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Eurogamer Expo

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So this years Eurogamer Expo event is being held from the 27th to the 30th of September 2012. I got some tickets this year as I've always wanted to go to one, but never have done.

Things i'll be looking to play on the show floor:

Assassin's Creed III

Crysis 3

Dead Space 3

Doom 3

Farcry 3

Lost planet 3

(yes lots of three's)

Hitman Absolution

Metal Gear Rising

Resident Evil 6


Tomb Raider

I'll try my best to write a few things down, and tell you guys about the games I've played. Is there anything specific anyone wants me to try and answer about any of the games above? Just leave a question below, and i'll try my best to answer them. And don't worry i'll use spoiler tags for those of you that don't want to know anything spoilery.

Who else lives in Europe on here? Get your arses to London, and meet me there!

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I went to the London Games Festival a few years ago to play the first Assassin's Creed and didn't really think it was worthwhile. Too many ubër nerds there and too little time to go hands on with a game that would be out in a couple of months anyway. On the upside - I did get to meet Jade Raymond!

Most of the gaming conventions in the UK are retailer based so you don't get as many developers and publishers coming to show off new things.

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Guest Marney-1

Just so happens I'm down that way from the 27th - 30th, (going to see Michael McIntyre at the O2 arena on the 28th) are there still tickets for the expo?

Edit: They're selling out fast. I'll see if I can fit in an afternoon there, fancy seeing Sim City myself.

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Just so happens I'm down that way from the 27th - 30th, (going to see Michael McIntyre at the O2 arena on the 28th) are there still tickets for the expo?

Edit: They're selling out fast. I'll see if I can fit in an afternoon there, fancy seeing Sim City myself.

Nice, i might see you there then :)

I might even go dressed up, i hear there's a load of cosplay organized groups going n there atm. I'll be the one in the pink panther manga outfit ;) I might actually dig out my Big Boss/Naked Snake halloween outfit actually xD

Yes tell me how doom is.


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The Expo was great, but the queuing was insane. It was like queuing for a theme park ride for an hour waiting to play the game for 10-15 minutes. So i dedicated my time to the games i wanted to play the most. And taking pictures with other Cos-players between queues.

I'm not going to rate them as my time playing was short, it wouldn't be fair. It's just my experience and opinion.

/edit, added the rest to this post.


Resident Evil 6


I think the demo i played is actually available on PSN/360 stores now, so go give it a play!

First off, i'd like to mention that this game has muliple characters as well as multiple campaigns. Like Resident Evil 2's scenerio system i guess... I wouldn't concider this as spoiler material as you'll find this out before you've even started the game.

Anyway. After i picked Leon, straight away, i realised this was going back to the original resident evil games. By this, i mean the damp and dark wooden hallways as well as the spooky music and zombie groans we all wet ourselves to when we were younger. Oh, you didn't wet yourself? Nevermind. The zombies looked wonderful, and moved much more superbly towards thier lunch, then they ever did in previous games. The characters' movement had also been much improved. No longer did you have the stuttering slow rotating character from previous games. Although i must admit, the walk to run transition felt a little awkward. But the action-animations were much smoother.

The GUI or HUD felt much more intergrated, and didn't feel too invasive. It could probably have done with a bit more intergration, but i've seen far worse in recent games.

Cut scenes looked pretty good, the animation did also help tell the story more than just dialog, which is always good. The graphics weren't actually that impressive if i'm honest. The textures felt a little to low res for my liking, but this didn't really distract from the game in any way. I just expected more. Maybe the Pc version will look better.

Next i started a level on Chris Redfeild's campaign. From the instance i started playing, i felt a complete opposite pace and tempo. It almost felt like a different game... The action was far more relevant, and there wasn't really time to relax and absorb myself into the world like i did with Leon.

From what i played i think it was great, with decent action, enimies, and story plots. The different feel of campagins was a bit of a shock, but at least there is multiple campaigns. I just hope they arent too short, and they tie into each other well.


Hitman Absolution


Coming soon


Far Cry 3


Lucky for me the queues weren't that long when i arrived at FarCry 3, so i jumped at the chance to play it. The game ran on PC at full settings, so it looked pretty impressive at first sight. I opted for the Xbox controller rather than the keyboard, as i always prefer a controller in hand.

