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Posts posted by calimann83

  1. It seems people are taking the realism issue a bit too far. I think dual weapons would be awesome and not just pistols. Of course it would be insane to try and accurately shoot with two weapons, but I think that’s okay for GTA. I think basic Hollywood realism is what I expect; people are not running around with purple dildos or ray guns but they can still blow up a car by shooting its gas tank. Same goes with silenced weapons, sure in real life they usually only muffle the sound (usually it sounds more like a back firing car) but in the movies it is completely silent. I do not see GTA couldn’t follow Hollywood rules (like they have in the past) and still be real enough for you guys.

  2. R* said the map is 4/5 times bigger than IV's, and said that LS Would be a little smaller than LC.

    So if you can do some math and did some research you would see that LS is 20% maybe 25% but absolutly not more than 30%.

    R* Said that LS downtown was smaller than LC downtown, I don’t remember them saying that entire city was smaller. that would not make sense because LA (if you count the entire LA basin) would be a lot more spread out the New York while New York is a lot more dense with bigger downtown area.

    A video about Salton Sea

    2'35" : Gas station (Trevor and Bodies scene - 2nd trailer & prostitutes scene- 1st trailer) and Liquor store/grocery (prostitutes scene- trailer 1) they are a mirror of GTAV stores.

    3'33" : the bar where Trevor hit a man in the 2nd trailer

    Hum... Disturbing

    Yeah, i didn't see a single person walking around in that video. It looks mostly derelict and reclusive. Weird trailer park in the middle of nowhere, it kind of looks like a nuclear experiment lol

    I used to drive through the Salton Sea on my way down to Calexico, probably one of the most depressing places I have ever been and I was in Iraq. Calexico is probably in 2nd.

    alright well first things first

    i dont know the geography of L.A at all so i dont know where the moutains would start on the map below, my guess is right above the 210?

    i dont know that is the case, BUT if it is..that red line is a 15 minute drive end to end, im just approximating because what i watched was just over 6 minutes, but it was fast forwarded. obviously the games scaled down, so the distance would vary, but thats still a very large area to cover, including past monterey park to say i dunno the L.A national forest. i dont know if it would go that far or not..but that is not a small playground just south to north, i dont know how far east it stretches. id say hacienda heights, that makes sense geographically to me, but bombay beach is way further than that so would that mean it stretches almost down to san diego? or would all that area be super squished closer to L.A.

    im trying to follow the maps that have been put together already, but some of the better ones are confusing as hell to me.

    the blue on the second map is my guess rough map edges.. with bombay beach included

    I don’t think you can use a real map to figure out what are will be covered. Knowing R* they will just pick and choose from around California things that they want on the map. So like you said, it would probably be squished together with LS.

  3. I am just hoping for a full sized Jumbo Jet. There was that one in SA that was always a lot of fun to steal.

    It would be great if you could severely damage or even destroy buildings by flying into them, but I don’t expect that to happen. For one it would probably be too difficult to have a destructible environment like that, second people tend get upset about planes playing into buildings and blowing them up.

  4. 0:46 The car repo'ed by Franklin has a temporary tag, it says "SA EXEMPT" instead of "SAN ANDREAS".

    I was just looking through the Screen shots and noticed this again and it got me thinking. First off CA Exempt wouldn't be a temporary tag, its government (State or Local including cop cars) plates usually, I would assume it has the same meaning in SA (In CA temp licences are just pieces of paper you stick to your window). It is probably nothing, but at the same time it seems oddly specific.

    every other plate we have seen has been has been the normal CA style San Andrea's plate. Did they repo a government car? I am assuming this is mission specific but if anything it really shows the detail they have gone into. On the other hand a shot of a police car from the first trailer shows it with a regular SA plates when it should have a SA Exempt plate.

    so I don't know, I guess all this means is that I need to find something better to do.

  5. Has any GTA allowed you to save boats? I can not recall ever being able to do that.

    Why would you want to save a boat? All of them are the same and generic. If you ever needed to get a boat, just go and steal one.

