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Posts posted by Nathan

  1. I'm a bit curious on how the servers will work..? Will you be directed to the server with the best connection? Can you choose different lobbies? I'm located in South Korea, so I'm sure the only ones who will have this game are soliders over here. Koreans aren't big on PS3/XBox so I doubt many will even play the game. Has me a bit worried I'll be the only one around. Not sure if this has been mentioned in any interviews etc.?

    I think it works like this: First you get matchmaked with people in your country, then if their are not any or another problem arises you will be matchmaked with people in the continent etc etc.

  2. I wouldn't mind Liberty and I could even see them using the same map as well as having room for adding on new content as GtaO does take place 5 years after Gta4, definitely enough time for the gun law (Ammunation) to change and more buildings to have been built. If they did add Liberty I hope they acknowledge Gta4 just because I like how R* acknowledges their own games in that universe.

    Or have the Five GTA Mafia Families have compounds that you can assault as a crew.

    Love this idea, or maybe you could do dirty work for each family and gain a unique bonus. The Gambettis might provide bodyguards or the Ancelottis might offer discount cars?

    • Like 1

  3. I think that actually might be two different trailers in the river, or possibly a redesign.

    Look at the satalite dish and pipes on top of the one in the screen shot with trevor, its also pointing down the river. The one in the shot with the plane doesnt have any satalite dish and is pointed more sideways.

    Some game companies might settle for just one trailer in a river... But not rockstar

    Maybe instead of gang tags or horseshoes you have to find trailers now...

    • Like 1

  4. I still don't understand if Chop belongs to Lamar or Franklin because multiple sources have mentioned that he is in fact Lamar's dog and that Franklin borrows him for some missions.. Although every time we see Chop, he is usually connected to Franklin in some way or another so idk..

    Chop is Lamar's dog, which Franklin can borrow.

    I guess just borrowing Chop is the logical way of avoiding the need to look after him if you was the owner.

  5. There will be a lot of stuff they simply aren't allowed to talk about. IGN have had a massive exclusive, they aren't about to blow that (and the money they'll lose by defying legal ramifications) by talking about stuff they weren't supposed to.

    Also, why do you want to know the ins and outs of a ducks arse when you can find out for yourself in 9 days?

    I'm just a little bit annoyed because they could have just made the video shorter instead of showing the same question twice and reading out pointless questions just to make it a bit longer.

  6. There was hardly any new information in that video at all. And the questions were a joke.

    Here's some good Questions that should have been asked and answered ~

    - What does the Melee Combat feel like? And do the characters have different styles? Can you learn new combat moves at a Gym or Dojo?

    - Are the Boats, Planes & Helicopters customizable as well?

    - Did they see any new Sports or Activities?

    - What were the controls like for the Planes and Helicopters?

    - Did they see snow in any areas of the map?

    - What new animals did they see in the Countryside?

    - Are the Safehouses and/ or Businesses customizable in some way? And are there missions involved with the new Businesses? ( like in Vice City Stories )

    - What was the coolest weapon they saw that hasn't been mentioned in any of the Previews yet?

    - Does wearing the wrong colors get you into trouble in gang neighbourhoods?

    - Do the police have Tasers or Mace now? And does Noose have anything new in their arsenal? Like Flashbang Grenades/ Riot Shields/ Attack Dogs...

    - What weapons can be fired while driving a vehicle?

    - etc, etc, etc...

    Definetly, they had the opportunity to give real answers and it was wasted with questions that felt pointless. And soryy about the spoilers, I just thought that if people clicked here they would be expecting spoilers.

  7. Well said.

    And it would be great if there were more real consequences in GTA ( as well as more RPG elements ). This would only immerse you more into it's world.

    The simplest way of showing this is looking at level maps from games 10-15 years ago and comparing them to now. Levels are much more linear and you may only have two (maximum of three) paths to mission success.

    Then I compare this too the crappy Call Of Duty's that we have today. Where the Single Player is a linear corridor with no alternate routes, and dumb AI enemies ( who are no challenge at all/ even on higher difficulties ). And the same shoot this/ blow this thing up gameplay, and I think how has FPS gameplay degenerated this badly? In the end you're just sitting through a boring B Grade Action Movie.

    So I look to more open-ended games like Fallout, MGS, GTA, Red Dead, Mass Effect or TES. Or great games that even though they're linear still have great gameplay and tell a great story, like Uncharted, Bioshock, Max Payne, The Last Of Us, Portal 1-2, Hal Life 2 etc

    Well said. If a game cant provide great open world gameplay or allow replayability through choices (E.g Fallout) then there should at least be a gripping plot and not generic Russian terrorist threatening to blow up the center of the earth or something.

  8. This is why I love Rockstar.

    [ Excerpt ] ~ “As a gamer, I always feel a bit cheated when you’re forced into something, or a big set piece moment is just a quick time event. We have big set piece sections of gameplay but it still feels organic and the player will feel in control. It always feels so much better if you’ve created it yourself, so that’s what we tried to do here. There are so many systems at work in the missions with the player at the centre of them, acting unpredictably – we tried to create a world in which these moments can arise naturally, and we look forward to seeing what players do with these systems when they get their hands on the game.”

    Rockstar - "Building better Open-Worlds since 1998".

    The end result is something that, to myself, feels more "next-generation" than most of the titles coming out on PS4 and Xbox One later this year. IGN UK’s Daniel Krupa will be going into more detail on this topic in the coming days but, to me, there isn’t really anything in the PS4-Xbox One launch line-ups that matches the gameplay scope displayed here in GTA V.

    That statement is absolutely true, I haven't really been impressed by any Next-Gen games yet. How about you guys?

    Me, I'm still waiting for Fallout 4 to be announced...

    Only Next-Gen games I've really been impressed with are Dead Rising 3, primarily for the expanded open world aspects (always wanted an open world zombie game) and the other one is Watch Dogs just because of the techy, computer related abilities although I fear it may turn out feeling kinda gimmicky and forced upon. And Fallout 4, never forget Fallout 4 :P .

    • Like 1

  9. "The upcoming multiplatform video game, “GTA 5,” will be adding a hierarchies system to the Rockstar Games Social Club feature. As reported by Gaming Phanatic on Aug. 29, the new addition should help crews from the latest “Grand Theft Auto” installment be better organized.

    Under the hierarchies system in “GTA 5,” players are divided into five different groups. The crew leader is the most powerful member as he is the only one capable of assigned rank to any other members. The two assigned commissioners are described as the right-hand men or women who could invite or promote others from within the crew.

    Three lieutenants also have limited abilities such as deciding who to demote or promote. Four members of the crew may also be designated as representatives who have some basic recruiting responsibilities. The rest of the new hierarchies system is made up of lower-rank individual called “muscles.”

    Players will be able to test out the new Rockstar Games Social Club feature when the “Grand Theft Auto Online” mode is activated on Oct. 1. A small patch will be released to activate the online multiplayer features of the open-world action adventure video game." -Examiner Website

    What do you guys think? It might be real but its from the Examiner so who knows.