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Posts posted by cuda

  1. I'd like to one day have a proper piece in my arm, like a full sleeve, but I worry about what it would mean for my corporate life, I cannot wear a damn shirt and not roll the sleeves, it's fucking hot out here.

    I'd also have to spend top cash on it, I don't want an half ass local doing it, I'd like to have it done by a true professional/artist, someone like Jun Cha for example:




    fucking beautiful.

    guys page:

  2. Every class is extremely easy these days, I remember leveling a Warrior back in the day and getting shit on all day, or when TBC came out... the first few levels were absolute hell as Shaman, my mage friend was blasting mobs left and right, I'd be happy to kill one!

    I think WoW is fairly easy to pick up, you gain your skills every few levels, so you get used to what you have, by the time your bars are full you already have a good grasp of the game. You might have a hard time if you come from a console background, keybinding is an absolute must for me in WoW, your game improves so much once you master your spell bars.

  3. Nope! Seems like when I added you on Diablo3, a friend of mine ('our' account has already been shared by about 4 people...) became somewhat friends with one of your friends... Jack is it? Anyway, he sent those photos over to my friend and we were looking at them, and that's when I saw this guy dressed as Snake... yo, I know this guy from somewhere!

    • Like 1

  4. I used to think like you Qd, bunch of bastards wanting me to pay them monthly for a game, but to be fair, I think it's alright paying that now, (usually) fast support for any problem, content coming in every few months, being subscription based - it filters quite a few morons you typically see in other online games, not all of them, but's it's definitely more mature compared to the likes of CS and whatnot.

    When I played WoW, I stopped even caring about other games, and today I don't see myself playing other video games besides WoW, just waiting for some better schedule to try the expansion out. Over the years, the game has sorta lost it's shine, but it's still the best online experience out there.

  5. Contracts might be worth it in America, but here in Portugal, the asshole of Europe, the contract is extremely shady - you're basically getting into a monthly (high) fee, that feed get added to calls/texts/browsing, and all of these things cost a lot of money with the plan they set you up with.

    Right now my contract gives me free calls and text messages to other people on the same plan and 250 free text messages to any other operator every month, all of that for 5 euros a month. If I were to get into these iPhone plans I'd be giving out 20 euros every month just for having that plan AND I wouldn't have any free calls or texts, the fees for that alone can easily escalate to 20+ euros, and I don't even want to talk about internet browsing fees.

    I'll keep my shit phone, out of principle.

  6. Resistances play a very small part in WoW Dup, a few good years ago there were a few raid bosses that required a certain amount of resistance (be it shadow, fire, nature, etc), but these days it's irrelevant, WoW is totally based on the trinity system.

    Leveling for me is unimportant and boring, the game really does only start at max level... couldn't care less about the journey to max level these days. Back in the day, before server transfers, leveling was alright, your server was truly your home, relationships were built while leveling, your reputation in the server was important, the people you grouped up with ended up being a reflection of what type of player you were.

    These days the game is just horrific, server transfers, faction changes, it killed the whole community, I haven't met anyone in-game these past 4 years or so, all the people I've met via WoW were from my early days, now they launched that piece of shit LFR, so everyone has a chance to see content and whatnot, I don't have a problem with people seeing the game, but everyone feels entitled to something these days in WoW, and that's not what MMOs should be about.

  7. I haven't played for a few good months, but I was very much into WoW.

    Started playing some time before TBC came out, but I had no clue back then, so nothing productive in my vanilla days... ended up getting into a very cool guild in the beginning of TBC and cleared pretty much all of the content with them... this was the golden days really. Halfway through Wotlk I gave it up, life was busy and the game was turning into shit really. Started playing again with Cata release, my old guild turned into a 10 man raiding guild and it was a positive change, we did pretty much everything on Heroic before major nerfs... I stopped playing when we killed that shit of a boss Deathwing (or is it Deadwing? shit) so yeah, I haven't touched the game since like March, I think.

    Doubt I'll be taking on raiding in MoP, don't really have the time or patience, I'll eventually try it out though.

    Oh, I've always played Resto Shaman, only class I actually enjoy.

  8. lol Cyantist, they would crucify you here for touching a teacher, you'd probably just get expelled really.

    This one day in my year 11, it was a pretty cold day, so the windows in my classroom were all foggy like... what do I decide to do? Draw a cock in it of course.