    The only reason I could think of to have a save feature for boats, is if you could customize them.

    So sure, if you could customize the paint jobs and the body of your boat, plus maybe add a machine gun or something to the outboard, then maybe there would be a reason to have a save feature for boats.

    The only thing is GTA V will probably only feature car customization though. So it's probably a waste of time.

    Well I was thinking that it would be nice if they had some unique water craft. Some boats are better then others. boat customization would be cool, but I don't see that happening.

  6. Im sorry but i gotta post this


    Not shitlist worth actually something I applaud because he actually took the time to say why no and not the normal "it's bad", the guy has a point. It violates his morals and it's his household, granted his son is almost 18 and is illegally able to play it, but mind you the person is still a minor and his father said no. It's not that he was Bible-thumping as he said he allows violent video games such as good versus bad, but this is Grand Theft Auto. Granted it's only a video game but he's the father and it's his decision.

    I'm not 18 yet, but I have played a lot of violent games like GTA, AC, CoD. And from my experience, I can conclude his rant about how they influence us to hate cops etc... is 100% bullshit. Normal people aren't affected and influenced to go out and abuse women and kill people, even if they are under 18. Problems only arise when you get someone with an existing problem playing/doing something that could trigger something bad.

    I have been playing violent games since I was just a 9 year old kid, and it has not once influenced me to kill people or any of the ridiculous stuff a lot of angry parents say video games do. In fact, playing these games has actually broadened my knowledge of all kinds of things, especially games with cultural and historical content such as RDR and AC. It's normal for kids to have a curious and destructive nature, even before they have been exposed to all kinds of media.

    Basically, only someone with an existing problem is prone to being influenced negatively by videogames or movies.

    Again it doesn't matter what you think the person who's being affected is the minor who's father won't allow it. What you say doesn't matter it's his house his rules. Again he said he would allow "good vs bad" violence but doesn't want "bad vs good" violence in his household. What is said after that doesn't matter he laid the ground rules and wants his child to abide by them. I know damn sure I wouldn't want my son disobeying my rules and I sure as fuck wouldn't want somebody telling me how to raise my child.

    Well said

  7. Even when playing GTA3 on the PlayStation 3 cars will still be there after cut scenes. I downloaded GTA3 from PSN and have been playing it for old time’s sakes. it’s amazing that on the PS3 cars stick around a lot longer. I have been able to do whole missions and still find my car back where I left it. I remember playing on the PS2 and I swear you could look away for a second and when you turn back your car would be gone.

  8. My numbers might have been off, (I guess SA is actually bigger then RDR and the 28sq mile thing was just rumor) but it has to be bigger the 7sqmiles. today I found someone who calculated it to be around 30sq. he used in game mesurments of each game to come up with that. http://www.gtaforums...howtopic=531982

    Yep, I meant to link to that myself but forgot :)

    His map shows around about 12sq mile cropped map for RDR, but as I said, a large portion of that, more than 40% is not explorable due to the impassible walls.

    As S.A. is proven to be the biggest we know it's going to be significantly bigger than that, which I guess is the main thing.

    I already posted that, probably about 10 pages back by now.

    Sorry, I thought I had skimmed everything but I guess I missed that.

    The fact that 5 will be bigger then SA is the significant point to all this. of course, The fact that they were able to make RDR seem so much bigger then SA when in fact it was not is impressive.Now maybe it was just because RDR only used horses and had smaller urban areas, but it is something to think about.

  9. Keys. You like a car? Save it in your garage, etc. after this you have "keys" to the car. As long as you don't park it in a "tow-away" zone you can hold (triangle or Y) and your character with lock the car door... Just don't park your Maserati in the ghetto overnight.

    Only problem I can think of is parking a car in a position that would directly affect a mission, like parking in front of a bank then doing a heist at that bank. Simple fix though, if you do so then your car disappears.

    I am sure the car would just reposition itself. That is what it did in GTA4 when you started a mission. If you parked on the street, got out and started a mission after the cut scene your car would be nicely parked on the curb.

