
RDR2 Mapping [Interiors & Out of Map inc.]

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So I've been looking at like one place in detail every day for new codes for the last 2 weeks. No luck at all so far, but I've been marking them off using your cheat location map Fitty




I've also been adding videos for the locations in my main post for the last two weeks too. Only six left, and I bet they're not even in towns or on the sides of structures. Probably on rocks and random rural places...


Happy Easter & Happy Hunting!

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Let me know where you've looked so I don't go over the same spots, it might save us some hassle lol I took Viceman's spots into account, and haven't bothered with anything in NA in some time.


I came across an interior space in what looks like a wood mill (could be wrong, so tell me if anyone knows what it actually is) by a quick glance on the way to a different location.

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Nice one, I'll be sure to not revisit those places any time soon then.


I returned to Guarma recently to try and get into some of the places I unsuccessfully tried in the past. Specifically the Aguasdulces Mansion/Fort. I managed to get in the outer wall but found it has a huge interior box inside. Also, some music started playing inside that I've never heard before.  I mean the music could be just part of Guarma's ambient soundtrack, but I honestly do not recall hearing it ever before.

I also forgot to mention in the video that the huge wooden window shutters actually have windows and curtains behind them. Even though you never see them open. Which is more evidence to suggest it was built with an interior in mind.

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I'm not sure. I couldn't tell if I was floating, or if the props were smaller than usual...


I investigated a strange light in the upstairs window of the Compsons homestead.

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Yeah, I don't think we've ever really talked about it. I originally assumed it was just to make the map look less empty in the pause menu, or cut content from a late stage in development.

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Yeah i think you can. Not sure if running there on land is quicker tan rowing though.


Big shoutout to WAX6428 for finding this one. It's been a long dry spell, and he's found one that I would personally probably never have found. It's hard to even see.


#33 Crossroads, between Gaptooth & Benedict Point



Here's the screenshot album: https://imgur.com/a/yw8LAX6


Know of any others? Fancy helping me find the rest? Thanks.


So, to summarise there's:

8 Newspaper Cheat Codes

24 Found Locations

5 Unknown Locations?


These many locations in each State: 

Ambarino 7
Lemoyne 4 
New Hanover 4 
West Elizabeth 3 
New Austin 6


#14 Be greedy only for foresight

#16.1 Guide me better

#26 You want something new

#30 Keep your dreams light

#32 You want freedom


So close, only 5 more remaining!

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I found it impossible to reach the huge rock overlooking the bay. I like a challenge, but this got me thinking why there was a slip-wall there in the first place? 

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