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Posts posted by llliiiiiiiiilllll

  1. The shows hilarious, but honestly this season has been a bit dissapointing. It's still has its funny moments but not anywhere close to how it was before. The first few seasons would have me and my friends straight dieing the whole way through. Now this season I feel like I didn't laugh as much, especially on certain episodes..

  2. If there are horses on the game, i would like to be able to ride them...

    Anyone able to tell me the possibilities of bears please?

    I can't believe no one has taken the time to tell you about the endless possibilites of bears yet..


    Let me start. First of all us bears tend to act on what we as bears have learned over the the years. This is imprinted into our psyche thanks to evolution. So hunting/gathering, eating, shitting, reproduceing, and hibernating are all pretty expected. Now I know what you're thinking, black bears are probably agressive and quick to steal, rape, indulge in the use of crack cocaine, and leave shitty tips, but you're wrong! Black bears are rarely agressive unless cornered or female with young cubs. Its the grizzlys you gotta watch out for, and they happen to be native to the western portion of the united states. But like most bears grizzlys will run if they hear you comeing, so it's important to make a decent bit of noise while walking through the woods (carrying a whistle or a bell is advised). Now you know most of the possiblities of bears!

  3. I really hope chop isn't a big part of the game.. I'm hopeing for cut scenes only. I don't want to put up with a dogs bullshit in real life, so why would I want to do it in a video game? Like fable 2, I did everything in my power to lose that damn dog.

    Animals in gta= great addition. Animals we have to take care of in gta= annoying. This aint the sims pets! aint no body got time for that..

    I even saw kids begging rockstar on the newswire to add chop as the fourth playable character/protagonist... smh.. I'm pulling an old yeller on that dog as soon as i get a chance, if only to spite the people who are gettin their pants wet over this dog.

  4. i hope that multiplayer games can have more than 16 players.

    I remember hearing somewhere that multiplayer will support 32 players on consoles, so that's good (if it's true...).

    No official sources have really touched on multiplayer much, so anyone who said it will support more than 16 players most likely got that from a fake leak. I don't see console versions being able to support more than 16. Actually I guarantee right now it wont support more than 16 on ps3 or 360. So remember this and if I'm wrong feel free to come back and troll the shit out of me.

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  5. I was thinking about the release date today, and i got thinking. They need around 240 extra days (from the announcement) to polish the game... That's pretty long for polishing. What else do you think they're gonna need to do in that time? They may well be adding a ton of things wanted by the fans along the way too.

    Here's a couple of things i thought could be in the works: (come on guys, we need a positive attitude):


    - post-processing performance/quality

    - framerates

    - player (google) zoom polishing

    Side missions

    - random ped actors/scripting/coding

    - extra collectible items/photoshoot points/rewards

    - more variety in side missions/minigames

    - extra vehicles/misc weapons/


    - player models/clothes/uniqueness

    - co-op missions/variety

    - more competitive game modes/scripting/coding

    - social club integration/gang activities/interaction

    Think of anything else they cold be working on?

    That'd be great, and I hope you're right. I just have a feeling the game has alot of issues and bugs to work out. I mean look at max payne.. the multiplayer has had tons of issues and continues to have issues nearly a year after its release despite the title updates and the proposed "fixes" that were supposed to come with. And that's all on relatively small contained areas with limited actions.. Now in gta multiplayer we're in an open world with 15 other players, access to vehicles, ect. I just don't see how they could have that many problems in closed maps with competitve gunplay and then not have any problems in an open world environment with so many more game modes and possibilites. I mean gta IV and rdr multiplayer were pretty stable, I'm just curious what whent wrong in MP3 and if the issues will carry over.

    Not saying the delay was strictly for multiplayer, I just think there have to be tons of issues to work out and that's what the delay was put in action for. I'd say any of the content they are going to put in would have already been in game if it were released in spring. I'm glad they pushed back the release if that means less bugs and issues.

  6. The pseudo-gangster vernacular juxtaposed with the misspelled pseudo-intellectual words and phrases reminds me of Ali G. And it also makes me LOL.

    And no, it's not "adapt or die", it's called being an individual. Being your own person and not conforming to the style of the people (read: fake hipsters) around you.