  10. You're responding to a post made over a year ago, by a member whose account no longer exists...

    That made me laugh.

    I think that Mt Chiliad is in the middle(ish). I think we will have LS, countryside (hills and grass), forestry country side, the mountains then the desert. that’s how I see a proton of the map anyways. I could also see them wrapping the desert around the mountains so that it comes in contact with part of the city.

    We know the map is bigger than RDR by quite a bit, right? In RDR you could barely see across the entire map. If you stood at the edge of those cliffs that ran between Bonnies farm and armadillo and looked towered Mexico, you could sort of make out the rock formations there. My point is that, even in a RDR sized map, there would be plenty of room to have a very large city and still have a whole lot of explorable countryside. Considering how much bigger GTA5 will be, I do not think there should be any real concern over how much mountain and country we will have to explore.

    Has anyone tried to do a Sq Mile estimate of this map? I think I have read that SA was about 14 SqM and GTA4 was just bit smaller? RDR was around 28SqM. So if I am right about those numbers (which very well may be wrong about) GTA5 would be at least 36 Sq Miles? Could that be right?

  11. I think there should be some sort of gambling like a casino, or organised high-stake poker games at rich people's mansions etc. something like that can use up a lot of money but also earn you a lot of money.... The thing is, what are you gonna do if you earn big time money.... Maybe buy exotic yatchs or something?

    Only problem with that is the save game cheat thing, like in TBoGT where you could bet massive amounts of money. If you lost, you just loaded up a previous save and tried again, and if you won... You won big time.

    Not really a problem I guess, but could still happen, not that it would really affect anything.

    I remember doing the same thing in SA. You do the horse betting and put all of your money on the worse bet (best return). It takes a couple tries but when you win you win big. I think I ended up with the max amount of possible cash that way.

    I do not know if that is so much of a problem. You have to make an effort to do it. Yes it is cheating, but sense its single player it only effects that person. Anyways I don’t think it is enough of a problem to not include gambling.

    I would like to see bribery become a bigger thing in this game. You could bribe crime bosses, government officials, business... if you don’t then you will have extra heat from that group or they won’t help you. So say you have a police chief in your pocket all the police in his area will wait a lot longer before they go after you. I guess it is sort of like the first Godfather game, as you progressed in the game you had to pay off Captains, the police chief, and eventually the FBI. At the same time I do not think it should be mandatory, you could play the whole game and not HAVE to bribe anyone, and it will just be more difficult.

    Oh and creed2005569, those ideas sound great. I think it would be great if you had the same amount of detail in home customization that you have with cars. I mean floor/carpet, furniture... all that stuff. Maybe it is a little too off theme for a GTA, but I think it would be fun to see all of the different ways people could customize their pads.

  12. To me the best GTA music has been VC and SA. I think Marcus is right, it is because those are two eras we most familiar with. I would love to see a healthy mix of 80's, 90' 2000's. I do not like that obscure stuff like what they had in 4.

    I just want an Ipod.

    I imagine since the cell phones are mimicking the iPhone that it will also be an Mp3 player. That would be a good way to allow for your own music.

  13. That’s a good point about the train. The fact that it cuts right through Mt Chiliad speaks for how big the map is. In California the desert is separated from the LA area by mountains, so it would make sense if Mt Chiliad sat between the city and the desert.

    As for subways, like Treefifty said, they do exist in LA, but if I remember correctly though they have never been all that popular. I may be wrong; I have not spent too much time in LA. All I remember about LA subways is that they were trying to build one when I was a kid and the tunnel kept collapsing. Anyways, I don’t think subways are really what people think about when you say LA, so it is possible they may not bother including them. I hope I am wrong because I think they would be great.

  14. In my opinion its a mistake not being able to buy assets in GTA5, in Vice City and San Andreas it was a big objective to add property and revenue to make the story goes on, hope R* reconsider. This is economy: http://www.g-unleash...hp?cat=15&pid=6 http://www.g-unleash...?cat=16&pid=313

    I agree, I cannot understand why they would not include this. I am sure they have their reasons, but I dont understand.

