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Posts posted by complixicata1

  1. About time.

    Not really bothered about the apartment, just the garage space. We'll just have to wait and see what the contact missions throw up. But anything on top of what we already have would be good enough, you can only repeat Rooftop Rumble SO many times in a row before you go nuts, after all.

    And as a two-wheel lover, I can't wait to take that Dinka Thrust for a spin.

  2. Nats. After playing as them in MLB 13: The Show last year, I've decided to adopt them as my team.

    I'll watch anyone play though. Watched the White Sox play Minnesota yesterday. Unfortunately I had to endure the Hawk (seriously, what the hell is wrong with that guy?), but it's always fun winding up Sox fans who seem to think the sun shines out of his arse.

  3. Collision-less races you say? About fucking time.

    And of course I'm sold on multiple properties. It would be nice to have the opportunity to own some property in Blaine County though...

    If however, they want to offer property in Mirror Park, I'll be happy. I've wanted to channel my inner hipster since day one.

  4. As a brief aside and coincidence, maybe I should point out that I write a music-oriented blog on tumblr entitled Enigmatic Shenanigans, go look for it if you want. And I first started it back in 2011 before I met anyone here, so no accusations of name stealing please.

    Okay, to thoughts and photos. Good to play again for the first time in weeks, despite being completely shit. It was a bit embarrassing actually. But at least there were no griefing idiots this time. I won't be around for the next three weeks as my first love and main passion - live music events - takes me to London and Bristol. So gtagrl will probably be last again, unless yesterday's performance signalled a change in fortunes.

    Looks like I missed a lot of the post-playlist fun, but by then it was 1:30am on this side of the Atlantic and I had things to do in the morning, so just a handful of photos from me.

    gtagrl lining everyone into position outside Shenanigans bar, right before I joined the shot at her beckoning, and before DiO deciding to do a performance rendition of 'Jump Around'


    Gee, I dunno. You have the perfect picture lined up, and then this happens right as you press snap...


    Hmmm, maybe a truck trampoline update from R* is now on the cards?


    "Stay there, stay there!!!!!!!" screamed I whilst scrambling to get out the camera again to snap the "Flying Rat" (Loader).


    That door glitch sure was interesting,

    • Like 5

  5. Hello people, I'm back for this one, haven't felt like playing with anyone else over the past few weeks. Just got fed up with the griefing behaviour (I think the regulars players and associates all know who I'm referring to).

    So it will be good to catch up again, especially as I'm going to be away for the next three Mondays after that.

    • Like 2

  6. First off, apologies to everyone who tried to get me back after the playlist ended. I just felt pissed off after it all and not in the mood to be sociable.

    Again, I'll go with the thumbed-up photos.

    More than one person liked this, I don't see it myself...


    Seriously bOnEs, this one? I would be very interested to know what you saw in it...


    "Thank you for flying Ghostman Airlines. You may expect turbulence as we take you upwards and try to deposit you on the wings of the statue."


    And finally, my attempt to snap the 'Fight Night' action, despite being punched and killed when outside the arena...


    • Like 2

  7. Okay, so bOnEs was kind enough to thumb up the first three of my photos you see here, so here they are:

    While everyone else was dicking about in the desert, I went away several times to go and pick up crate drops. I returned in time to snap my take on the bloody carnage...


    Ah, so THAT'S how you do the black-and-white thing. Another view of what I'm calling the "Rat-Loader Spit Roast" over at LSC...


    Meanwhile, over at Vanilla Unicorn, Chastity looks somewhat cross...


    Finally, seeing as DiO does likes a good close-up, I thought I'd do a picture of him lining up another one...


    • Like 5

  8. Good news if you have played a phone mission you can now play it without ringing the guys. Go on host mission -> Rockstar created -> Missions. They should all be on there as long as you played it through a phone message. Someone's wish has come true.

    Good. About fucking time.

  9. icon11.gif



    lol again, idk. I find super close ups funny. tried getting one of kuz. he wouldnt stop fucking moving

    I didn't even realise you did this. Sneaky.

    Anyway, here's my "Hi, I'm complix, I'm just going to stand over here on my pink Patriot, and watch the carnage unfold behind me" shot...


    And I'm still buzzing after that mountain race win on the Sanchez. My biggest concern was that you'd all gang up on me with your monster trucks and knock me from pillar to post, but thankfully I had enough speed to keep you in my rear view mirror.