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Posts posted by gtagrl

  1. ---DLC BUMP---


    TUE DEC 12 - 11PM (GMT) / 6PM (EST) / 3PM (PST)


    Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, crew-created jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc...
    Join when you can, stay as long as you like, and please post your pics and videos here for all to enjoy! Crew nights are always more hilarious from multiple viewpoints, so show and tell your side of the story! 

    If you created a new job, post a link here so the playlist DJs can bookmark it, or in the PSN group chat. 

    Photos are occasionally featured at @iGrandTheftAuto. Please tag your crew content with #igta! 





    A billionaire tech mogul, an idealistic intelligence agent, a socially awkward conspiracy theorist and a neurotic supercomputer have been forced into an unlikely alliance to save San Andreas from total annihilation. As apocalyptic threats mount from enemies unknown, you and your criminal crew are enlisted to un-tangle mysteries and eradicate threats spanning from the busting streets of downtown Los Santos to the ocean floor, and all the way to the inner depths of Mount Chiliad in an epic new online adventure. 


    Jetpacks, flying DeLoreans, the interior of the mountain - all kinds of madness is being added. We'll run a regular crew lobby to play with the new toys. If these heists require 4-person crews like the previous ones, teams can step out to run heist missions and rejoin the general lobby when they're done. 



    * Join the iGTA community here to be eligible for an invitation to the Social Club Crew. 
    * Add crew staff on the Playstation Network to get invited to GTAO lobbies. PSN Names are underneath our forum avatars, along with Social Club, Twitter, etc.
    * Join anytime, the earlier the better. We start in a crew lobby, join via friends list or party chat. If you can't get in, ask for an invite, sometimes we end up in an invite-only after jobs. We round everyone up and send out fresh invites after each playlist. 
    * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately.
    * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. You're not in a public lobby, so save it for when you are. 
    * NO DIRTY RACING!  A number of our jobs have specific rules, so pay attention, read the description, and listen to the creator's instructions.
    * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS, SNACKS or GOING OFF-RADAR during competitive play. For GTA races, use pickups only (rockets, boost), no thrown explosives. 
    * Don't ruin photo or video setups. No getting a 4-star wanted level when someone's staging a shot. Just don't. 


    Upcoming Events:

    December 19 - Altitude Animals (hat-mask glitch with pilot hats & helmets) 

    December 26 - Snowy Los Santos

    January 2 - BMX Night
    (Events Subject to Change depending on crew input or when Rockstar releases new DLC)



    All About Dat Vehicle

    Apocalypse Night, MC Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road, BMX Night, Lowriders, Rally Car, Supercars, Crotch Rockets, Motocross, Military Night, Muscle Cars, Classic Cars Show & Shine, Utility, Truckers


    All About Dat Outfit

    Crew Blue Night, 80s Night, Vinewood Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Dapper Animals, Underpants Party, Bums, Toga, Cowboys, Pirates, Ninjas, GTA Characters, Rockabilly Night, Business Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Purge Night, Steampunk


    Other theme suggestions are welcome!

    • Like 2

  2. Oh excellent tip - I was happy he got laid, but really upset when she shaved all his hair off! I just toggled the hood up for the time being, figured if he didn't have a beard and awesome hair to show off, he may as well walk around incognito. (Y) 

    I'm still in Alexandria for the time being, haven't met the Phylakes yet but that spear I've been saving will come in handy, by the sounds of it. I half-wish the subtitles would include what the locals are saying in Greek and Arabic and other dialects, I'm not sure if they're mocking me or scolding me or saying nice things as Bayek walks by. 


    How do you pet the cats??

  3. Yeah, so far I haven't sold any weapons at all, keeping what I find until I decide what I like the most, there's quite a range to choose from between dual blades, single blades and long-handled bashers. (Y) The one thing I have done is dismantle lower-grade weapons if/when I find an identical higher-level version, it's an easy way to get raw materials for upgrades to my current kit. The only items I've bothered to purchase upgrades on so far are a stealth predator bow I'm rather fond of, and the Medjay shield to keep him looking in character. Gonna save up all loot items until I have 100 to sell at once, for the trophy. B)


    LOVE LOVE LOVE this game. It's even better than I was hoping. 