So, i dive in, and i'm sitting in the middle of an amazing vista surrounded by large hills, mountains and loads of trees and grass, all looking beautiful. I start walking, the movement feels good, and the cross-hair moves fluidly. I'm instructed to go repair some signal tower without going into any details, i start heading in that direction. Sprinting through loads of tall grass i happen upon a little village where i find a rusty little car that reminds me of an old fiat. I steal it of course, and drive off-road towards my goal. The car handling was also very good. And felt like i was driving on mud rather than asphalt. After i had fulfilled my mission parameters i went on a freeroam and managed to find a cliff face with an ocean beyond. I was lucky enough to have found a Wind-glider sitting on the edge of a cliff, so i was on that shit! This looked amazing, gliding felt easy, and relaxing as i took in the sight. I started gliding towards a nearby small island out to sea. When i got there, i found a few secrets (wont spoil anything), and then i wondered to the other side to find myself a conveniently placed Jet Ski. So i climbed on and started riding the waves towards another, much larger looking island. The Jet ski drove well, as expected by now, and then....

...i get a red screen. I was a bit confused as first, i thought i triggered a cutscene or something, until one of the dev guys came up to me and apologized, and told me that it had froze. Apparently this had only happened to two other PC's on the Far Cry computers since the opening. And Said that this wouldn't normally happen under normal circumstances, it was the heat of all the PC's beside each other, running all day for four days straight.

Anyway, apart from the obvious major fuck up, i think the game was really impressive to play. It had that sandbox immersion that most people crave. The feeling of wanting to know what is ove that next hill. The controls were in my opinion flawless, and really complimented the visual side of things. An the sound and graphics were top of the range. I wasn't even considering getting this game straight away before playing, now i'm definitely going to consider buying it day one if i can afford it.


Crysis 3


So after queuing for what felt like hours, i finally got my hands on Crysis 3. It wasn't actually story/campaign mode as i was hoping, but at least i got my hands on it. They chucked a bunch of us into a competitive game called 'Hunter' Mode, Where merc-ops had to fight it out against some invisible stealth hunters. The game was very biased, in that it favoured the hunters a lot. Once killed as a merc-op, you become a hunter, so it's like infected mode in zombie mods i guess. The hunters got to use the carbine bow which was beyond powerful.

Anyway, mechanics. The controls felt a little awkward to start with. I don't know if this was because i was playing on an xbox or not, as i had no idea which button did what to start with. Either way, the characters felt a little slow wondering around the map, even when sprinting. The weapon firing was pretty good. The carbine bow had the best feel to it, as each shot felt like it had the impact behind it.

The map was an interesting overgrown post-apoc city environment, and had multiple platforms to shot from, which is always good for advantage/disadvantage points. The map lacked some iconic areas if i'm honest. Most games that have competitive maps always have that memorable part. Maybe it was my lack of gameplay or maybe not, i dunno. I just felt like the whole map looked the same...

After about 5-10 minutes i was pretty used to the controls and setup and started climbing the scoreboard. In the end, my team won the mach and got free Crysis 3 T-shirts for winning.

So this didn't really help me in knowing anything about the main game, so i can't really swing my opinion in any direction other than the multiplayer was okay, not amazing.


Metal Gear Rising


Coming soon


Assassins Creed III


After an incredibly long wait (I queued for this one for almost two hours!) i finally sat down and got to play ACIII on PS3.

When i picked up the controller, i was given an option of different levels to play, sort of like the animus timelines from previous AC games i guess, but more like galaxy clusters not DNA. The first level i chose was set around some fort, i had to scale the fort from a little wooden boat and climb into the village grounds within the fortified area. Pretty straight forward climb up some muddy rocks, and onto a fort like structure. The graphics look a bit more polished, and the lighting was beautiful. This felt pretty much how AC has always felt, which is good, at least it hasn't changed in the way of movement and climbing mechanics go. I slid down some rope and kicked my way through the window of a barn like building. I went into stealth mode behind a wooden crate as there was some guard patrolling the walkway. I waited until he walked by and took care of him quietly. Continuing down the corridor, i come to a balcony overlooking a high ceiling storage room full of more wooden crates with more guards patrolling. After a bunch of climbing puzzles and lots of wooden platforms in a load of different rooms i end up in a heavily guarded living quarters retrieving my objective from a hidden stash under a brick floor.

