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Everything posted by Bundy

  1. After I completed GTA IV I had around 600k just lying around, and that was AFTER I stocked up on ammo again. $600,000 just sitting in my pocket doing nothing. Hopefully in GTA V we can buy cars. Perhaps there may be really rare cars which you can buy/import only which don't re-spawn. R* should make it so earning and saving money rewards you in the end. Not just with weapons, ammo, houses, clothes, etc. but with other things. Giving a few $$$ to homeless people would be a cool idea too. Mundane, but why not?
  2. I really hope that old guy isn't the protagonist. It'll suck having to play as some old dude. Seeing as the chances of being able to go to the gym and get tattoos are quite high I doubt the old dude is the protagonist. It just wouldn't look right seeing him working out shirtless with tattoos all over his body. I'd like to see CJ make an appearance even if it's nothing major. Just that nostalgia feeling, ya know?
  3. I really hope that there is a station with 90s and late 80s hip-hop. I felt that the radio stations on GTA IV were pretty shit to be honest, there were only a few decent songs. I'd like to see a decent metal station and perhaps a drum & bass, dubstep, and techno station. None of that Skrillex shit though. Lazlow best be back too as he was great. I heard someone mention a conspiracy station too, that would be awesome.