  15. I don't know, it is kind of a matter of opinion. Why was RDR not an island? if it does not matter and it is what R* always does, and under your logic it is impossible to change something if it does not have a tangible effect that you recognize, then why did they not make RDR an island? ( sorry for the poor sentence structure, I didn’t feel like fixing it)

    Well that's obvious.. because you can't fly harrier jets in RDR.

    LOL, that has nothing to do with it. I was pointing out that your logic of "it cant change if it doesnt make a noticable change" doesnt make sense.

    Are you retarded? My logic is if it ain't broke, don't fix it. GTA's have been an Island for a reason, and that is because it doesn't break flight immersion.

    Well I am currently working on my MBA so certainly hope not. You are not using "if it aint broke, don’t fix it" logic you are using "it is imposable for R* to change anything without you understanding the purpose" logic. That is bad logic because it requires a number of assumptions, namely that you could, right now, name all of the possible reasons R* could have for changing something. People, including developers, change things all the time for no apparent reason. But I am not even saying you are wrong, there is a good chance they won’t change it, I am just saying your logic is flawed. I also disagree that it being an island increases immersion, in my opinion it hurts it. It is not that big of a deal, we can agree to disagree, no need to start calling people names.

    I have a doubt, a huge doubt. Where this highway goes? It starts in Los Santos, but where it goes?

    a highway doesn't just stop they connect cities but there only is one thats what he means

    i think it just rings around the whole map from the bottom of Los Santos around then to the top of LS

    anyone used the windmills in that pic for mapping?

    I agree. I think it extends further than jus around LS though. There's probably junctions on the loop that fall off into towns on the way around...

    It could also just tapper off until it is nothing but a two lane road. I guess it could be like the 15, which starts off large but then dwindles into 2 lanes (even though it needs to be widened to 4 lanes). LS is the only city, but there could be a large town that the highway connects to.

  16. ^^^Blacksox I do not see where you are getting that. he was obviously just using Michael and Franklin as an example. It is a good idea and obviously DuPz0r meant that it would be between all three characters equally. Nothing about that indicates that franklin is subservient to Michael. It sounds like you are reading into it a little too much.

    who cares if sr3 was unrealistic its just a fucking game i wouldnt want a big fucking garage that i had to walk around in just to get to a car i wanted to use i like the list quick and simple

    I have nothing against SR, it was a fun game. It is not even abut realism but as cosmic put it, it is silly. it is silly and it cheapens the whole experience. In GTA I enjoy finding and keeping rare cars, I feel accomplished. In SR it was no big deal, save it and now it is immortal. It had no value at all.

    Well there could be two ways around the problem. Either you could get your car reinforced so it doesn't take damage anywhere near as easily; or, you can get your car back from a dealership or something for a price...

    Both are fesable, reenforcing your car could be one of the upgrade you could buy. being able to rebuy your care could work, but would it come back with all of your upgrades?

    The insurance thing is an interesting idea. IMO I don’t really see R* doing it, just doesn’t seem like them. If they did I do not see it being a monthly payment thing, no one wants to pay bills in a game. Maybe a onetime cost you could pay, the amount would depend on the car.

    ... I HAVE A 5 STEP EXAMPLE TO SIMPLIFY... just go to a bank. 2. got to ATM. 3. click transfer. 4. type amount. 5. pick protags name to transfer to. Being able to make cell or computer transaction will be just as easy with same basic steps and i would be amazed if they read this and put it in lol

    That’s actually a really good idea. it makes sense if they are going to keep the three inventory system (which they should).

    • Like 1

  17. I don't know, it is kind of a matter of opinion. Why was RDR not an island? if it does not matter and it is what R* always does, and under your logic it is impossible to change something if it does not have a tangible effect that you recognize, then why did they not make RDR an island? ( sorry for the poor sentence structure, I didn’t feel like fixing it)

    Well that's obvious.. because you can't fly harrier jets in RDR.

    LOL, that has nothing to do with it. I was pointing out that your logic of "it cant change if it doesnt make a noticable change" doesnt make sense.