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Posts posted by TheAnalogKid2112

  1. Is everybody's character (online) saving itself on the character wheel with Trevor, Franklin and Michael. Mine doesn't seem to be.

    Yep. My character was in my character wheel even before I was able to play online past the intro video.

    After the long playing sesh last night, I'm still a little worried that I'll have no progress when I return tonight. I'm sure it'll be fine though.

    I did have the problem where some bastard sticky bombed my car right after I bought insurance and the insurance company wasnt in my contacts, so I presumably lost my car. Luckily I have enough money to buy a new one now.

  2. Mine is DuPz0r in the app, but i don't see any changes in the game... V or Online. Do you have to go to LS Customs or something?

    You have to buy the custom plate in LS Customs in GTA V. In GTAO I didn't find this option in LS Customs.

    Yep. I was disappointed to see that I can't get my custom plate online, and frankly it makes no sense. Hopefully yet another glitch they aim to work out in the future.

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  3. Two reasons:

    One: I'm so cynical and sarcastic I literally see the good spirit and mood leave someone's body. I then crush it with a sleddgehammer

    Two: I hunt ghosts for a living, put them in quantum-locked containers, and smash and compress them down to atoms.

    You were supposed to say "I named it after a killer song by the great death metal band Death."

    But I guess you're just uncool.

  4. The score has definitely grown on me. I'm still not a fan of 95% of the radio music, but the overall score is great. Ambient yet upbeat. I love the tracks that play in Trevor missions with the heavy distorted bass guitar.

    I also dig leaving the pause menu music playing while I'm doing stuff around the room. It's trippy.

    My favorite original song so far is the Pisswasser commercial on the tube, the one that makes fun of redneck America. I'm in stitches every time I hear the song.

    Fantastic, and spot-on satire of so many ignorant motherfuckers.

    "Ya oughta speak Inglish if ya like it here so much! Not Spanish, or Chinese, or BRITISH, Or fuckin' Duuutch! Fuck the Dutch!"

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