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Posts posted by Qdeathstar

  1. So, i was doing these last fall before i broke my leg and never got around to doing them again (mainly because there was no GTA news). But since were heading into a busy stretch, and i didn't want to do the same old BOORING podcast, this is a little something different, as podcasts Go. (script below).



    Script proceeds

    GTA podcast.

    Oh Hai guys! I just got back into town and so i was going through my emails and GUESS WHAT I FOUND! I picture of me in a bikini. Shocking, i know. I mean, i didn't even wash myself that day so you can just imagine the grossness of a 287 pound man in 90 degree weather strutting around like theres no one else in the world. Brown sweat pooring from his thighs... so i mean, you gotta imagine that is the most shocking thing in the world right?

    Well, you'd be wrong.

    Just as i was running my sweaty self in hear to brag about my adventures i pull out my iphone from whatever crevace i found it in, and guess what! An email from R* announcning Grand Theft Auto 5. Are you fucking serious?

    Not only that but a nice new logo, and a even a trailer release date. The trailer is gonna be released November 2nd. Thats 2 days from now for you half stoned dimwits that don't even know what year it is. I'm looking at you Mad Dooby.

    Anyway, ever since the news that a new trailer would be comming out, the forums are wet with anticipation. I mean, the pre-cum is at the tip and we are counting down the seconds will we all blow a load.

    Psy, the cheep ass that he is finally decided to hold a contest...guess the official release date. Details can be found on the site but i believe he is giving away a free copy of GTA5 and a shot at his freinds girlfriend.

    Also, Kotaku felt like they weren't getting enough website traffic so they announced they had a source claiming that the game was going to be in real life Los Angelos. We'll have to wait to see on that one, but the forums general consensus is that we'll be heading toward the city of angels again. QD's betting on detroit and you know you can't keep a brother down.

    Aside from that, we got discussions on what you want to be in the game, when the game will be set, basically, everything down to what color you want the protagonists' shit to be. You got questions, i'm sure some know it all asshole from the forums can fill your fuckhole with a answer.

    I'm sure We'll all be waiting as anxiously for this trailer to come out as we have for Pieface too. In the mean time make sure you place your bet at the GTA release date and give an old tip of the hat to your special freind, Qdeathstar.

    Till Next Time, My penis In your Ass.

    Its kinda rush job, but the next one will be better. :D

  2. LOL. Guess i won't be playing GTA5 then.BTW, its 5 not V... the logo says five. Dipshits.

    *the future of gaming is clearly headed toward the on-live direction; its just not there yet.

    Rockstar call it GTA V.


    and it never will be

    I think it will because video game companies definately don't want you renting games or buying used games because they make zero revenue from that. Streaming is the only way to eliminate the disk (and therefore the ability to re-distribute) and so i'm sure its coming probably within the next two console cycles.

  3. Whats this about masturbating?

    A few points:

    Someone said that GTA5 could be released in April like GTA 4. GTA 4 was announced in like march or april for an october release that was delayed till April of the next year. So April isn't happening. I'm betting on either soon (like end of November) because there' no need to build up hype for 5, or in October of 2012. Probably october 2012.

    I think multiple protagonists would be ok, but as long as its not just pick a man or woman type of thing. Thats cheesy.

    I'm really hoping its not co-op because gta fans suck. They are a bunch of egotistical assholes that enjoy ruining any hope of multi player fun.

    I think it will be one city like GTA IV because games are getting increasingly complex, detailed, costly. I am hoping for some country side though.