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Posts posted by 76toker76

  1. .

    Seatbelts! In gta 4 on a motorcycle if you waited after getting on Niko/ Luis/Johnny would put on a helmet. They should do the same with all vehicles. But have it actually function when getting into a wreck. It was such a piss off to go flying through the windshield while trying to out run/gun the cops. Or go flying off the motorcycle and wether you are wearin a helmet you don't completely die.

    But hey it was still fun.

    Seatbelts! In gta 4 on a motorcycle if you waited after getting on Niko/ Luis/Johnny would put on a helmet. They should do the same with all vehicles. But have it actually function when getting into a wreck. It was such a piss off to go flying through the windshield while trying to out run/gun the cops. Or go flying off the motorcycle and wether you are wearin a helmet you don't completely die.

    But hey it was still fun.

  2. Just being on the property of the safe house either in the garage/driveway front or back yard. That would be sweet. I liked the airplane hanger from SA ( i always had a couple of tanks parked inside). Something like that again would be nice to see. How about landing a motorcycle on the roof of safe house and then go and save and when returning outside the motorcycle is still there and potentialy stay there until you climb onto the roof and drive off... Or fly off. I do expect to see a few parking spots(like gta4) or how about pay parking lots in downtown Los santos. Safe houses with helicopter pads and guns and ammo storage.

  3. .

    submarines would be cool and even trains aswell but cooler than that would be DLC cars like in saints row 3

    DLC cars like in saints row 3 would not be cooler. GTA won't ever be like saints row. Stop wanting saints row in GTA. DLC cars and shit is just lazy. If you are a gta gamer you don't need DLC shit.

    MONSTER TRUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hells yeah! Tear through the ghetto in a monster truck. Lol. Too funny.

  4. I can't wait! I'd like to use Trevor in a helicopter fly to some ghetto and and pick off gangmembers, dealers, homeless people and just any pedestrians. Then fly away laughing flipping the finger. How about getting gangs to fight other gangs. Just driveing in the ghetto you make a left turn BAM! There's a full on gang war shoot out cars are getting blown up. Pedestrians on the street are running and being shot. Your car takes some bullets then sirens and cops show up and get into the shoot out with the gang members. Kill them and cops leave. And then keep driving looking for a group or gangmembers to cap.

    (Ok above is just one of many gang elements I want to see)

  5. The Buffalo(I think it's called) from San Andreas( the car parked at Catalina's hideout. I love that car. I think it looked like a mustang cobra 5.0

    In gta 4 the Ruiner(I think) the one that looks like the trans am from smokey and the bandit was my closest choice to the Buffalo.

    I would also like to see a better pimp car. Not just 1 type.

    And maybe the Delorean. Felix's compasitor and all. Lol ok maybe not.

  6. What I will be looking for in GTA5??

    First thing is Grove street. CJ's house. Armor under the bridge behind house.

    Second is quickest way to steal a plane.

    Litteritly that's what I will be looking for first.

    I want brass knuckles, makes hand to hand combat better.

    Sling shot somehow worked into a mission. A crossbow that would just be awesome! Sticking pedestrians with bolts hidden in a tree or rooftop or stealth in a dark covered area.

    Stun gun/tasers a potentially fatel weapon again utilized by stealth. And this is just minor stuff I will be looking for.

    I wonder how much of GTA5 map and locations will be from GTA SA.

    More usable cranes. Like in the docks of SA.import/export. I want to be able to pick up some steel i beams and smash them into the street below. Or swing a wreaking ball and smash cars on the street. Mission where you say work construction and then take out a target in a accident.

    The kill screen in gta4 was sweet but it needed more time or option to skip.

    mmm.... you know what I notice, I don't want to take it personal with you or anything I respect your wishes after all we can all wish something different.

    but I will tell you my hopes instead, I really hope R* doesn't pay too much attention to people who are still stuck with the idea that somehow GTAV = SA2, is not, is a new game, and with what we know so far, it seems as if R* is taking a step ahead and not walking backwards, I therefore hope many of this "retarded" wishes as I would like to call them are not in any ways included in the actual game, and if they become a reality for some unrealistic and improvable reason, they are nothing but a small dlc including them only as episodic-type gamplay.

    you see brass knuckles, Cj's house, usable cranes, tasers, stunt guns, a crossbow sound all like a combination of GTA SA, Saints Row, and whatnot predator or some other similar shit.

    GTA V is GTA V, a sub sequence of GTA IV, so you should expect something similar to it, in regards to realism and seriousness, and if you don't like it, you can simply play the above mentioned games.

    I hope your right. I'm just bored of the city life style of gta4.

    Looking for a San Andreas type of gta 5.

  7. I dont care who the protagonist is. Or the what his story is I know regardless I will like it.

    I've come to the conclusion I want the protagonist to have more todo in missions or more options during missions. More in depth kill/walkway then gta4 had. How about in stead of doing missions for someone you'll end up getting fucked over by. You could just kill him at any point during mission/s or in say free play when not doing missions.? Pros/cons to game play options.

