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Posts posted by Rayge

  1. The Titan job for Lester pays $10k, and is really simple to complete. I did it with a random dude who literally drove us straight into the gunfire, loosing both team lives straight away, but after that it was a piece of cake. Plus it increases your flying skill, which is one of the hardest skills to increase.

    Also doing the criminal records race nets you shitloads of exp (even if you do it legit) And takes about 1 minute per race, meaning lots of $.

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  2. I just realized the cursor when browsing the internet is a hand flipping you off

    Yeah but what about the legit players on here, the guys who farmed hundreds of missions to get to level 40 or 50 etc and now have to grind twice as much to get that and the big money. If R* intended for the game to be played this way well then they should have marked the first two weeks as beta and not launch a hardly balanced game.

    How long did it take all of you in here to reach level 40? Just curious.

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