So over that was a pretty standard AC mission. The environments and random conversations between guards heavily reflected the era and made the mission much more fun that I've probably worded it.

That only took me 10 minutes, so i still had time to start another mission. This time i chose something much more interesting. A navel battle. Straight away i was shoved in control if the ship moving furiously through strong waves weaving between large rocky island formations off the coast of the mainland. The controls were surprisingly easier than i expected, as it seemed like it would take a lot of effort - but no it controlled well. The environments looked beautiful as i wonder between them, and suddenly a ship crossed past in front, and a rail of cannon balls explode straight at me. The physics were amazing, as the balls hit, the impact was relevant people fell back as the ship sort of stopped suddenly only for a split second, which made the impact even more realistic. I started to turn left pressing some commanding buttons as my crew ready my cannons, and then a hail of cannonballs exploded leaving gunpowder dust floating all around, and the balls flail in the direction of the enemy ship as it tries to take cover behind an opposite rocky formation. Before it escapes i manage to get one or two contact hits on the back end of the ship. The ship pops out the other side and starts to float parallel to me. Again cannon balls shoot straight at me, and hit, my screen goes red for a moment. And i shot back. Every cannonball hits, the ship explodes in places, wood rips apart and the boat sinks. Straight behind the last, two more boats are gaining speed. The weather starts changing in real time from sunny to cloudy and raining, with thunder and lighting and the net ship approaches. Again i command the crew to fire at the ship closing in. I hit and then... ...

I get told that my time is up!

The ships were very easy to maneuver. They still have that sort of weight you'd expect from a heavy ship when turning, but it wasn't bad at all. The whole sense of atmosphere when knotting through the waves was intense, and all the shouting and cannon balls gong off and even sea birds squawking just made it all that much more fun. The commanding crew was fairly straight forward too. You chose what you want the crew to do and they do it really. When choosing a target, you get a sort of way-point to control, you move it across the water surface until you're happy with the placement and then click it and they do everything else for you.

Overall i was very impressed with the navel battles. Whether or not it will be as interesting after three or four plays is something i'm concerned about. As long as there is a verity in coastline/sea battle areas i think it will stay interesting.

Also, i'm sure if you youtube search 'AC3 navel battle' and 'AC3 Fort Wollcott' you may get some footage of the demo. :)

Will post the rest over the next couple of days lol

In the mean time, here's some pics:






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i wonder if your gonna show up in some cosplay articles on facebook from IGN and such :lol:... you get your pic taken with a lot by random people?? your snake eater version is pretty cool looking, makes me even more jealous that one of these things doesn't come to my corner of the world... i'd be there every year...

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i wonder if your gonna show up in some cosplay articles on facebook from IGN and such :lol:... you get your pic taken with a lot by random people?? your snake eater version is pretty cool looking, makes me even more jealous that one of these things doesn't come to my corner of the world... i'd be there every year...

Yep, i had plenty of random pics with MGS fans, and general people, as well as photos with the expo press. There's a chance i'm on the expo website. I've not bothered looking though.

More reviews/previews as promised


Far Cry 3


Lucky for me the queues weren't that long when i arrived at FarCry 3, so i jumped at the chance to play it. The game ran on PC at full settings, so it looked pretty impressive at first sight. I opted for the Xbox controller rather than the keyboard, as i always prefer a controller in hand.

So, i dive in, and i'm sitting in the middle of an amazing vista surrounded by large hills, mountains and loads of trees and grass, all looking beautiful. I start walking, the movement feels good, and the cross-hair moves fluidly. I'm instructed to go repair some signal tower without going into any details, i start heading in that direction. Sprinting through loads of tall grass i happen upon a little village where i find a rusty little car that reminds me of an old fiat. I steal it of course, and drive off-road towards my goal. The car handling was also very good. And felt like i was driving on mud rather than asphalt. After i had fulfilled my mission parameters i went on a freeroam and managed to find a cliff face with an ocean beyond. I was lucky enough to have found a Wind-glider sitting on the edge of a cliff, so i was on that shit! This looked amazing, gliding felt easy, and relaxing as i took in the sight. I started gliding towards a nearby small island out to sea. When i got there, i found a few secrets (wont spoil anything), and then i wondered to the other side to find myself a conveniently placed Jet Ski. So i climbed on and started riding the waves towards another, much larger looking island. The Jet ski drove well, as expected by now, and then....