  8. I really don't have a said idea of who the protagonist is. I feel that we may get 3 different characters. Most likely as DLC like tbogt and tlad. I didn't like that style. I hope we get just one protagonist. All the other people are like friends who you can play as. Maybe play as the black guy in the red car for causing reckless killing type missions. Being able to play as one or the other while together. Having the stats building for the playable secondary protagonist.

    I mean it all sounds great but really only want 1protagonist. Who has henchmen/friends that are customizable(looks,equipment,armor). I don't want a gta5 to have the DLC style that gta4 had. 1disc, no alternate DLC characters, 1 big story,

    1 protagonist. But meh! I can't wait to find out.

    He needs to be badass.

  9. I want to see cops beating people with nightsticks. Or using it in defence against my brass knuckles I picked up from beating a gang member. I want to see more melee weapons and missions where melee is the better option. And more stealth combat like in SA. I don't want to see Jason Bourne fighting but say you can pick a combat style like in SA. And make counters easier to do. I find it very difficult.

    I do agree with picking stuff up as weapons I mean in gta4 a brick doesn't even smash a car window. Or if thrown at someone's head it barely hurts them. A brick to the head should fuck you up, and break car windows. I was so disappointed when I first tryed to throw a brick at a passing car the guy didn't even stop and the brick hit the drivers window, bouncing off like a paper cup.

  10. No Offense, but Fuck That Shit! No common ground and No mercy should be given by either the Protaganist or the Antagonist.

    I want the Antagonist dead, I want his family dead, I want his friends and associates dead, If he has pet's, I want them dead as well. Then after him and everyone he knows and loves is dead I'm going to go and piss on his gravestone. :evilbanana:

    I agree killing the good cop antagonist. How about the good cop at the end lets you walk away and as soon as he turns his back you whistle and say some epic line and then shoot the cop. Unload a whole clip with multiple Head shots.

  11. I do want a villain who you just absolutely hate and must kill. A real asshole sick psycho with a tennpenny feel.

    As for the main villain he should have persona similar to ( Brad Wesley from " Roadhouse") but more big time.

    I know this is opposite of what I wrote before.

    See there needs to be a couple of main antagonist. One that is sorta good. bad. And then just fucking ugly( a real nasty cunt). Lol. The guys pulling the strings.

    With lots of secondary antagonist keeping it all going.

  12. Antagonist should be the good cop, badass rule book out the window, kicks ass and takes names. Cop/military gone rouge. Fighting crime. Trying to stop some major shit going down, caused by other antagonist(bad guys)mob boss, drug cartels, ect. Eventually after the smoke settles at the end it's something he lets the protagonist walkaway at the end they have that common ground.

  13. What I will be looking for in GTA5??

    First thing is Grove street. CJ's house. Armor under the bridge behind house.

    Second is quickest way to steal a plane.

    Litteritly that's what I will be looking for first.

    I want brass knuckles, makes hand to hand combat better.

    Sling shot somehow worked into a mission. A crossbow that would just be awesome! Sticking pedestrians with bolts hidden in a tree or rooftop or stealth in a dark covered area.

    Stun gun/tasers a potentially fatel weapon again utilized by stealth. And this is just minor stuff I will be looking for.

    I wonder how much of GTA5 map and locations will be from GTA SA.

    More usable cranes. Like in the docks of SA.import/export. I want to be able to pick up some steel i beams and smash them into the street below. Or swing a wreaking ball and smash cars on the street. Mission where you say work construction and then take out a target in a accident.

    The kill screen in gta4 was sweet but it needed more time or option to skip.

  14. Being able to hide/sneak/duck while in a parked car using stealth is a must. Being able to evade cops better at night on foot. cops using spike strips. Cops swinging baton/nightstick.

    Hand cuffs would take it to a whole nother level. Driving around with someone cuffed to the door. Lol. Getting handcuffed and being able to run off still cuffed. Then get beat with nightstick arrested and so on.-

    Yeah silent weapons. If no one hears the shot and no ones in the alley. Cops and medics will respond. Cops won't be looking for you unless someone sees you or hears the shooting.

    Hiding in a dumpster would work. Kill someone, someone calls the cops. Get 1 star. Hide in a dumpster down the alleyway. Watch the cops and medics do there thing. Eventually cops leave and the star wanted level goes away.

    Motorcycle cops!

  15. No, I want Co-Op in GTA5 but I dont want people to be able to play in the story mode, I want it so you can go to a person icon and the other controller will press enter, then you and your friend run around doing stuff, i dont want it part of the story.

    I agree! Missions like the kill streaks in that kind of co-op mode might be fun. Or some sort if gang fight. How about spit screen. The chaos would be epic. Two Hunter helicopters terrorizing the streets below. Lol.