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Posts posted by Nathan

  1. I beleive it's seasonal as in the weather system. .. I dont think they'd go to the effort of making a snowy environment and only use it in one place, when they could implement it into the weather cycle.

    You guys also reealise there has to be some sort of timeline within the game which could take place over several months. The mile high club sky scrapper was our first hint at that, with its different stages of completion.

    Perhaps a Bully-esque type of timeline with various seasons, seasonal events and special activities that are specific to that season?

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  2. I think Michael will have the most missions, the game seems more orientated towards him with Franklin and Trevor more peripheral characters. I could be wrong though.

    They might be more equal in the actual game. Like, Rockstar might have put more emphasis on Michael because he is the most 'likely' hero, being a generic white guy and such.

    So since this guy as been a prominent figure. What role does he play in the heists? Did he play a role in michaels past or is he new to what Their doing now?

    I say for now we name him Wally-Wheelchair, just for the time being anyway.

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  3. I'm not 100% sure it's true either, because that's an insane figure.

    but then, on second thought, why would the biggest spanish-speaking videogame info-network go ahead and spread false rumors, namely citing LB ?

    and on third thought, there's so many activities that we know now (different types of races with and without all kind of transport from mountainbike to airplane, deathsmatches, heists, all the sports we know of) and there's other activies that seem plausible, from new fighting-based missions (capture the flag sort of things, maybe some sort of defense-based stuff where one crew hits another crews hidout) or even turnament-based competitions in sports and fighting... I can even think of a cops vs robber like scenario of hunting down an individual for whatever reason, or something protect the vip like...

    of course all considering the area they take place at, asking for different approaches when downtown or in the open wild

    I don't think outlining 500 recurring multiplayer activities is that much of a problem really. And with a nice leaderboard system the replay value would rise aswell.

    If there's 500 re playable missions then that means that there will be around 200 one-time or unique missions/activities. With that many multiplayer activities I cant help but wonder how many single-player missions there would be since surely R* wouldn't make the amount of single player missions inferior to multiplayer?

  4. Anyone notice the lack of a Sub-Machine Gun icon on the Weapon Wheel?

    I wonder whether SMG's will replace one of the other categories when equipped, maybe replacing the Pistol or AssaultRifle slot on the weapon wheel due to SMG's falling into a class somewhere in-between these two weapons ).

    Looks like you guessed it..


    So we have a choice between an LMG and firepower it brings or a sub with which we can do better drive-bys?

  5. Sorry to say, but that was a disaster. I mean don't get me wrong, the map is well made but the location of almost if not everything is way off. Dup or Fitty should give this guy a hand, or use this software to create a 3D version of what they already have, which is more accurate.

    I know its a mess, I was pointing it out because it had/has potential to show the world from a more meatier 3D perspective instead of top down. Maybe someone should give him a hand :P