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Posts posted by calimann83

  1. GameInformer talks about the driving and damage physics: "Those who complained about boat-like vehicle controls in previous games should be placated with the refinements Grand Theft Auto V delivers. Cars have a proper sense of weight, while retaining the agility necessary for navigating through traffic at high speeds. The damage models are also drastically improved, with more variance to the scrapes and dents you collect careening down the highways like a madman."

    I'd ask that Bowling1 fellow to comment, but I'm guessing he's in the wind by now. What a schmuck.

    I don't know, Bowling1 saw the leaked gameplay you know, that means he knew what he was talking about. (Sarcasm)

    wow listen to this proud american giving the gamestop review. he only gave it a 9 because he was offended by the game.

    he refers to rockstar's genius humor as "misogynistic nastiness"

    actually, he sounds just like the liberal host of "pacemaker" in GTA IV

    EDIT: turns out the reviewer; Carolyn Petit is actually a tranny feminist who used to be a man.

    possibly the worst person to review a GTA game

    So because she is transgender makes her the worst person to review a game?

    Yes, yes it does.

  2. Canceled my pre-order due to shitty driving physics.

    Thats like turning gay because you had a bad date

    ...or watching someone else appear to have a bad date.

    That's a good analogy, would like both but I guess I am at my limit.

    I have never understood why some people do this when games come out. They get fixated on any little negative thing they can find and then blow it way out of proportion like the developer owed them something and didn't pay up.

  3. No I am just extremely upset. I absolutely hate saints row and I am certainly not a no lifer internet troll. I have been waiting for Grand Theft Auto 5 for six years. It is or WAS the only free roam game that I would be willing to play due to realism. I was hoping for a good quality game. And I wanted one thing, good physics. But no, Rockstar downgraded to Mario Cart physics so that it's nothing like GTA4's physics. Now the game is worthless.'t... actually.... played it! so how could you know for a fact that the the driving is shit if you have not actually played it? gameplay videos dont tell you shit. Honestly, if the driving alone is enough for you to not get this game then you are overreacting, you are going to miss out, and the GTA community will not miss you.

    • Like 1

  4. I wonder if we'll get some other extra info. With the two-sided map like islands, hidden roads, etc...

    Like Dup said, the Official GTA V Map will be two sided, with Los Santos County on one side and Blaine County on the other.

    An official Map is unlikely to have hidden content/ Information pointed out, that's what a strategy guide is for ( like the Brady Guide Map ).

    But like I said in an earlier post, Brady Guides are famous for being full of inaccurate information and not being very in-depth.

    I have seen some messed up Brady Guides too. If I remember correctly the guide for SA had items in the wrong locations, things missing and things that weren't there. That was one of the reasons I stopped getting them... that and I learned how to use the internet.

    • Like 2

  5. A cage full of boxes. Wait. Are they gtas?
    :yes: At least 600 copies in that one cage. There were more too.
    Whats it like to be so close but you still can't have it? I can't imagine the install (the 8 GB one from the disk) on the PS3 will take any longer then 10 to 15 minutes. Skyrim was a little less the 5 GB and it seemed to only take about 5 to 8 minutes. Maybe I am wrong, I never timed it.

    the ps3 only has 1 disk, so instead of 8gb you need to install the full 16gb

    Nope, its just 8

  6. I imagine there are a few people on this site are saying bad things about you right now cy. PS I just saw your tag. Kudos

    we talk shit about all of you in the mod section...

    I Knew it !

    I have no problem clicking to ignore the warning, but that page Firefox keeps sending me to saying "oh please dont go to that site, pretty please. its dangerous and we dont want anything bad to happen to you" that one gets annoying.

  7. A cage full of boxes. Wait. Are they gtas?

    :yes: At least 600 copies in that one cage. There were more too.

    Whats it like to be so close but you still can't have it?

    I can't imagine the install (the 8 GB one from the disk) on the PS3 will take any longer then 10 to 15 minutes. Skyrim was a little less the 5 GB and it seemed to only take about 5 to 8 minutes. Maybe I am wrong, I never timed it.

  8. I cannot understand the whole midnight release thing. Seems like a major pain the in the ass. Plus, but the time you get the game home your gonna be all tired and shit and not feel good. Who wants to play a game in that state?