...i get a red screen. I was a bit confused as first, i thought i triggered a cutscene or something, until one of the dev guys came up to me and apologized, and told me that it had froze. Apparently this had only happened to two other PC's on the Far Cry computers since the opening. And Said that this wouldn't normally happen under normal circumstances, it was the heat of all the PC's beside each other, running all day for four days straight.

Anyway, apart from the obvious major fuck up, i think the game was really impressive to play. It had that sandbox immersion that most people crave. The feeling of wanting to know what is ove that next hill. The controls were in my opinion flawless, and really complimented the visual side of things. An the sound and graphics were top of the range. I wasn't even considering getting this game straight away before playing, now i'm definitely going to consider buying it day one if i can afford it.


Crysis 3


So after queuing for what felt like hours, i finally got my hands on Crysis 3. It wasn't actually story/campaign mode as i was hoping, but at least i got my hands on it. They chucked a bunch of us into a competitive game called 'Hunter' Mode, Where merc-ops had to fight it out against some invisible stealth hunters. The game was very biased, in that it favoured the hunters a lot. Once killed as a merc-op, you become a hunter, so it's like infected mode in zombie mods i guess. The hunters got to use the carbine bow which was beyond powerful.

Anyway, mechanics. The controls felt a little awkward to start with. I don't know if this was because i was playing on an xbox or not, as i had no idea which button did what to start with. Either way, the characters felt a little slow wondering around the map, even when sprinting. The weapon firing was pretty good. The carbine bow had the best feel to it, as each shot felt like it had the impact behind it.

The map was an interesting overgrown post-apoc city environment, and had multiple platforms to shot from, which is always good for advantage/disadvantage points. The map lacked some iconic areas if i'm honest. Most games that have competitive maps always have that memorable part. Maybe it was my lack of gameplay or maybe not, i dunno. I just felt like the whole map looked the same...

After about 5-10 minutes i was pretty used to the controls and setup and started climbing the scoreboard. In the end, my team won the mach and got free Crysis 3 T-shirts for winning.

So this didn't really help me in knowing anything about the main game, so i can't really swing my opinion in any direction other than the multiplayer was okay, not amazing.


Metal Gear Rising


Coming soon


Assassins Creed III


Coming soon


Hitman Absolution


Coming soon

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Assassins Creed III


After an incredibly long wait (I queued for this one for almost two hours!) i finally sat down and got to play ACIII on PS3.

When i picked up the controller, i was given an option of different levels to play, sort of like the animus timelines from previous AC games i guess, but more like galaxy clusters not DNA. The first level i chose was set around some fort, i had to scale the fort from a little wooden boat and climb into the village grounds within the fortified area. Pretty straight forward climb up some muddy rocks, and onto a fort like structure. The graphics look a bit more polished, and the lighting was beautiful. This felt pretty much how AC has always felt, which is good, at least it hasn't changed in the way of movement and climbing mechanics go. I slid down some rope and kicked my way through the window of a barn like building. I went into stealth mode behind a wooden crate as there was some guard patrolling the walkway. I waited until he walked by and took care of him quietly. Continuing down the corridor, i come to a balcony overlooking a high ceiling storage room full of more wooden crates with more guards patrolling. After a bunch of climbing puzzles and lots of wooden platforms in a load of different rooms. I ended up in a heavily guarded living quarters retrieving my objective from a hidden stash under a brick floor.

So over that was a pretty standard AC mission. The environments and random conversations between guards heavily reflected the era and made the mission much more fun that I've probably worded it.

