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Posts posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I recently watched "red state". It is about a group of boys who respond to an online add looking for wild sex. However, when they arrive at their destination it turns out that the person is actually a religious zealot.

    The movie is really good, and there are a couple of lol moments, mixed with some tense moments.

    The only thing I didn't like about it is the pastor over acts, like a person attempting a bad impersonation, is hard to understand at times, and goes on a boring monolog for like 10 minutes... But, if you fast forward past that you havnt missed anything important and the movie is good

    Yours sincerely, A fine gentleman with an iPhone.

  2. Whoa there, 305 user with a long name who responds in all caps and who who uses a iPhone app hence the Yours sincerely, A fine gentleman with an iPhone.; that appears to be flaming and your burning my sensitive skin. Quick, someone get the lotion from the basket.

    But seriously folks, when's the last time you completed a gta mission with nothing but your fists... Let's spend our limited resources more wisely.

    However, I thought melee referred to fisting only, I didn't realize it included other weapons like purple dildos... I always save a slot for my dildo, and if it was taken out of me gta5 wouldn't have quite the same feel

  3. I

    Hello, people of Psy's boards!

    I just stumbled home from work and realised all the bars were closed and I had missed my friend's 25th birthday party, and so I went on Facebook to apologise - and for some reason his profile picture was of a can of mello yello.

    So, unable to sleep because my veins are pumping with 200ccs of hospital coffee (and believe me, the NHS budget does not stretch beyond instant) I googled my screen name and this site came up. I trawled a little and there was so much stuff: emails between me and Jack Thompson, Teamo Extr-EMO, the spamm teem, Bridge the Gap, our interminable war with GTAGaming.com. I remembered the days when FML stood for favourite member league, and when I looked forward to Kicking It With My Homies more than anything on TV.

    So let me ask you fucks: do you have any artefacts from back in the day? Specifically, I was hoping to find:

    • That Picture of Zidane from GTAGaming
    • My old sig (not this mutilated version)
    • And the Christmas version!
    • Any vintage editions of Kicking It With My Homies
    • Anything from the Spamm Teem or the Sylums era

    Or basically anything that could be regarded as a treasure of the GTA-SanAndreas.com era.

    welcome home mello!

    Also, i saved "imaphatpimp"'s left nut, but i'm not sure if its a treasure or not.

  4. i think it boils down to common sense,Rockstar should put san fierro,las venturas and surrounding countryside into the game because us (the consumers) know of such places and if we buy the game they arent on there well we will be pretty pissed off the game wont sell very well and rockstar should know that,unless they release those cities as extentions (like lost and damned and gay tony) someone has probably said this before.

    but the question that is really on my mind is the radio stations,oh god the radio stations.

    100% wrong.

    I would buy the game even if it didn't have the other two cities...

    I think that instead of having Las Venturas and San Fierro, it might have a view mexican boarder cities.. especially with the gang/drug wars that go on down there...

    I think once trailer two is released this debate will be decidedly put to rest. OPX, did they state which three cities in the original press release? OR did they just saying the "state of San Andreas" because if thats all they said its essentially the same thing as saying "Southern California"

  5. I was pretty sure it was just los santos until i read that article.... I don't think this confirms just Los Santos, in my opinion in points towards all three cities..

    I will stick to exactly what's in the press release. It's Los Santos and the surrounding counryside - and a very big map.

    1. Los Santos is in it.


    2. Surrounding countryside


    3. a very big map.

    Also, he says he'll stick to exactly whats in the press release. If it's just Los Santos and countryside, while qualify it by saying "i'll be sticking to the press release". I think that his statement makes it more likely that it will contain the other cities... (or at least one additional city).