    • Like 2

  4. I've spent the weekend playing this, it's fucking amazing. It's an immersive throwback to the quality of the Ezio series, but the gameplay is not as repetitive - there is more variety in the side missions than the rinse, repeat format from older editions. I like that the micro-transactions are listed as 'Time Savers', but are still completely optional, there's room to earn items and levels merely by playing what's available in the game. No regrets about going for the base level game, there is plenty to keep me occupied. 


    Also, having a pet eagle is the tits. Senu is awesome, I'm using her a lot to scout locations, tag items and enemies, and plan my entry a result, I'm finding more success at being stealthy and not blundering into melee wars with a crowd of soldiers. Excellent evolution of the whole eagle vision trope. 


    I've only taken a few quick pics so far with the in-game photo mode, but it's a great option to have, especially since the settings are all so spectacular. 


    One thing I'm missing in Origins that was present in most of the other AC games - perhaps I haven't spend enough time outside of the Animus?? - is historical blurbs on people and buildings/locations. 

    • Like 1

  5. So I'm two weeks behind posting my photos. And I just started a new file in Fallout, then I went and got AC Origins. So I'll do my best to post new pics but won't make any promises, AC Origins has swallowed my life, at least for now. :)


    The race lineup:

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks6 on your marks.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks7 on your marks.jpg

    BMX hits the go button

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks8 bmx flare on your marks GO.jpg




    Makin' Bacon CEO office shenanigans:

    Dup's face overlayed on Fanboy's body :lol:

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks26 couch crew doubling characters dup face in fanboy helmet.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks25 couch crew doubling characters fanboy & dup.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks24 couch crew bmx & gtagrl.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks23 couch crew doubling characters fanboy & dup.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks22 couch crew doubling characters.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks21 couch full of crew how many can we fit.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks20 couch full of crew how many can we fit.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks19 couch full of crew DiOgrl conner-maybe bmx Jizzy.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks18 gtagrl Weev jackalsuit bookends w Dup.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks17 gtagrl Weev jackalsuit bookends.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks16 gtagrl couch full of crew.jpg


    the AFC corner

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks15 the AFC corner.jpg


    BMX likes Burger Shot pop

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks15 bmx with Burger Shot cupholder.jpg


    Big air

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks15 big air.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks15 big air upside down.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks14 big air gtagrl Goosey.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks13 big air next to Mt Chiliad.jpg


    Back to the raceway (my pics are all out of order)

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks12 invisible finish line.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks11 racetrack race passing Jizzy AFC.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks10 racetrack race PIT.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks9 racetrack race Weev going wrong way.jpg


    Maximum effort by that couch

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks27 couch crew full.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks28 couch crew full.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks5 on your marks.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks4 on your marks.jpg


    Weev and I are the Jackal Twins B)

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks3 selfie in CEO with Weev jackal suits.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks2 standing furniture gtagrl CEO bOnEs goose BMX Weev dup.jpg

    2017-11-14_MonsterTrucks1 standing furniture gtagrl CEO.jpg

    • Like 2

  6. ---CRIKEY!---


    TUE NOV 28 - 11PM (GMT) / 6PM (EST) / 3PM (PST)


    Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, crew-created jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc...
    Join when you can, stay as long as you like, and please post your pics and videos here for all to enjoy! Crew nights are always more hilarious from multiple viewpoints, so show and tell your side of the story! 

    If you created a new job, post a link here so the playlist DJs can bookmark it, or in the PSN group chat. 

    Photos are occasionally featured at @iGrandTheftAuto. Please tag your crew content with #igta! 





    We're going on safari! Khakis and Kalaharis in a sea of tan! We'll split our time between the desert and bushwacking in the jungle. We may not be able to bag lions or elephants, but there are lethal eagles to watch out for...


    Call in your blandest, brownest off-road vehicles (no tanks or apocalyptic versions). For outfits, do your best impersonation of Steve Irwin. It'd be great if a few people have a hunted-animal outfit saved too, like my bison in the banner photo...muskets need a target!


    DiO's been testing safari-worthy jobs for playlists. Our urban jungle series should be appropriate too. 

    Sharpen your machete and see you in the jungle!