    Bottom line: I can keep my kicks fresh, but for the sake of saving face and not being a poseur, I won't.

    I respect your views on the importance of footwear, but I can't say that I agree with them. Since you seem like such an intelligent individual with a much more knowledgeable viewpoint, I have a lot more respect for you than for the average clown who idolizes his shoes. Frankly, I was surprised by the wisdom in your comment. Good job. You're not an idiotic street punk. (Y)

    Respect. :)

    Haha well thanks I guess. And I agree with you on being your own person, yet I did alot of thinking on it and I don't know if it's possible to be an individual or not conform the moment you put on clothing. Wearing clothes is conformity. And you can try to shop around and buy clothing that isn't promoted by pop culture or worn by the majority, but that in itself is like conforming in an attempt at nonconformity and wouldn't allow you to be an individual since you are still structureing your interests around the interests of others in society. So the way I see it I'd prefer to wear clothes that make me feel confident and make me look good to the type of people I'd like to impress, rather than not careing about my image for the sake of nonconformity. Deep down we're still primal beings in my opinion, and having similar clothing choice with others helps establish a common bond at first glance, sort of like recognizeing another member of your tribe. So that really helps with getting the intial attention and positive regard of a member of the opposite sex, and since reproduction is one of the few true goals of our exsistance, it makes sense to me that conforming a bit when it comes to clothing choice isn't such a bad thing. As long as your mind is free and you realize what you're doing you're good in my opinion.

    and just for the record I'm not a mindless swag QD lol, I guess this topic made me sound like one. And I'm really not shallow or unintelligent, I just don't write like I'm writeing an essay when I'm on forums and just use the slang I'm accustomed to. So if people assume I'm dumb for saying somthin like "wuts good brotha" instead of "Hello how are you" so be it lol.

  7. "I'm not even gonna play the internet tough guy..."

    "...Is what women find attractive in clubs that I go to..."


    Bro I wish that even made sense just because that gif is hilarious lol. it's just a shame that its missused. How did I contridict myself?

    And for the record I'm not sayin shoes make or break you but they're just a big part of your look and unfortunatly say alot about you, at least in my area. I'm just sayin a dude wearin shoes like I posted below will not be gettin positive looks like a dude who wears good condition shoes that are deemed attractive in his area.


    I'm just speaking from an american prospective in a city environment, but what you wear is correlated with your social status. What you wear correlated with your wealth. What you wear is correlated with your confidence. Like it or not but thats how most of our evolutionary brains have adapted to this kind of society. So why not cash in occaisonaly and take notice and care of your appearence in regards to your society to help establish yourself. And honestly I don't like how materialistic and superficial people are but adapt or die right?

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  8. Just curious how people treat their shoes. I used to just wear them out and not mind what happens to them since they're only shoes, but I recently dropped $200 on a pair of butters (timbs) and I'm stressin trying to keep them lookin nice. Second day wearing them and a girl spilled rum on them lol..

    So what's your position on your foot wear? Do you not care, do you baby them, or do you just try to clean them occaisonally?

    If you're calling Timberland boots butters, you're a fucking proud american. I own a pair of Timberlands, I don't give a fuck what they look like their boots not dress shoes, I wear them because they're waterproof and comfortable (plus easy to clean after a brushfire). Also Timberlands are boots not shoes.

    <_< proud american.

    Lol that's what people call them where I'm from, nd we wear them for the looks rather than for work. I'm sorry but if I'm buying boots to work in I'm not about to drop more than $100 on them. I'm not even gonna play the internet tough guy and dignify your smack talking because nothing can get settled online. Hate if you want, but what you call me a "proud american" for is what women find attractive in clubs that I go to so shit u say doesn't faze me.

    Thanks for the responses everyone else, I agree with most of u and honestly you're makin me lean more towards not worryin as much.

  9. i got a clean black on black 2002 monte carlo ss for like 5k, only had it 2 years and it's covered in scratches and dents from people hitting me in parking lots and not careing enough to stop and leave a note with their information on it. I park in the back corner of lots and shit still happens on the regular. because of that I'm never going to try to drop money on a nice car.. just isn't worth the financial trouble and stress.