    I think it is mostly a social experience thing. You are going to hang around a bunch of people who are excited about the same thing as you, creates a feeling of community. I did it for IV but I probably wont bother with it again. I'll be getting it whenever Amazon (or FedEx really) feels like getting it to me on the 17th. I wish I could take the week off but I just can't.

  9. this shows what all the icons mean:


    very nice, thx for that

    I wonder if the the flight school has to be visitet by franklin and michael before they can lift up, would be nice :)

    I wouldn't think so for two reasons.

    1. It's GTA and if its a car, boat, helicopter or plane you can fly it from the beggining.

    2. I don't think that's ever been the case for GTA. Rockstar hasn't said anything about you can only fly with Trevor at first, shoot with Michael, or drive with Franklin. Once that screen loads your gonna be free do drive or fly whatever u want.

    In SA you had to go to flight school to have access to air craft. you could still fly, but the air ports were closed to you.

    I also wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot in inaccuracy, or even things that are missing, from this map. I wouldn't, however, hold your hopes up for another island.

  10. Any Word on Bullet Proofing or Armoring a vehicle? that would be one of the best things they could add, Imo. Im mostly thinking of bullet resistant windows that can take up to a certain weapon class, or maybe cosmetic steel plates welded to the outside of a vehicle that can add extra weapon-damage protection, stuff like that.

    I know I haven't heard anything about that, but somebody else might be able to clarify on that. But I was under the impression that most, if not all, of the car mods were just cosmetic and weren't going to have much impact on functionality -- but I could be wrong.

    No, we know for a fact that we can do things to alter the cars performance. We have not really heard about armor, but we do know that we can reenforce the frame and add roll bars.

  11. Mind = Blown


    OH MY GOD!!!! do you know what this means????


    We're all Rockstar employees.

    Well this is awkward..

    So i've been reading on the Reddit of GTA V and I found this VERY interesting post. Basically, this guy VERY accurately measured the maps of RDR, GTA SA, and GTA IV. He Concluded by saying that GTA SA is the largest of the three. Yes, its a fact. He then did a whole bunch of math which wouldn't really interest you but he did all this math using percentages along with the measurements of km I believe and then finally converting it to miles and he did ALL of this just to get an accurate reading of what a mile would be in GTA V's map. So then he posted this. Which is accurately showing how big the map is. How SA is compared to GTA V's map. Just note AGAIN that SA is the largest of all three of the maps i've mentioned.

    EDIT: Here is the map compared with all 3 of the maps.. oh.. my.. god.. this map is indeed going to be huge.

    I, dont know about that... I mean I know the map is huge and I have no worries about it, but that comparison looks a little funky to me.

    • Like 3

  12. So, back on topic: to riff off of what Bounty said he didn't want, I'd actually appreciate a call from Roman, even if just as an Easter Egg;

    South Central Los Santos, twilight.

    Franklin peruses the lush green buffet of cannabis at the dispensary he's patronizing. As he sets his eyes on a particularly appealing strain, his phone rings. Obeying the posted sign that prohibits cell phone use, he hurries outside into the SoCal humidity, iFruit in hand. Anxiously fingering the Accept Call button, he yanks the device to his ear and barks an annoyed "H'lo?" The voice on the other end, a familiarly foreign cadence (Serbian, perhaps) timidly says "Niko? Wrong number, I'm am sorry!" and hangs up. A bewildered Franklin stares at his phone's LCD screen, shaking his head and muttering to himself. He pockets his phone, returns to the counter, and concludes his business.

    That would actually be pretty funny, I especially like how Franklin obeys cell phone laws. Safety first right.

    so I have to say, when even I see the title of this topic the opening from Micheal's trailer starts going through my head "What do you want Micheal" and then I have Queen going through my head all day.

  13. Yeah, there's definitely something there. Still hoping for a Catalina Island replica.

    That would be awesome. A great place to hide another air field.

    No actual spoilers but I mention a trophy icon...

    The only problem is that there was no island on the outline we saw and none of the previewers have mentioned it and you would think they would have seen it by now considering they have flown over and around LS. No, I guess a little outline from a trophy symbol isn't set in gold and it is possible the magazines were told not to say anything, or they just missed it.