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Posts posted by Qdeathstar

  1. So, i was doing these last fall before i broke my leg and never got around to doing them again (mainly because there was no GTA news). But since were heading into a busy stretch, and i didn't want to do the same old BOORING podcast, this is a little something different, as podcasts Go. (script below).



    Script proceeds

    GTA podcast.

    Hey Yall, What have yall been up to?

    We'll me, more squeezin more pleasin... You know how it goes...

    So, GUESS WHAT! The Trailer came out earlier this week and, let me tell you, that day was a total fuck fest from the beginning....

    It all started about a quarter till noon on Wednesday, waiting for the premier trailer. I had just finished, and for some reason, you know how most men fall asleep? Well, for me it causes a bowl movement.

    But fuck, I had just sat down and didn't want to miss the trailer. But, after a few minutes debating it i finally decided it was time for a quick shit. Or that’s what i thought. Everything was going fine till i decided to reach for the TP. Fuckin Bastard. Some son of a bitch commie decided it was a good idea to put some of that new-fangled "wet, but just barely" Toilet paper in there. My ass is has hard as brick and that shit got ripped to shreds. Nothing but brown fingers and disappointment.

    The worst part was, because the TP was wet, i couldn't tell when i was done whipping so i sat there, whipping and whipping till I ran out of paper. I might have never got out of the bathroom if it wasn't for that.

    Anyway, so finally at about 6:30 at night i get around to watching the trailer. I noticed a few things off the bat. We're going back to San-Andreas baby! More specifically, Los Santos. But, this ain't your older brother's Los Santos. It’s big, it’s bold, and it’s now!

    The game appears to be set in the 2010's and from what i can see is just gorgeous. There are numerous rumors but some of the biggest are that the game will feature multiple protagonists and that Tommy Vercetti and CJ have been spotted in the trailer. We'll have to wait and see, but QD here isn't putting his man-love in any of those rumors just yet.

    Some of the wildest rumors are that the new game will be playable only by the PS3 Move and Xbox 360 Kinect, but let’s be honest, the game is for adults. Another rumor is that the game will be exclusive to a service almost no one knows about or has heard about. On-Live. If that happens, I'll shit my pants.

    Either way, you can discuss all of it on the iGTA5.com forums!

    One of the biggest news NOT to make it into the trailer was the release date. It's not too surprising but the good news is that it gives you more time to sign up for Psy's "Guess the Release Date" contest, which anyone who’s not a complete dipshit dumbfuck can find in the forums.

    R* is a tease, but you can always count on QD to deliver.

    Speaking of delivering, do you remember when i said, submit your interviews? Well, guess what, nobody did. So as a result, i have an interview for you. That’s right, were gonna listen to two gay men making love. Enjoy

    [Gay men making love]

    Till next time, my Penis, your ass.

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