    That cock alone right there got me suspended for 3 days, 3 fucking days. Do you know what's like telling your parents you just got suspended for drawing a dick? It sucks.

    To be fair, that whole class got out of control, when the teacher got in and saw me finishing up my Picasso he just called me out and told me sit my ass. The rest of the class somehow got to a point where other kids were calling the teacher names and just making a huge mess, eventually the teacher gave the class an ultimatum - sit down, shut your face or I'm going to fill out a disciplinary case against the whole class - That got him about 2 seconds of silence, suddenly this kid, a gypsy (fucking gypsies man!!) just blurts out the loudest 'FUCK YOU' and that was it lol.

    When I was called to the principal's office the teacher pretty much introduced me as "AND THIS IS THE KID THAT WAS DRAWING PENISES ON MY WAY IN"... Wow dude, it was ONE penis, ya?

    3 days, shit.

  9. I got robbed a few times as a kid, nothing one could do about it really, it was either whatever money I had in my pockets for lunch or getting my ass whooped.

    This one day in school, we were all playing football and this black kid I knew shows up really mad... he was carrying a fire extinguisher in his hand, I'm looking at him thinking 'what's this crazy nigga gonna do', we had this grass ramp leading to the football field, he starts going down towards us and suddenly just throws the fucking thing in another kids direction, misses him, fire extinguisher hits the ground and just starts flying all over the place lol, a few kids got hit by it, one of the goal bars got DENTED from that shit hitting it, crazy. It was like 10 seconds or so where the fire extinguisher just looked like a bullet flying around.

    The police was called to escort the kid and to this day I don't know what the fuck he was so mad about, never saw him again.

  10. The memories I best kept from school aren't actually inside school grounds, but walking home from school.

    I lived in a very bad part of Lisbon, and my school was somewhat far away from home, so I had to walk long distances to and from school every day, to put things in perspective, this is what I had to cross to get home:

    You know you're fucked when they start making TV commercials about it.

    Anyway, I've built good friendships with the people I used to walk home with, the most vivid memory I have is of these 3 gypsy kids who approached me and my friend, I used to be pretty slick on avoiding this shit, I already knew a lot of people and I could always find something in common with these problematic kids, like have their brothers/cousins in my class/football team, bottom line: I very rarely had to defend myself or give any of my stuff to these kids.

    This time though, they were having none of it. Goddamn gypsies. Immediately one of them grabs my friend while another brings out this fucking butterfly knife and demands we give them all our shit, backpacks and shoes. I try to defuse the situation, I recognized one of them from the local football fields, just trying to reason with them, but it just wasn't happening.

    We were on the side of a road and there was a bunch of construction equipment laying there, I think this was the day I grew some balls because my ultimate reaction was to pick this iron piece thing (like the ones they use to mark the area on the road that's under construction) and I just go to town with that thing... first kid got it straight in the head and that was it, ground with him, I was going full fucking ninja blademaster on these gypsies, they let go of my friend to deal with me, the one with the fucking knife starts coming my way and this motherfucker wasn't playing games, he would have killed me right there if he had the chance to. I'm trying to hit him and he's trying to stab me - then it got like, movie scene like, I do this spin with the iron bar and hit jackpot on his ribs, like I could feel something breaking on impact, at the same time he slashes with his knife in the air and hits my hand, nasty cut right there, but I was still the winner, that cunt was lying on the ground gritting his teeth in pain.

    My friend was kicking the remaining kids ass, they were both bloody as hell, shit got very real in those minutes, we start ganging up on this last kid and he eventually ran way, at this point I knew we had to get out of there fast, gypsies are like cockroaches, if you see one there's probably a thousand of them hiding behind, so we ran out of that neighborhood fast, we exchange some REAL bro fists and go up to our respective homes.

    My mom freaked at the sight of me lol, I was shaking real bad, had blood all over my clothes from the last kid, one of my hands was dripping blood like a fountain, and in the other hand I was still carrying that piece of iron.

    She rushed me into the the hospital and I had to get a tetanus shot just to avoid any immediate problems from the knife, I still have a pretty visible scar from that day in my hand

    This was the type of shit I got into a lot in those 3 years at that school, had to fight a few times, had to run a lot of times, sometimes we would have a lot of fun getting sidetracked and spending whole afternoons playing football and shit, those 3 years built character and friendships for life, I wouldn't want to go back to that though.