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Posts posted by HB_Sauce

  1. It's because Niko had too much of a conscience. He could barely pull a trigger without going into an emo rant.

    Tis true. A lot like Vic Vance in Vice City Stories. Murdering dozens, but in missions is all like "I can't be doing this shit blah blah blah"

    Give me someone I can love...to play and run over as many hookers in a 10 second span with that has something witty to say.

    Maybe that's why I liked playing as Claude the most. No voice at all is awesome, no conscience what so ever.

  2. Make it harder to lose a wanted level than it was in IV.

    Honestly I bet people have better chase stories in III, Vice City, San Andreas than IV. If you started a rampage, I always found that I'd lose the police cars too easily in IV with that damn zone. San Andreas had a good system in that if you where hidden off the map you could lose some of your heat. In IV it was way too easy.

    What's GTA without causing a mad ruckus and having fleets of police cars chase you down relentlessly until you go off a jump and ditch them in the river?

    As well, I liked the IV story but I couldn't look at Niko as this bad ass that usually GTA protagonists have. He fit his story well, but I just couldn't think him in the same was as a cold, muted killer, the man on top of a drug empire, or a gangbanger that got what was his in the end.

    Maybe it was his dialogue, I don't know. I just couldn't get into gunning down people as Niko for some reason.

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  3. The Southern California thing is what I'm talking about.

    Los Santos is the focus of the map, and outside of town is San Diego or something.

    Just not San Fierro or Las Venturas sadly.

    You may be onto something. Have another large town, Los Santos as the main city, and then valleys and badlands for the surrounding area.

    I think that would be a great balance. And stretch the map enough to allow planes and heli's in there without feeling out of place.

  4. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/19471/grand-theft-auto-v-official-announcement.html

    Looks like it might only take place in Los Santos, and about Southern California in general. With the inclusion of countryside/beaches, it looks like they will be greatly increasing the sprawl of Los Santos area and I'm ok with that.

    If it's just one city (aka Liberty City, Vice City) then the story has less of a chance to become derailed by the size of the map, which I thought happened in San Andreas.

    As long as we can pilot those jets & drive a car to the top of that mountain I don't think a lot of people will complain.

  5. I'm thinking it's just an expansive countryside, no other major cities. R* sticks with a consistent theme now. With three completely different cities (five total environments) in San Andreas, the story was all over the place, R* has to know that. I doubt we're getting the whole state.

    And for the record, Vegas revolves too much around just one thing to have it's own game. Unless I'm wrong and all of SA in in GTA V, don't count on seeing Las Venturas again.

    You make a good point, I too feel the same way with the story in GTA San Andreas but if it was just one city then why would they include planes? Unless they've greatly expanded the Los Santos island to have a greater sprawl (ie that mountain, mixed in with wind farms and that potential valley), then the planes would make sense.

    Unless those planes are not available for operation. Then they are there to add a little more realism to world. But that would indeed suck.

  6. That's pretty cool I guess, was quite exciting, but still didn't grip me enough. Something about it seemed new, yet still so much like GTA IV in a way.

    Not that keen on them redoing San Andreas either, but that's more personal, as I'm concerned it won't live up to the San Andreas we all played before. Everyones obviously going to be playing comparisions.

    Also what is it about GTA that makes everyone analyse the trailers so much? Nobody does it for other game trailers!

    Graphics? Odd choice of protagonist?

    People love to analyze these trailers since they contain so much information i.e. location, protagonist (though we don't know yet clear cut who that is), vehicles(those planes seem rather enticing :) ). One can extract a lot of info from 80 seconds of footage it seems.

  7. As for the old guy talking in the trailer, I'm not convinced he's the protagonist. His speech, coupled with his appearance remind me of the dialogue of one of your bosses you do a mission for.

    Also, previously pointed out there are two people driving around in this trailer. The older man as well as a darker skinned younger man. I'm thinking the later one is our protagonist.

    I'm trying to hold back my excitement for this game since what we see in trailers isn't exactly what we can do in the game, if you know what I mean.