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Posts posted by Smafugula

  1. Throwing knives or throwing stars would be welcomed from me! Stealth kills from a short distance would help with certain missions, killing peds in public areas could be non detectable by police aswell (obvisiouly depends if they improve the "wanted" system). Could just picture walking down the street hands in pockets then BAM throwing knife in the back then casually carry on walking hands back in pockets :whistle:

    Yeah throwing knives would be fun, but that's not exactly stealthy these days as they were in AC, I mean someone with a knife sticking out of them is more visible than someone shot with a silenced 9mm.

    The ejection of the brass shell and the sound waves the silenced pistol would make makes alot more noise and turned heads then someone getting stabbed with a pocket/hunting knife.

  2. I wouldn't care if they were in the game, but if they were it would be a cool addition. But if I had to choose between house parties and nightclubs I would choose night clubs, and this seems to be confirmed from scene in the trailer.

    Yeah, but when you say that I think why not put both in.

    Because the more time they spend putting in things that don't add much to gameplay, the less time they spend on the things that matter.

    I think things like that don't have to do with the people that design the gameplay, but the that people that do the scenery and geographic layout of the game.

  3. I wouldn't care if they were in the game, but if they were it would be a cool addition. But if I had to choose between house parties and nightclubs I would choose night clubs, and this seems to be confirmed from scene in the trailer.

    Yeah, but when you say that I think why not put both in. I mean the house parties could be a great way to get some in the game or a great place to commit mass murder.

  4. They should make a huge variety of weapons, from RPGs to LMGs to Assualt rifles to Smg and pistols, grenades, and all kinds of melee weapons. Everything you could get your hands on in the city you should be able to get in V. So when you role up on a gang battle, everyone thats shooting has their own kind of weapon, creating this new broaden realistic feeling. Some may say that borderlines being a CoD noob, but fuck that R* should go balls out on this one.

  5. as far as the first person third person thing goes, they could do what MGS 4 did and only go first person when aiming down the sight, if they decide to go in that direction.

    I like seeing your character shoot in third person, why is everyone obsessed with first person shooting these days? It's like people want all games, but want them to be like CoD...

    True im with you on that, but if you've ever played Metal Gear Solid 4 the first person aiming down the sight was only a option. You could do the whole action of shooting your gun in 3rd person, just for those perticular shots you could go first person on the sights. I thought it was nice. May not work well with GTA V though.

  6. Yeah I agree, the combat in IV wasn't so smooth.

    e.g. If I was trying to beat someones ass and I kicked them to the floor, there was usually an invisible barrier stopping my kick above them so I have to shift over to be able to kick them. Same with all melee, it wasn't great TBH. But I liked the counters that they had, and ability to disarm. shame it was only for 2 weapons...

    Stealth kills were in SA, so I hope they will also be in V.

    I also hope there are more melee weapons than just a bat and a knife, like chainsaws, golf clubs, pool cues, axes, sledgehammers etc... And I also hope you can pick up random shit off the ground, throw it and see actual damage. In IV it seemed as if an empty plastic cup did the same amount of damage as a brick against a car's windows.

    Ya i really like the idea of picking stuff up off the ground though and I hope they improve it in IV. What else would be nice if when you jack a car and your character aims his gun at him in the animation to get him out if you could actually shoot him that would be cool as well.

    Yeah, you could do that in SR1 and it was beast. I hope they through that in there.

  7. Stupid Idea is stupid. It's just like getting high in the game. I'd rather them waste the time and effort into something more worthwhile. If I want to go to a party that bad I'll just call my friends and either go to a party or we'll throw a party. Obviously people forget that if R* waste time on creating stupid ideas like this that's less time going into something worthwhile.

    I wouldn't call it wasting time, its something that they would put in the game to add to the realism.

  8. I would love these weapons

    : deagle or magnum

    : tazer or stun gun

    : g11 or g18

    : glock

    : m16 scarh ak47 mk14 g3c6

    : uzi teken36

    : rpk or m60 please any heavy or big weapons please let me have bipod or the ablity to put the gun in the back of a pickup truck or SUV or 50. CAL in a humvee or on tank.

    : baseball bat crowbar kinfe sword pipe trashcan

    : roshmore or spaz 12

    : satchel charge semtex frag and flash bang

    : Bazzooka or javelin or stinger for vechicle lock for tanks or choppers

    I hope at least one of these weapons is made into the game :) lol sorry about no comas between weapon names.

    COD gun noob...... So annoying.

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