That only took me 10-15 minutes, so i still had time to start another mission. This time i chose something much more interesting. A navel battle. Straight away i was shoved in control if the ship moving furiously through strong waves weaving between large rocky island formations off the coast of the mainland. The controls were surprisingly easier than i expected, as it seemed like it would take a lot of effort - but no it controlled well. The environments looked beautiful as i wonder between them, and suddenly a ship crossed past in front, and a rail of cannon balls explode straight at me. The physics were amazing, as the balls hit, the impact was relevant people fell back as the ship sort of stopped suddenly only for a split second, which made the impact even more realistic. I started to turn left pressing some commanding buttons as my crew ready my cannons, and then a hail of cannonballs exploded leaving gunpowder dust floating all around, and the balls flail in the direction of the enemy ship as it tries to take cover behind an opposite rocky formation. Before it escapes i manage to get one or two contact hits on the back end of the ship. The ship pops out the other side and starts to float parallel to me. Again cannon balls shoot straight at me, and hit, my screen goes red for a moment. And i shot back. Every cannonball hits, the ship explodes in places, wood rips apart and the boat sinks. Straight behind the last, two more boats are gaining speed. The weather starts changing in real time from sunny to cloudy and raining, with thunder and lighting and the net ship approaches. Again i command the crew to fire at the ship closing in. I hit and then... ...

I get told that my time is up!

The ships were very easy to maneuver. They still have that sort of weight you'd expect from a heavy ship when turning, but it wasn't bad at all. The whole sense of atmosphere when knotting through the waves was intense, and all the shouting and cannon balls gong off and even sea birds squawking just made it all that much more fun. The commanding crew was fairly straight forward too. You chose what you want the crew to do and they do it really. When choosing a target, you get a sort of way-point to control, you move it across the water surface until you're happy with the placement and then click it and they do everything else for you.

Overall i was very impressed with the navel battles. Whether or not it will be as interesting after three or four plays is something i'm concerned about. As long as there is a verity in coastline/sea battle areas i think it will stay interesting.

Also, i'm sure if you youtube search 'AC3 navel battle' and 'AC3 Fort Wollcott' you may get some footage of the demo. :)


Hitman Absolution


Coming soon


Metal Gear Rising


Coming soon

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@ACIII - shut up, i don't know you... you're fucking LYING TO ME!!! serisously, don't ever talk to me again... also, one month to go!! those naval battles are the proverbial, "dotting the i, or crossing the t" for me... AC is AC but the naval battles are the greatest addition for me in any game in quite some time... and it just so happens to be in a game i have been excited about for almost a year... i am all over this at the end of the month...

@crysis3 - bummer that they forced you all to quickly learn the controls for a team deathmatch... it never gave you the chance to absorb the environment, which crysis always begs you to do... i am still convinced the single player game is the shit, but i am bothered that they forced you to play online to experience it all.. i understand their intentions, and even ACIII could of done the same... but bummer man :(... i am sure you wanted to play a chapter too...

@far cry 3 - still on the fence with this... had fun with 2 but never really went back to it, despite PS+ giving me a free copy months ago... i really love the immersive feeling, and it sounds like 3 really taps more into that... and is actually one of those games that would be fun to play online... i am a sucker for co-op play :D...

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Eurogamer Expo 2013.

I'm not doing any reviews this year, mainly because i want to play GTA V more than write about other games... But i did get a hands on with the PS4 after a two hour wait in queue, and played multiple games to get a feel for the new system.



The first game was Driveclub. And it's the first time i got the controller in hand. It felt great to hold, it just wasn't the PS3 controller, it felt chunkier, and textured more like a powertool, But the hands did feel right around it. The game was very pretty looking, but the controls did feel a little clumsy. Maybe it was just me getting my head around the new controller, or maybe i've been playing far too much GTA V recently. But it was good.


I also played Killzone: Shadow Fall, but it was only competitive and i wasn't really keen on that at all. It's like Crysis 3, i loved the story, but last year i only got to play multiplayer which was a let down. Also, the sensitivity and the movement with the new controller felt very sharp, but again, i dunno if that was just me being a n00b or not...

I played 15 minutes of Elder Scrolls Online which felt like the elder scrolls series, so don't worry about it not feeling right. And the character creation is still pretty cool.

Other games i played briefly, but not long enough to really say anything about because i ran low on time, and just wanted to try 5 minutes of each;

Dying Light

Black Flag



Queuing here at eurogamer is like a theme park. You need to chose your queues wisely and only go on what you really wanna go on, because you'll be there for hours!

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Cool Dup. I've been curious about the new controller so it's cool to hear from someone that's actually used one, but it's not a big dealbreaker, it'll be a while before I go next gen anyway.

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