  10. Seriously?

    No. Just no.

    Lol if you're upset that this topic now exists I'm sorry to hear that, shit says general disscussion and I don't think it's out of place. I like to assume people can be into video games and still care about how they look, so I don't see how this is a bad thing. It was stressin on my mind so I want to see how other people feel about it. If the topic is a problem I'll be fine watchin it get locked.

  11. When I bought GTA IV I was really exited about the game, I didn't know what to do first.

    It made the missions less interesting because I wanted to hurry.

    So I will explore the map first before I do the missions.

    I agree. I remember having the biggest nerd smile on my face for the first hour of playing IV. The biggest wow moment for me was speeding and realizeing the road was ending, slamming on the brakes and trying to turn, and slideing sideways into a walking pedestrian and pinning him between the side of my car and a building. It doesn't sound like much but at that time I was in awe at the little things I didn't think were possible to have in game, namely the huge improvements to the physics. This is what I'm most excited to experience in the first couple hours of playing, and missions kind of get in the way of that.

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  12. if u play max payne 3, which is justified in the use of dual weapons, you will see how unbalanced and unrealistic they can become, at the end of the day is like giving a 1000 monkeys a 1000 knifes, they will make a fucking mess and the game will be unplayable.

    sorry i don't play max payne 3 but i can get at what your saying,you just don't like things that are dual.

    still you can't be bad ass if you aren't shooting two handguns off or two micro smg's the only problem is you run out of ammo faster and then you will need more ammo.

    So what you are getting at is it would be dumb to have dual desert eagle's but smart to have dual 9mm's,or like something that requires you to use 2 hands too fire and you have duals, then yes that would be stupid ,but just having one ,of a gun that should not be used as duals is ok then I under stand completely.

    Tell me if i am close to what you are saying or all hope is lost for me.

    I think what he's getting at is dual weapons shouldn't be in the game. First off using two guns at once on a single target is completely rediculous.. It would be much better to put accuracy into one weapon and hopefully make the killshot quickly. It's ok in games like max payne because max payne is just a crazy slomo diving bad ass game. But as you will see in max payne's multiplayer, dual pistols/smg's completely dominate, making using a single pistol/smg completely obsolete unless you're a much better shot than your oponent. So I believe he, much like myself, would prefer to keep dual weapons out of gta 5. Using two guns at once is something that is best saved for movies and games that don't center on realism. I prefer shooting to be realistic as possible in gta, and duals would just get in the way of it and make it seem cheesy or childish.

    You can only take realism so far though.

    If shooting was too realistic, you could only carry 2 or 3 guns and fuck all explosives, can't go on a decent spree with such a pitiful armoury. Recoil would be a bitch and no aim assist would make it worse. Would spoil the fun for me, I am not after a COD experience.

    Dual wielding would be cool for the smaller guns. Especially if you could aim each separately....

    Dual wielding didn't hurt San Andreas none.

    Fair points. And I'm not after a COD experience myself. But saying anything about san andreas is completely irrelivant when it comes to talking about guns and shooting in gta 5 since it has completely changed. R* has been improving their shooting and hit detection with each game they make (gta 4 -> red dead -> max payne) so I'm hopeing that pattern continues. All I'm saying about dual weilding is that it hurts online play in my opinion. It's fitting for games like max payne 3. But in gta, i don't want to see everyone running around with dual pistols/smgs simply because they have greater damage output at close range.

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  13. Some sound effects may be drowned out, since this is first GTA with actual background music. I don't know whether this will be good or bad though, some games have very good background music like assassins creed, but with GTA it's hard to imagine playing with background music.

    Actual sounds in GTA are decent, though they need more variation with engine sounds.

    Luckily background music will only play durring acceptable points durring missions to kind of raise your level of immersion into the energy and feelings the devs want you to feel. Other than that music will only be present when it's playing from something like a radio, so I don't think we have to worry much about this being anything but an improvement.

    The sounds in gta have always been acceptable, but nothing I'd I've ever consider as good. Like in gta 4 the guns sound like cap guns and reving engines sound like smart cars.. I'm sure guns will be sounding good in gta 5 because they sounded great in max payne 3. Still worried how cars will sound though.