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Posts posted by XBOXEDDY

  1. I think you will find that it is referenced in IV on the radio show "the intelligent agenda"

    I doubt it, it seemed more of a one-off thing. A parody of not only Scientology in and of itself but also of groups like the Branch Davidians and the Heaven's Gate Cult of the early 90s.

    After all if it had been only about Scientology then I think there would have been some reference to it in IV, seeing how they're active in NYC as well as LA.


    Never mind, I stand corrected. :v

  2. [quote

    name=GunSmith117' timestamp='1361322454' post='92156]

    Just to let you all know. The event will be streamed live from:

    6pm ET / 3pm PT / 11pm GMT

    Ah, yes. One of the few perks to being American. Seeing live events before Brits. You guys get V five hours before the first Yanks, so it balances out quite well.

    Not entirely true you yanks have guam

  3. good picture, i just hope people actually finally look at realise its a dog, not only that it, but it even moves in the damn trailer xD

    These guys are great! I mean come on! The legendary fingerless gloves are back even though they weren't there to begin with!....sort of?

    Anyway take a look guys

    I would just like to point out that I already

    at 0:10 between the lamp post and the green shirt jogger building way up in the hills

    0:30 house has an interior

    0:34 pier toward what would be the east (if pier located same place as ps2) has roller coaster

    0:36 blue car being followed by red car could be the blue and red car seen later in trailer

    1:00 I think I see the vents on the side for the vertical lift so the hydra it is, also building to right of screen looks like you can see thru the glass possible interior?

    1:01 on the hands of the person on the bike, you asked for the R* delivered FINGERLESS GLOVES!!

    1:02 again the hills in the distance a building and also this shot gives good perspective of the size of the greater city area

    1:09 I know a lot of people doubt that will be a second city but I have to ask myself "where is the jet coming from?"

    (see 1:01) pointed them out for all the fingerless glove fanboys

    but hey who reads page 13? its the first page and the last page that are used for the vinegar strokes right?

    sorry we don't read your comments lol but no one is gonna sit and read through all these comments :/

    Yeah thats sorta what I just said..........It's exactly what I just said to be fair

  4. These guys are great! I mean come on! The legendary fingerless gloves are back even though they weren't there to begin with!....sort of?

    Anyway take a look guys

    I would just like to point out that I already

    at 0:10 between the lamp post and the green shirt jogger building way up in the hills

    0:30 house has an interior

    0:34 pier toward what would be the east (if pier located same place as ps2) has roller coaster

    0:36 blue car being followed by red car could be the blue and red car seen later in trailer

    1:00 I think I see the vents on the side for the vertical lift so the hydra it is, also building to right of screen looks like you can see thru the glass possible interior?

    1:01 on the hands of the person on the bike, you asked for the R* delivered FINGERLESS GLOVES!!

    1:02 again the hills in the distance a building and also this shot gives good perspective of the size of the greater city area

    1:09 I know a lot of people doubt that will be a second city but I have to ask myself "where is the jet coming from?"

    (see 1:01) pointed them out for all the fingerless glove fanboys

    but hey who reads page 13? its the first page and the last page that are used for the vinegar strokes right?

  5. Battlefield 3's best perk is basically a wall hack.

    It was deemed as being the second coming of jesus but with online that is really complete and utter shit (far more teamwork based, not fun if your team is full of tossers) and nothing more than a grindfest (which FPS's are in general online but battlefield 3 was heralded as being different) with a ripped off story mode (think the best parts of CoD 4 and 6 and it's basically the story mode).

    Stick to Bad Company or play a decent FPS such as CS 1.6 or Source.

    Yeah pass on the hacking and glitching I wouldn't really consider them a "perk" more of a cunt's/bitch ass proud american trick IMO

    No no,

    Theres an infra red perk that can see through multiple walls, basically the top end scope for the game is infrared. It illuminates all players on the map at all ranges. In short, the game has a wallhack built into it as a feature.