    * Join the iGTA community here to be eligible for an invitation to the Social Club Crew. 
    * Add crew staff on the Playstation Network to get invited to GTAO lobbies. PSN Names are underneath our forum avatars, along with Social Club, Twitter, etc.
    * Join anytime, the earlier the better. We usually start in a crew lobby, join via friends list or party chat. If you can't get in, ask for an invite, sometimes we end up in an invite-only after jobs. We round everyone up and send out fresh invites after each playlist. 
    * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately.
    * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. You're not in a public lobby, so save it for when you are. 
    * NO DIRTY RACING!  A number of our jobs have specific rules, so pay attention, read the description, and listen to the creator's instructions.
    * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS, SNACKS or GOING OFF-RADAR during competitive play. For GTA races, use pickups only (rockets, boost), no thrown explosives. 
    * Don't ruin photo or video setups. No getting a 4-star wanted level when someone's staging a shot. Just don't. 


    Upcoming Events:

    December 5 - Lowriders 

    December 12 - Altitude Animals (hat-mask glitch with pilot hats & helmets)

    December 19 - BMX Night

    December 26 - Snowy Los Santos
    (Events Subject to Change depending on crew input or when Rockstar releases new DLC)



    All About Dat Vehicle

    Apocalypse Night, MC Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road, BMX Night, Lowriders, Rally Car, Supercars, Crotch Rockets, Motocross, Military Night, Muscle Cars, Classic Cars Show & Shine, Utility, Truckers


    All About Dat Outfit

    Crew Blue Night, 80s Night, Vinewood Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Dapper Animals, Underpants Party, Bums, Toga, Cowboys, Pirates, Ninjas, GTA Characters, Rockabilly Night, Business Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Purge Night, Steampunk


    Other theme suggestions are welcome!




    * Join the iGTA community here to be eligible for an invitation to the Social Club Crew. 
    * Add crew staff on the Playstation Network to get invited to GTAO lobbies. PSN Names are underneath our forum avatars, along with Social Club, Twitter, etc.
    * Join anytime, the earlier the better. We usually start in a crew lobby, join via friends list or party chat. If you can't get in, ask for an invite, sometimes we end up in an invite-only after jobs. We round everyone up and send out fresh invites after each playlist. 
    * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately.
    * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. You're not in a public lobby, so save it for when you are. 
    * NO DIRTY RACING!  A number of our jobs have specific rules, so pay attention, read the description, and listen to the creator's instructions.
    * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS, SNACKS or GOING OFF-RADAR during competitive play. For GTA races, use pickups only (rockets, boost), no thrown explosives. 
    * Don't ruin photo or video setups. No getting a 4-star wanted level when someone's staging a shot. Just don't. 


    Upcoming Events:

    December 5 - Crew Blue

    December 12 - Pilot Animals? (does the hat-mask glitch work with helmets?)

    December 19 - TBA
    (Events Subject to Change depending on crew input or when Rockstar releases new DLC)



    All About Dat Vehicle

    Apocalypse Night, MC Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road, BMX Night, Lowriders, Rally Car, Supercars, Crotch Rockets, Motocross, Military Night, Muscle Cars, Classic Cars Show & Shine, Utility, Truckers


    All About Dat Outfit

    Crew Blue Night, 80s Night, Vinewood Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Dapper Animals, Underpants Party, Bums, Toga, Cowboys, Pirates, Ninjas, GTA Characters, Rockabilly Night, Business Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Purge Night, Steampunk


    Other theme suggestions are welcome!

    • Like 1

  7. ---Journey to the Center of Los Santos---


    TUE NOV 21 - 11PM (GMT) / 6PM (EST) / 3PM (PST)


    Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, crew-created jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc...
    Join when you can, stay as long as you like, and please post your pics and videos here for all to enjoy! Crew nights are always more hilarious from multiple viewpoints, so show and tell your side of the story! 

    If you created a new job, post a link here so the playlist DJs can bookmark it, or in the PSN group chat. 

    Photos are occasionally featured at @iGrandTheftAuto. Please tag your crew content with #igta! 





    From Wiki: "Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction or science fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery."  

    If you aren't familiar with this genre, think Fallout in the Victorian era with a Dwemer feel. It can range from wild west to post-apocalyptic punk. 


