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Posts posted by Ginginho

  1. I've got into this a bit more and would say it's an enjoyable GTA clone.  Seen all the game play before and I quite like the cover system - I can't remember SP in GTAV but I think it is similar to that.  I'm only about a third of the way through but I keep getting distracted by the collectibles, I mean, who can resist titties?? 


    If Sleeping Dogs was GTA: Hong Kong, then this is GTA: New Orleans... It misses the satirical humour but the setting and soundtrack are pretty awesome.  I would love Rockstar to visit the 60's-70's...



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  2. Most likely to be an RDR themed DLC for GTA Online...


    Introducing a new vehicle type, Horses, with hundreds of customisation options to spend your cash on...


    New game mode called Cattle Drive.  Buy up some cattle then drive them halfway across the map before a cunt in a hydra blows it all to shit...

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  3. There is no way a film will do that book justice... none at all.


    I am slowly moving through Stephen King's catalogue... I will never catch up because that dude writes faster than I can wank.  The Dark Tower series was very good.


    Also, found another Canadian author to get into - Douglas Copeland.  His book Worst. Person. Ever. was one of the funniest books I've read for ages...

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    oh man, i had to buy lots of radaway, while i was there... should of went back to starlight because i had like a hundred stashed away lol... those rad sprays were the DEVIL!! i was constantly fighting that battle while trying to navigate, i got lost so many times trying to walk about, it's why the rads were a big issue for me...


    I've not done that part yet but what about using Mysterious Serum?  That shit makes you a rad sponge...

  5. Cleared the Gauntlet, fucked around, got given a few random missions (Cappy, Hubology, NIRA), cleared out World of Refreshments

    and got the special Nuka Power Armour

    then went to talk to the gang leaders.  One of them (Nisha) wouldn't engage with me no matter what I did... they were always busy (glitched).  Luckily, I had a recent enough save but still had to re-do the past 4 or 5 hours... fucking annoying... 


    Good fun though and I am enjoying the new areas...

    • Like 1

  6. I had a go at some of the races above...


    The Dune is shit for racing and that race brought out all of it's shitness...  very fun however, if you can keep the Dune on 4 wheels for any length of time...


    Figs Sky is good...  as is the one on the pier although I got lost a couple of times, one on the hairpin around a roof ornament.  I didn't see the checkpoint and flew over the back of it...


    BMX's Fckn Eh or whatever is a well made race but the spiralling is a bit too easy...


    All worth the effort... have added the others and might take a crack at them tonight...

  7. My character has been fucked over by the concussion/perception glitch where you lose 4 perception points after suffering a concussion but healing using a stimpack doesn't bring them back.  Not a game breaker but still annoying.  


    I took stock of my crafting materials last night - over 10k steel and wood and at least 1500 of every other material and that is without clearing the scrap at 90% of the workshops.  Is that enough for a decent vault, you reckon?

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  8. The Vault-Tec workshop sounds like it has a lot more than I thought.  I'm not really into the settlement construction side of things (even though I collect resources like a packrat) so I was going to ignore it mostly but apparently it has quite a few quests attached as well.


    I just hit Level 100 with my only character and I still found some small quests I hadn't done in a few areas I hadn't been back to in a while...  I am trying to start Uncharted 4 but I can't get away from this game...

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  9. Just finished the 3rd book in Mark Lawrence's 2nd trilogy, The Wheel of Osheim... another great series, not as epic as the first but still intelligently written with characters you can love and hate at the same time...


    At the moment I am reading Margaret Atwood's The Heart Goes Last... brilliant writer who writes about the future as I can easily see it happening - corporate strength undermining democracy and tricking the populous into believing they are free when they are really just slaves to the system... thanks gtagrl. 

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  10. I am an Annis fan...  I can't wait wait to whip out the purple helmet and ride the Annis into the ground...  but I hope I can clean it up... no-one likes a dirty Annis...


    I went through the races last night... quite fun... one of them was almost exactly like one of BMX's jobs that I played the one time I joined in on crew night... 

  11. On 6/27/2016 at 9:45 PM, DuPz0r said:

    Did you check the download page to see if you can chose another region now that you've paid for it?


    Yeah but I couldn't... 


    On 6/27/2016 at 11:44 PM, The Goon said:

    i dont know if other people are having this problem. Keep trying to go to the minecraft store to buy some shit and every time i do the game crashes. every thing else works fine, but only when i enter the store it crashes. It's like they don't want my money. 


    Minecraft is my issue too... My daughter has the Story Mode game and they drop episodes every now and then.  We downloaded the first 5 episodes through the in-game menus and got the 6th directly from the PS Store.  The last one isn't compatible with my version of the game.  If I go through the in-game menus and go to download the content, it asks me to pay for it again...  I reckon it is Microsoft is trolling PS users....

  12. Has anybody ever used the PS support system to get a refund on a PS Store purchase?  Are they responsive?  


    Somehow I managed to download an add on that does not match the region of the disc copy of the game... fucking ridiculous...

  13. Anybody had a crack with the new Contraptions stuff?  looking at you Gaz....  Fireworks, music makers, manufacturing machines, paint ball guns...  logic switches and all sorts of shit I will probably never use


    The only thing that excited me were the new display cases and the weapons and armour (incl power armour) display units...

  14. Thanks again, Vicey....  this method makes grinding less grindy...  alternating the VIP missions with contact missions is a lot more fun...


    To add to the above, doing a contact mission while you are a VIP winds down the job cooldown period but doesn't come off the 4 hour VIP timer...


    My session yesterday ended well when I got my daily challenges done ($25k), sold a gang Peyote ($13k), walked straight out of the garage and lucked on a car Simeon wanted ($12k) - $50,000 in less than 10 minutes...


    Now I need something to buy...


    EDIT: Just saw the Grotti X80 Proto has dropped... ugly as sin but real nice to drive... is it worth $2.7m though?