Ku Zi Mu

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Posts posted by Ku Zi Mu

  1. Not to add fuel to this any more than it's needed, i heard the bitchy comments being chucked between the two of you, as early as the first playlist. I thought it was all over, but after Kuz came in, it seemed to ramp up a bit more in freemode.

    Either way, i dont let other peoples problems drag down my good time, i enjoyed it last night. One of the busiest crew blue nights we've had in a long time.

    I hadn't realized they were arguing before then and it was an issue. I just thought weeve was drunk and got crazy.

    I honestly didnt think it was that bad. It was a good laugh for quite a few of us and I had fun. I mustve missed the deathmatching between them, seemed like a lot of us were killing eachother for lolz while i was there. Meh

    Anywho, ive got a theme suggestion. How bout another stunt night? That was a pretty fun one.

    *reads second page*

    What i meant was, I second stunt night

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  2. Ghost totally blame him - all kuz fault that I'm secluded and tied up some place (nah I'm kidding (he told me to say that)).

    Hey you're the one that kept going on and on about Fifty Shades of Grey, bringing it up every chance you got. You practically begged me to do it. Also, you spelled "seduced" wrong.

    If I don't get it now for heist, then I probably won't until MGS V or something else worth playing comes out, which could be years...

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  3. yea, sure, leave gtagrl all by herself, kuz… so selfish...

    Whaaa? I'd never abandon gtagrl. Besides, I haven't gotten a chance to dump the rest of her bik-... I mean err... stop DiO from dumping the rest of her bikes in the urine silo yet.


    Yup :whistle:


    Yeah such a nasty piece of work Kuz's but do it! Do it I say! That way mercy can come and play with us all again.

    I have no control over that, brah. You and I both know why Mercy hardly plays with you now. We've done everything to try and get you to stop. I mean trip after trip to rehab. She just can't bear it anymore. I assure you It has nothing to do with myself or my extremely high levels of awesomeness.

    I swear.



    Could be time for an upgrade...


    I just got the ps4 two days ago. I say you get one too so you can still play with me and Jen. Plus, you're the only person on here that I play with.

    Sounds good to me ;)

    I encourage you to try friending some of these guys and joining in on a crew night. I mean yeah they're a little strange and big boss will probably never stop hitting on you... ever... but they're all pretty good company.

    Execpt that bOnEs guy. Watch out for him. He's a real asshole...

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