    An image search turns up lots of leather, formal shirts & ties, vests and long coats, corsets, parasols, gauntlets, boots, bowler/top hats, aviator goggles, gas masks...all adorned with clocks, gears and old-fashioned DIY mechanical geegaws. 


    As for available clothing options to pull off this theme in GTAO, here are a couple of examples that DiO found:


    Suggestions: Boots, long coats, formal suit jackets, vests, ties, bowlers/top hats, aviator cap, goggles, gas mask, leather gloves, gauntlets. Ragged or sexy clothing items blended with formal ones would work too. If ever there was a time to don a jaunty mustache, this is it! It won't be perfectly on point, but there is enough to make it work, we've done themes with less!


    Stick to vintage weapons during shenanigans. For vehicles, break out your rusty rat rods, fixer-upper bikes and Roosevelts. Apocalyptic off-road vehicles fit the theme too; keep in mind that Safari Theme is coming up, so use lethal versions this week, and save the plain tan jeeps for next week. 



    * Join the iGTA community here to be eligible for an invitation to the Social Club Crew. 
    * Add crew staff on the Playstation Network to get invited to GTAO lobbies. PSN Names are underneath our forum avatars, along with Social Club, Twitter, etc.
    * Join anytime, the earlier the better. We usually start in a crew lobby, join via friends list or party chat. If you can't get in, ask for an invite, sometimes we end up in an invite-only after jobs. We round everyone up and send out fresh invites after each playlist. 
    * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately.
    * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. You're not in a public lobby, so save it for when you are. 
    * NO DIRTY RACING!  A number of our jobs have specific rules, so pay attention, read the description, and listen to the creator's instructions.
    * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS, SNACKS or GOING OFF-RADAR during competitive play. For GTA races, use pickups only (rockets, boost), no thrown explosives. 
    * Don't ruin photo or video setups. No getting a 4-star wanted level when someone's staging a shot. Just don't. 


    Upcoming Events:

    November 28 - Safari 

    December 5 - Crew Blue

    December 12 - Pilot Animals? (does the hat-mask glitch work with helmets?)

    December 19 - TBA
    (Events Subject to Change depending on crew input or when Rockstar releases new DLC)



    All About Dat Vehicle

    Apocalypse Night, MC Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road, BMX Night, Lowriders, Rally Car, Supercars, Crotch Rockets, Motocross, Military Night, Muscle Cars, Classic Cars Show & Shine, Utility, Truckers


    All About Dat Outfit

    Crew Blue Night, 80s Night, Vinewood Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Dapper Animals, Underpants Party, Bums, Toga, Cowboys, Pirates, Ninjas, GTA Characters, Rockabilly Night, Business Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Purge Night, Steampunk


    Other theme suggestions are welcome! 

    • Like 2

  8. DiO, me and Fanboy

    San Andreas


    There's something in my bed

    San Andreas


    My bike lineup

    San Andreas


    bOnEs and me

    San Andreas


    President of the Dirty Jackals

    San Andreas


    :drunk: Dup and bOnEs

    San Andreas


    Dart brothers

    San Andreas


    :lol: DiO standing in the chair

    San Andreas


    party at gtagrl's 

    San Andreas

    Fanboy putting the moves on the bartender

    San Andreas


    Weev darting on BMX

    San Andreas


    San Andreas


    San Andreas


    San Andreas


    San Andreas


    San Andreas


    me and DiOgrl



    Weev comes piling in






    biker sisters



    The Fearsome Foursome 

    Macdonald St


    Macdonald St


    Look out behind

    Macdonald St


    NPC driver gives a love tap

    Macdonald St


    Look both ways

    Macdonald St


    I have a bit more to come. :) 

    • Like 4

  9. ---Back Flips and Cyclones---


    TUE NOV 14 - 11PM (GMT) / 6PM (EST) / 3PM (PST)


    Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, crew-created jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc...
    Join when you can, stay as long as you like, and please post your pics and videos here for all to enjoy! Crew nights are always more hilarious from multiple viewpoints, so show and tell your side of the story! 

    If you created a new job, post a link here so the playlist DJs can bookmark it, or in the PSN group chat. 