    Basically the entire game online is a total grindfest towards the f2000

    I understand what you mean I thought you meant something along the lines of this

  6. Battlefield 3's best perk is basically a wall hack.

    It was deemed as being the second coming of jesus but with online that is really complete and utter shit (far more teamwork based, not fun if your team is full of tossers) and nothing more than a grindfest (which FPS's are in general online but battlefield 3 was heralded as being different) with a ripped off story mode (think the best parts of CoD 4 and 6 and it's basically the story mode).

    Stick to Bad Company or play a decent FPS such as CS 1.6 or Source.

    Yeah pass on the hacking and glitching I wouldn't really consider them a "perk" more of a cunt's/bitch ass proud american trick IMO

  7. Fair enough, I do find (as a mature gamer myself) that the map size and various modes of transport avail do bring a slightly more dare I say "high brow" aspect of game play (rather than just your typical run and gun fps) sorta like MAG. I also like the fact that you have to compensate for the effects of gravity on the bullet (giving me a little bit of respect for snipers but not much lol) and 120mm tank rounds drop as a pose to line of sight. I had a great time online today as part of what can only be described as a "tank column" all be it only 3 in the column, the fact that both sides have air support means that attack aircraft do not have free rein to dominate you in armoured units and the tanks having a separate .50 call operator stops anti-armour personnel owning you and also come in handy for spotting mines etc....

    I also like the fact that you can customise your weapons and vehicles although I have used only the default weapons for the respective classes at this time, and choose instead to add the accessories it does not put you at a huge disadvantage, the same cannot be said for the vehicle upgrades (but not to the point where it ruins your experience) however this tends to be the case in life (but not always). As far as tactical warfare goes I agree it is mediocre at best but this does not stop you playing this way I think personally this could be changed by finding a decent clan or even just a group of people who actually communicate.

    But I can totally respect your reasons for not wanting to play it different strokes for different folks and all that. Just thought I would throw my 2 cents in for anyone who was interested or considering purchasing this game I think that many people will tar this with the same brush as CoD and therefore put people off and CoD it is not! I gotta say in defence of the call of duty franchise I have always found that the story element of the game has been quite gripping and the only thing to let it down was the online multiplayer imho

    WOW sorry for all that didn't realise I had totally drafted a novelette.

  8. Haven't/won't play it. I'm tired of playing gung-ho yanks in unrealistic war games and for that reason, I'm out!

    That is a very very fair point and thats why I dont play CoD online, however on PSN almost no one uses the mic. I find 99% of the time I am the only one with a active mic or at least the only one in public chat, on the topic of public chat you do have the option to only have open chat with your 4 man squad I believe. At the end of the day if you don't wanna play it then nothing I can say will change your mind about that but all I will say is don't let one aspect of the title/genre stop you from playing what I consider to be a damn good game.

    And on the subject of unrealistic war games, well it should be unrealistic and having some experience on the subject the only people who want realistic war games tend to be the people who have never been to war and if they had the last thing they would want is to play it "for real".

    Sorry to get a bit soap box-ish at the end but real(istic) war sucks open ass.


    Just thought I would start a topic on this title being as we don't have one as of yet. Anyone playing this? what do you think of the game?

    As I have mentioned on other posts I think this is a real CoD killer and if you have not got it already I would strongly recommend getting this game you should not be disappointed. The only drawback I would say is getting registered on battlelogs is a bit hit and miss but that is the only thing I can fault on this game.

    Any thoughts?

  10. as far as the first person third person thing goes, they could do what MGS 4 did and only go first person when aiming down the sight, if they decide to go in that direction.

    I like seeing your character shoot in third person, why is everyone obsessed with first person shooting these days? It's like people want all games, but want them to be like CoD...

    True im with you on that, but if you've ever played Metal Gear Solid 4 the first person aiming down the sight was only a option. You could do the whole action of shooting your gun in 3rd person, just for those perticular shots you could go first person on the sights. I thought it was nice. May not work well with GTA V though.

    If it ain't broke then don't fix it! GTA should remain 3rd person its the only way the game in its current format would work.. Back on topic I would like to see the chainsaw (not a gun but still) make a comeback