Ku Zi Mu

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Posts posted by Ku Zi Mu

  1. Sky blue + Ultra blue = "electric" blue

    i wasn't talking about using pearlescents... you can't do that anymore with crew colors anyways...

    Huh? Why does that matter? I thought you were saying we shouldn't use the other blues because we can duplicate them to a degree in the mod shop using default blues. I was saying we could probably do the same with the current blue as well.

    Since when is the emblem blue any different than the crew colour? :huh:

    Pretty sure it doesn't sync up like that. I think you have to change them separately.

  2. Look man, I'm firmly in the same camp as bOnEs, in that I think a crew colour should be vibrant and stand out.

    My crew Sentinel is a midnight blue, and the electric blue emblem looks fucking awesome on it. If I had a brighter car with a logo that's a dark blue, it would just get lost. So in general, yes - I have nothing against dark blue shades, in general...but for a crew colour, I don't want a dark shade.

    Don't get your panties in a bunch. I wasn't trying to annoy you. That's all you really had to say.

    See I mentioned the logo issue before, but everyone seemed to not really care about the difference between the logo blue and the crew blue. Apparently that's not the case, so it is still something to think about.

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  3. The dark blue is just fugly, and again, not a good crew colour. FTR

    Why? And please don't give me that "it's not unique" foolishness.

    I don't like that particular shade. It looks more like a dark teal than blue, it's not my favourite.

    So you wouldn't be opposed to a dark shade of blue, just that particular blue?

  4. The dark blue is just fugly, and again, not a good crew colour. FTR

    Why? And please don't give me that "it's not unique" foolishness.

    People are actually voting for Bold Blue? That looks worse than the current blue.

    people actually liked that one the most at our last color showing... but all of the colors above can be replicated to a degree in the mod shop, electric blue cannot...

    Sky blue + Ultra blue = igtgay "electric" blue