    Photos are occasionally featured at @iGrandTheftAuto. Please tag your crew content with #igta! 





    Monster Trucks! Liberators and Marshalls! Come as you are, as long as it's in a massive truck!



    * Join the iGTA community here to be eligible for an invitation to the Social Club Crew. 
    * Add crew staff on the Playstation Network to get invited to GTAO lobbies. PSN Names are underneath our forum avatars, along with Social Club, Twitter, etc.
    * Join anytime, the earlier the better. We usually start in a crew lobby, join via friends list or party chat. If you can't get in, ask for an invite, sometimes we end up in an invite-only after jobs. We round everyone up and send out fresh invites after each playlist. 
    * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately.
    * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. You're not in a public lobby, so save it for when you are. 
    * NO DIRTY RACING!  A number of our jobs have specific rules, so pay attention, read the description, and listen to the creator's instructions.
    * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS, SNACKS or GOING OFF-RADAR during competitive play. For GTA races, use pickups only (rockets, boost), no thrown explosives. 
    * Don't ruin photo or video setups. No getting a 4-star wanted level when someone's staging a shot. Just don't. 


    Upcoming Events:

    November 21 - Steampunk

    November 28 - Safari 

    December 5 - TBC

    December 12 - TBC
    (Events Subject to Change depending on crew input or when Rockstar releases new DLC)



    All About Dat Vehicle

    Apocalypse Night, MC Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road, BMX Night, Lowriders, Rally Car, Supercars, Crotch Rockets, Motocross, Military Night, Muscle Cars, Classic Cars Show & Shine, Utility, Truckers


    All About Dat Outfit

    Crew Blue Night, 80s Night, Vinewood Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Dapper Animals, Underpants Party, Bums, Toga, Cowboys, Pirates, Ninjas, GTA Characters, Rockabilly Night, Business Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Purge Night, Steampunk


    Other theme suggestions are welcome! 

    • Like 2

  10. d3Os2lG.gif

    If I could like @DiO's post +100, I would. What an epic photo log of our crew night. Thanks for doing all that, it's fantastic. I lol'd a few times going through that. I think you got all my wardrobe changes in there too! :lol: 


    My in-game snaps:



    San Andreas


    bOnEs showing the new crew action, "up yours"

    San Andreas


    Later that evening...R2, Weev and DiOgrl

    San Andreas


    You can stand on clubhouse chairs/couches 

    San Andreas


    Pointy Pointersons

    San Andreas





    • Like 3

  11. 22 hours ago, Jizzy said:

    Stable city?  We should save that for RDR night.

    Fucking autocorrect, stab it with the pointy end. It thinks it's being helpful, but it's not. 


    Someone on Twitter posted photos of a safari photo shoot, that might work as a theme night - dress like Steve Irwin and drive non-lethal off-road vehicles? We have several urban jungle type jobs that would serve. What do you guys think?

    • Like 1

  12. ---Rubber Side Down---


    TUE NOV 7 - 11PM (GMT) / 6PM (EST) / 3PM (PST)

    *Daylight Savings Time now over for 2017*


    Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, crew-created jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc...
    Join when you can, stay as long as you like, and please post your pics and videos here for all to enjoy! Crew nights are always more hilarious from multiple viewpoints, so show and tell your side of the story! 

    If you created a new job, post a link here so the playlist DJs can bookmark it, or in the PSN group chat. 

    Photos are occasionally featured at @iGrandTheftAuto. Please tag your crew content with #igta! 





    Fun fact: Leathers are NOT just for German porn! Suit up, meet up at the Clubhaus, and get ready to ride in formation. We can do a clubhouse crawl and check out everyone's bike collection. Bikes that start with "Western" are best for bashing The Lost on their home turf at Stab City. Violators of club rules will be punished with bats and fists - is that brain matter on your boots, or are you just happy to see me?!



