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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/11 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Weird, i doubt it was dropbox though. Thanks for signing up, but i did mention above that you had to install it for me to get the upgraded space. I've finished this project now so you don't need to if you don't want... But it will come in handy for next year I also uploaded my video to Vimeo (better quality compression I've been told) It's a shame we didn't get it finished, but i'm happy with the way the city looks. That was down to me and Terry . I'm also really happy with the way my little robot animations turned out, i think they look cool!
  2. 1 point
    Itn't it fun to talk about rockstar games???
  3. 1 point
    It's worlds better than the regular version. Plus, no annoying NCR flag. Now, if I could just get a non-flagged version of Father Elijah's robes, I could finally start my ex-Reaver, ex-Brotherhood of Steel technophile. I'm making him specifically for Old World Blues.
  4. 1 point
    Thanks demon ^ yeah realism became an issue when we realized what we were and were not capable of at the time xD Here is my last game mod hand-in for my second year. It's a mod the whole year are working on called 'New Found Land' and nah not the one in Canada. It's a steampunk/fantasy inspired city mod which will have parts made by individual artists and then all composited together at the end Forget about my waffling xD that shit has to be in there for it to be a diary/blog or else I'll fail the module!
  5. 1 point
    Well if ur aint gonna pay attention to the last two parts ull be unaware and before you know it u'll be locked in my basement with Qd's penis up ur butt.
  6. 1 point
    And I have multiple email addresses, so if you still need some space, let me know and I can register again. Dup, not Pieface. Well, maybe Pieface, but I would need a magical reward for helping Pieface.
  7. 1 point
    Here i found it. I've attached it. It's a pdf btw. Terry Buchan MDD.pdf
  8. -1 points
    I really do hope its nothing I dont know how "thrilled" I would be to find out the next game is gta le frog. In my opinion the franchise needs to stay in the GTA-USA I mean lets face it we all remember how much of a nightmare driving was in the getaway and the roads in paris are not too much removed from the roads in london. And I dont know how much fun a R3 game would be where you stand around all day selling shitty little souvenirs of the Eiffel tower to tourists while trying to evade deportation
  9. -1 points
    Some gal sent me this of herself: