometimes it seemed a little out of place yelling at a poor helpful widow... and after replaying the cases with a guide, i was finding just how impossible it was to get some of these questions right the first time... i've found a few times where i had to use a piece of evidence that really didn't have anything to do with the question i asked, or nothing to do with their lie beforehand... ohh well, it worked 95% of the time...

    the controls felt clunky and the driving felt arcadish... the scripted chases were fun and the shootouts were decent enough, but not all that great... the story was moving and kept the game churning along... i too felt vice was empty, i was hoping for more cases too... it just seemed like a throw-in desk to help tie the story together... but there wasn't enough to vice, and i found it to be the least favorite desk... there could of been more variety with homicide but, it was good... i thought traffic had the best cases and the best variety, can't wait to play the PS3 exclusive traffic case and the walmart pre-order traffic case as well... i loved traffic...

    in closing, this was a fun and unique experience, albeit a FLAWED experience that had a lot of problems that popped up, but the core of the game really made those problems ignorable...

    i give it an 8/10...

  8. thanks dup, i will be using that for the film reels... possibly tonight if i am not bothered by friends... i am trying to 100% this soon, because i got a friend that wants to borrow it :D... hopefully the store comes back soon so i can play the DLC cases before i loan it out...

  9. replayed "the black caeser" case... there's something funny i noticed during the replay;

    ...cole phelps and roy earle arrest every single wetback and negro during the case, lol :lol:... he claimed they'd be spared jail time since they were after the supplier but they still arrested every single negro... lol, racism runs deep in this game... it's just not prominent, it's subtle :D...

  10. Totally bored of these games now. Used to be Call of Duty's biggest fan when it came out originally on PC, but we get shafted time and again and I couldn't give a fuck if this game totally flunks. Of course it won't because there are too many sad virgin fanboys on the consoles who will jizz themselves every 3 months when a new CoD game is pushed out, and again when they pay £10 for a new map every few weeks.

    Definitely won't be paying for this game.

    yea, i work with said fanboys... all i have heard for the past couple of days is the new MW3 trailer, and when i was at the midnight launch for LA noire that's all anyone talked about... when i was paying for LA noire before midnight, the guy told me i could get a free poster with my pre-order of MW3... i told him no thanks, he said it's an awesome poster, i told him i don't play call of duty, and he looked at me like i told him his parents were dead...

    seriously, the fact that EVERYONE plays it, makes me not want to ever buy it... instead someday in the future i will enjoy the visuals of the single player when i rent it for a couple of nights... i still haven't even played MW2, world at war, and black ops... i am in no rush either...

    i'll give credit where credit is due, i thought the launch trailer was badass, but all i saw was homefront 2.0 and crysis 2 all rolled into one... nothing blew me away but it was the premise of WW3 and the music that made the video dramatic... that is all...

    play crysis 2 if you want to play an awesome invasion game, that actually feels different than every other shooter on the market...

  11. so i guess the store is suppose to come back today??? whatever, i probably still have to wait a couple more weeks to get honest hearts, the only thing i got pissed about when the network went down...

  12. i would love to but i have to pass... i provided a few helpful guides for RDR but last year i had more free time... this year, i don't think i have the time to write a guide... sorry, and i just finished the street crimes last night too :(... i don't think i want to play them all again in the next week to write a guide...

    but i would love to use your guides for the film reels, landmarks and vehicles... maybe by the time i wrap up 5-starring the cases you'll have these guides ready... sorry i can't help this time around...

  13. 5-starred the homicide desk... and had a funny glitch happen... while arresting someone, instead of putting the suspect in the paddy wagon, they placed him on the hood of his broke-ass car, then the driver's door of the paddy wagon opens with no one around... lol, i am assuming the animation spawned about 10 feet behind the camera :lol:...

  14. my good guy, bones, is level 35... my evil chick, delilah, is 32... and poor sanchez is still back at level 19... at least from the sound of things, this DLC is much easier than dead money, which might interest me in playing through it a 3rd time to try out the crafting recipes and generally to see what it would be like to play it on hardcore... and maybe when i get back, i'll be ready for dead money... because as of right now, sanchez is not even close to being ready for dead money...

    it's a good thing that honest hearts is easier... i would hate to start a new file and have to wait until i reach level 20+ before i could even attempt them... in fallout 3, the pitt and operation anchorage were early level add-ons, and think obsidian should keep with that mentality and keep old world blues slightly easy... i fully expect lonesome road to be as tough as dead money...