    * Join the iGTA community here to be eligible for an invitation to the Social Club Crew. 
    * Add crew staff on the Playstation Network to get invited to GTAO lobbies. PSN Names are underneath our forum avatars, along with Social Club, Twitter, etc.
    * Join anytime, the earlier the better. We usually start in a crew lobby, join via friends list or party chat. If you can't get in, ask for an invite, sometimes we end up in an invite-only after jobs. We round everyone up and send out fresh invites after each playlist. 
    * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately.
    * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. You're not in a public lobby, so save it for when you are. 
    * NO DIRTY RACING!  A number of our jobs have specific rules, so pay attention, read the description, and listen to the creator's instructions.
    * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS, SNACKS or GOING OFF-RADAR during competitive play. For GTA races, use pickups only (rockets, boost), no thrown explosives. 
    * Don't ruin photo or video setups. No getting a 4-star wanted level when someone's staging a shot. Just don't. 


    Upcoming Events:

    November 14 - Monster Trucks

    November 21 - Steampunk

    November 28 - TBC

    December 5 - TBC
    (Events Subject to Change depending on crew input or when Rockstar releases new DLC)



    All About Dat Vehicle

    Apocalypse Night, MC Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road, BMX Night, Lowriders, Rally Car, Supercars, Crotch Rockets, Motocross, Military Night, Muscle Cars, Classic Cars Show & Shine, Utility, Truckers


    All About Dat Outfit

    Crew Blue Night, 80s Night, Vinewood Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Dapper Animals, Underpants Party, Bums, Toga, Cowboys, Pirates, Ninjas, GTA Characters, Rockabilly Night, Business Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Purge Night, Steampunk


    Other theme suggestions are welcome! 

    • Like 3



    TUE OCT 24 - 10PM (GMT) / 6PM (EDT) / 3PM (PDT)

    *Daylight Savings Time now over in the UK / ends Nov 5 Canada & USA (Clocks fall back -1 hour)*


    Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, crew-created jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc...
    Join when you can, stay as long as you like, and please post your pics and videos here for all to enjoy! Crew nights are always more hilarious from multiple viewpoints, so show and tell your side of the story! 

    If you created a new job, post a link here so the playlist DJs can bookmark it, or in the PSN group chat. 

    Photos are occasionally featured at @iGrandTheftAuto. Please tag your crew content with #igta! 





    Turn off all the lights, hide from the ravenous horde of trick-or-treaters at the door, grab that bowl of candy and join us for Halloween crew night!


    R* has released a bunch of goodies for Halloween, check out the discounts on properties, cars, aircraft, bikes and special vehicles through Oct. 30. Discounts are available on the Franken Strange, Lurcher and Sanctus, as well as spooky facepaints and masks. You'll get $400K just for logging in!...and free T-shirts that most of us likely have already. 


    Brand new to the game: The Vigilante, and a new adversary mode called Condemned. See you in costume on Tuesday night!




    * Join the iGTA community here to be eligible for an invitation to the Social Club Crew. 
    * Add crew staff on the Playstation Network to get invited to GTAO lobbies. PSN Names are underneath our forum avatars, along with Social Club, Twitter, etc.
    * Join anytime, the earlier the better. We usually start in a crew lobby, join via friends list or party chat. If you can't get in, ask for an invite, sometimes we end up in an invite-only after jobs. We round everyone up and send out fresh invites after each playlist. 
    * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately.
    * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. You're not in a public lobby, so save it for when you are. 
    * NO DIRTY RACING!  A number of our jobs have specific rules, so pay attention, read the description, and listen to the creator's instructions.
    * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS, SNACKS or GOING OFF-RADAR during competitive play. For GTA races, use pickups only (rockets, boost), no thrown explosives. 
    * Don't ruin photo or video setups. No getting a 4-star wanted level when someone's staging a shot. Just don't. 


    Upcoming Events:

    November 7 - MC Night

    November 14 - Monster Trucks

    November 21 - Steampunk

    November 28 - TBC
    (Events Subject to Change depending on crew input or when Rockstar releases new DLC)



    All About Dat Vehicle

    Apocalypse Night, MC Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road, BMX Night, Lowriders, Rally Car, Supercars, Crotch Rockets, Motocross, Military Night, Muscle Cars, Classic Cars Show & Shine, Utility, Truckers


    All About Dat Outfit

    Crew Blue Night, 80s Night, Vinewood Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Dapper Animals, Underpants Party, Bums, Toga, Cowboys, Pirates, Ninjas, GTA Characters, Rockabilly Night, Business Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Purge Night, Steampunk


    Other theme suggestions are welcome! 

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