should weed be legal?  

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Well I guess since I live in a highly populated area and am very close to one of the biggest hubs in the country, we get good stuff in. I've had OG Skunk, Pineapple, Chemdog, Skywalker OG, and Bruce Banner. Great quality bud each time. 

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Do you have access to a dispensary or something, Brian? The only stuff I ever smoke is "some good", "some fire", or "some dank", I never get names.

If you can tell the good from the bad by yourself, then names are irrelevant. At least that's the way I look at it

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I've taken to just asking my provider what it's called each time...more to keep track of what kind turns my crank. It's more scientific than trying to remember by the smell. 

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^I do the same, but I rarely get a name. Most of my dealers are clueless. God, I wish I could get my harvests timed to the point of self-sufficiency. Infini-weed FTW.

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I've taken to just asking my provider what it's called each time...more to keep track of what kind turns my crank. It's more scientific than trying to remember by the smell. 


I like to know the name because I like to read up on the different strains and learn about how they came to be and why they make me feel how I do, and which ones I like better than others. I'd definitely choose Chemdog and Bruce Banner again over the others.

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God, I hope I don't drown her on the next watering.




Whose woods these are, I do not know - wherein the fragrant kush-trees grow...




Man, flowering certainly does happen quickly. Two more months!! :jumpy:


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I've taken to just asking my provider what it's called each time...more to keep track of what kind turns my crank. It's more scientific than trying to remember by the smell. 

I agree, it's usually good to know what to avoid and what not to, but at least where I live I find you can't trust a strand by what a dealer says it is. The only reason I trust my guy is because we've been close friends and neighbours since Grade 6.

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Been smoking a lot of purple lately as well. Bruce Banner has some purp, also tried Grandaddy Purp (very clear and chilled high) and Purple Haze.



This is some of the best weed I've ever found.



My God, the smell.


Love the macro shots, been taking quite a few closeup shots with my phone and an app called Camera+. Will try to post soon.

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Well, as i was drinking age this summer I've been doing some of that, and the occasional J around the group. Alcohol just makes me obnoxious, i mean my friends enjoy it but i hate myself afterwards, plus lately i've shifted from happy drunk to a sad drunk and that's a dangerous path. So i'm thinking about taking it easy on the booze and perhaps using pot as a stress relief. Not all the time obviously just a weekend type thing. 


Side note, alcohol fucks me up and pot chills me out, funny which one's legal. 

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Every time I drink, I sob like a fool. Never once gotten a decent liquid high.

As a clueless American, what's happening on the 19th? Medical or full legalization?

@Brian: the second pic was actually a micro shot from my USB scope. Unfortunately, nobody knew the name of that stuff...gone forever.

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As a clueless American, what's happening on the 19th? Medical or full legalization?


We're having a federal election. Our current PM was recently quoted as saying, "marijuana is infinitely worse than tobacco." The other parties support some form of decriminalization or legalization, so at least it might be possible to turn the corner on that issue. Harper is like our George W. Can't wait to see him go. 

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Every time I drink, I sob like a fool. Never once gotten a decent liquid high.

As a clueless American, what's happening on the 19th? Medical or full legalization?

@Brian: the second pic was actually a micro shot from my USB scope. Unfortunately, nobody knew the name of that stuff...gone forever.

well, you guys are pathetic.


As a clueless American, what's happening on the 19th? Medical or full legalization?


We're having a federal election. Our current PM was recently quoted as saying, "marijuana is infinitely worse than tobacco." The other parties support some form of decriminalization or legalization, so at least it might be possible to turn the corner on that issue. Harper is like our George W. Can't wait to see him go.

out of curiousity, did he offer any facts to go along with the that statement?

Federal agencies are no longer allowed to raid shops and dispensaries in legal states. They have to honor the state's laws. That's progress, at least.

that could change at the drop of a hat, though. Its the administration that decided that... it's not a law.

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As a clueless American, what's happening on the 19th? Medical or full legalization?


We're having a federal election. Our current PM was recently quoted as saying, "marijuana is infinitely worse than tobacco." The other parties support some form of decriminalization or legalization, so at least it might be possible to turn the corner on that issue. Harper is like our George W. Can't wait to see him go.

out of curiousity, did he offer any facts to go along with the that statement?

Nope, he's pretty short on facts, this one. Doesn't like them much, they're too darn inconvenient. He dismantled our census system and replaced it with a shorter voluntary survey, so now they can base policies on whims and partisan agendas, rather than on real data about the population. He's got a reputation for muzzling scientists, slashing funding to libraries and archives, destroying historical research data rather than maintain it, categorically refusing to have anything to do with provincial partners, and being a massive communications control freak. He pretty much plays to his base of wealthy right-wing Christians and Jews, and doesn't give a fuck about anyone else. 



Speaking of pot being legal, I sure hope you're going to vote on October 19, Acey.

No matter who wins we're basically fucked anyway. 


You sure as fuck better get out there and vote, too, mister. None of this "it doesn't matter anyway" bullshit. Take your sister with you. 

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Yeah Harper is a certified tool, he's had enough time. Trudeau is getting my vote hands down, he hasn't yet been corrupted by the bureaucrats and i think it's a change Canada needs.


Plus his campaign adds don't bash the other guys that much so it show's some integrity in that party. 


Anyway as a break from politics, i got baked as shit on Thursday night and ate cinnamon toast crunch out of a hat. 

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As a clueless American, what's happening on the 19th? Medical or full legalization?


We're having a federal election. Our current PM was recently quoted as saying, "marijuana is infinitely worse than tobacco." The other parties support some form of decriminalization or legalization, so at least it might be possible to turn the corner on that issue. Harper is like our George W. Can't wait to see him go.

out of curiousity, did he offer any facts to go along with the that statement?

Nope, he's pretty short on facts, this one. Doesn't like them much, they're too darn inconvenient. He dismantled our census system and replaced it with a shorter voluntary survey, so now they can base policies on whims and partisan agendas, rather than on real data about the population. He's got a reputation for muzzling scientists, slashing funding to libraries and archives, destroying historical research data rather than maintain it, categorically refusing to have anything to do with provincial partners, and being a massive communications control freak. He pretty much plays to his base of wealthy right-wing Christians and Jews, and doesn't give a fuck about anyone else. 



Speaking of pot being legal, I sure hope you're going to vote on October 19, Acey.

No matter who wins we're basically fucked anyway. 


You sure as fuck better get out there and vote, too, mister. None of this "it doesn't matter anyway" bullshit. Take your sister with you. 


This is normally my response to voting, but this election has drained every ounce of fuck out of me. The campaign adds enough are appalling and make me want to vote Trump.


Normally I'm a Capital C Conservative but nothing good has come from them in years and Harper has far outworn his welcome not to mention those horrible campaign adds they started, I've told you my position on Mulcair before gtagrl, I won't get into it but he's not getting my vote and Trudeau is a Moron in my opinion. He's made all these great little concessions and promises to keep interest groups on his side like legalization and helping Families, so he can flip flop on actual issues, and more than likely tax us into the ground if previous liberal govs are any indication, but hey, I'm from Ontario which has been the biggest money waster in Canada under the Prov. Liberals.


Not meaning to offend anybody, these are just my opinion of the candidates. 




Liberals = Idiots

Conservatives= Tools

NDP = Elitists 


So what does that leave me with? Green Party???

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